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189 ReactJs Featured Components

Are you looking for ReactJs Featured Components If yes then you are on right place because here we have collected most popular 189 ReactJs Featured Components for you. you can choose any of following ReactJs Featured Components which suits best to your web based projects, These all are highly rated ReactJs Featured Components.

A very simple and powerful state management solution for React and Inferno. Installation: # NPM $ npm install laco –save $ npm install laco-react –save Preview:.....
Featured Others React

React Navigation Extension for Collapsible Header. Make your header of react-navigation collapsible......
Featured Others React Native

This React module provides a way to render a popover/tooltip style component when text is selected......
Featured React Text

Re-jok is a lightweight, easy-to-use React UI component library built with styled-components......
Featured Others React

This is a pure javascript and react-native Button component with a Spinner embedded in it......
Featured Loading React

A React component to create fancy action buttons with bursting particle effects in the applications......
Animation Featured React

A React and Slate based editor that powers the Outline wiki and can also be used for displaying content in a read-only fashion......
Featured React Text

Evergreen is a React UI Framework that you can never predict all future requirements, only prepare for it. .....
Featured Framework React

A beautiful site navigation bar to be proud of. Powered by styled components inspired by stripe.com......
Featured Navigation_Menu React

React Native Chart Kit helps you create Line Chart, Bezier Line Chart, Progress Ring, Bar chart, Pie chart, Contribution graph (heatmap), etc......
Chart_Graph Featured React Native

react-values gives you a set of simple, composable helpers that let you build more complex, stateful UI components like toggles, dropdowns, lists, checkbox groups, popovers, tooltips, you name it......
Featured Others React

A responsive, touch-enabled, highly configurable and easy to use React Component to notify your users......
Featured Notification React

react-graceful-image is an image component for gracefully dealing with image errors by providing optional lazy loading, optional placeholder and configurable retries on failure......
Featured Image Loading React

rifm is a tiny React component to transform any input component into formatted or masked input......
Featured Form React

A React FLIP animation helper library for advanced, configurable transitions......
Animation Featured React

fusuma is a presentation library for React that makes it easier to create presentation slides from markdown......
Featured React Slider

A React component to crop images with easy interactions......
Featured Image React

react-window provides a set of React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data......
Featured Others React

The easy React Native motion component changes your application from the left one to the right one......
Animation Featured React Native

The React Progressive Images With Lazy Loading component loads low resolution/ placeholder image first and then load the actual image lazily when it’s in the viewport......
Featured Image Loading React

A React component to asynchronously load images, which will adapt based on network, which will allow a user to control, which image to load......
Featured Image Loading React

A tiny React state management library that lets you work with local state and scale up to global state with ease when needed......
Featured Others React

react-awesome-slider is a 60fps, extendable, highly customizable, production-ready React Component that renders a media (image/video) gallery slider/carousel......
Featured React Slider

This is a path recognizing component for React app......
Featured Others React

React Lazy Images is a set of component and utilities for lazy image loading in React......
Featured Image Loading React

An immutable React state management library with a simple mutable API, memoized selectors, and structural sharing......
Featured Others React

A minimal, accessible React/Preact calendar component using modern CSS, for modern browsers......
Date_Time Featured React

react-data-fetching provides a very intuitive way to perform any REST API call without hassle, through a single React component......
Featured Others React

The React motions library helps compose React animations using High-Order functions or components......
Animation Featured React

A new interaction way based on weex & react native & html5. The binding provides a way called expression binding for handling complex user interaction with views at 60 FPS in React Native and weex......
Animation Featured React

gymnast is a configurable grid and layout engine for React. With gymnast, you can eliminate your layout css or reduce it to just a few lines......
Featured Layout React

The Card Stack React component allows you to achieve a UI similar to the iOS Passbook app......
Featured Others React

react-marker is a React component that highlights and adds custom colors to your text......
Featured React Text

The AutoAnimate provides a very simple declarative API interface for React Native animations, using render props......
Animation Featured React Native

react-slider-kit is going to be a comprehensive solution to slider feature in react......
Featured Form React

A simple library that creates Bottom Action Sheet according to the Material Design Specs......
Featured Others React Native

The missing React Native UI Kit for iOS that supports for basic iOS components like SegmentedControl, SearchBar, TabBar, Slider, TableView and many more......
Featured Others React Native

A React Native number ticker component for creating rotating animations......
Animation Featured React Native

Twitter inspired React Native App Loader that shows an expanding image as a mask on your app......
Featured Loading React Native

react-native-app-intro is a react native component to implement a parallax scrolling welcome page base on react-native-swiper......
Featured Others React Native

The React Idle Detection component use to notify your app when the user is idle......
Featured Notification React

A React component that uses SVG to create content loaders which simulate the structure of the content that will be loaded......
Featured Loading React

react-yt is a YouTube player component for React following the render props pattern......
Audio_Video Featured React

React layout component based on CSS Grid Layout and built with styled-components......
Featured Layout React

react-native-largelist is a high-performance list component for React Native that supports both iOS and Android......
Featured React Native Scroll

An easy to use React Native component to render a Masonry-like layout for remote images......
Featured Layout React Native

An animated, configurable, dynamic circle menu component for React Native......
Featured Navigation_Menu React Native

The Reactour component lets you create an interactive guided tour for your web app......
Featured Others React

A performant React Native image component handles image caching like browsers for the most part......
Featured Image Loading React Native

tipsi-stripe is a React Native Stripe binding for iOS/Android platforms......
Featured Others React Native

The excellent drag-n-drop email editor as a React.js wrapper component......
Featured Others React

Just another configurable rich text editor for React.js app, based on Draft.js......
Featured React Text

React Slidy – Minimalistic and smooth touch slider component for React......
Featured React Slider

react-form is an extensive, simple, and efficient solution for creating simple to complex forms in react......
Featured Form React

The react-image-palette component allows you to dynamically generate a WCAG compliant color palette from any image......
Featured Image React

React Router is a collection of navigational components that compose declaratively with your application......
Featured Others React

chartify is a React.js plugin for building animated draggable and customizable charts......
Chart_Graph Featured React

A simple, dynamic resizable component for React.js application......
Featured Others React

An svg map component built with and for React. It allows the creation of pure react svg maps......
Featured Others React

react-imgpro is an image processing component for React. This component process an image with filters supplied as props and returns a base64 image......
Featured Image React

The React Network component notifies your app when the network goes offline and back online......
Featured Others React

The react-move component provides beautiful, data-driven animations for React......
Animation Featured React

Offline and Online components for React that track offline and online state. Render certain content only when online (or only when offline)......
Featured Others React

Beautiful, accessible drag and drop for lists with React.js. .....

Configurable parallax swiper based on an iOS pattern. Uses Native Driver for super smooth parallax......
Featured React Native Scroll

Responsive, minimalistic and full-featured native masonry layout (grid) for React JS......
Featured Layout React

react-table is a lightweight, fast and extendable datagrid built for React......
Featured React Table

React Native Fingerprint Scanner is a React Native library for authenticating users with Fingerprint (TouchID). Installation: $ npm install react-native-fingerprint-scanner –save Preview:.....
Featured Others React Native

This is a collection of primitive components that you can compose together to create an autocomplete component which you can reuse in your application......
Featured Form React

A javascript only performant, customizable 3d swiper for react-native......
Featured React Native Slider

A set of higher order React components for file uploading with progress......
Featured Form React

Simple yet highly customizable line charts for React applications......

A React Native Document Scanner for iOS that features live border detection, perspective correction, image filters and more......
Featured Others React Native

React CSS Layout Debugger that generates customizable grids for debugging your CSS layout......
Featured Layout React

The React Native Payments component accept payments with Apple Pay using the Payment Request API......
Featured Others React Native

Blueprint is a React-based UI toolkit for the web. It is optimized for building complex, data-dense web interfaces for desktop applications......
Featured Others React

The react-hold automatically shows a well-fitting placeholder for dumb component while its content is loading......
Featured Others React

Re-F|ex is a collection of Resizable Flex layout container components for advanced React web applications......
Featured Layout React

A react native mobile starter kit with over 40 screens and theme hot reload support......
Featured Others React Native

Easily link to other apps in React Native. If the app isn’t installed on the user’s phone, open the App Store or Play Store link instead......
Featured Others React Native

An experimental library for animated state transitions that update with your data......
Animation Featured React

Expenses is a progressive web application on top of Google Sheets written in React......
Featured Others React

A ScrollView Component For React Native that comes with a parallax scrolling effect when swiping......
Featured React Native Scroll

A GLModelView component for React Native, allowing you to display and animate any Wavefront......
Featured Others React Native

A tiny ES6 library to use emojione’s emojis in React applications......
Featured React Text

React Move – Beautifully and deterministically animate anything in React......
Animation Featured React

A simple and highly customizable react component to create a spreadsheet......
Featured React Table

A React component that enables the autocomplete functionality inside your text fields......

react-mosaic is a full-featured React Tiling Window Manager meant to give a user complete control over their workspace......
Featured Others React

A springy, composable parallax-scroller for React......
Featured React Scroll

A collection of react components to render common data visualization charts, such as line/area/bar charts, heat maps, scatterplots, pie and donut charts with fixed headers and tree maps......
Chart_Graph Featured React

A flexible navigation library for React Native and web, including customizable views for React Native, routers for any platform, and navigators......
Featured Navigation_Menu React Native

A React wrapper for the Chart.js 2 that helps you generate flexible, animated, interactive charts for web applications......
Chart_Graph Featured React

A super easy animation library for React built on top of Anime.js......
Animation Featured React

A flamechart component (based on Chrome DevTools). Can be used as a React component or used as a standalone library......
Featured Others React

The Pigeon Maps component aims to provide a performance-first React-centric extendable map engine......
Featured Others React

A React View-Pager/Slider/Carousel component powered by React Motion......
Carousel Featured React

React.js plugin for building a linechart. Bar chart, calendar view visualisation. Diagram, graph, pyramid visualisation of large datasets......
Chart_Graph Featured React

react-presents is a simple, responsive slideshow / presentation framework for ReactJS applications......
Featured React Slider

react-screen is a React component used for generating a carousel to present your banner in a fancy way. Features: Immersive: fullscreen, full experience. Customizable: put whatever you like. Modularized: clean, clear, clever. Live.....
Carousel Featured React

react-animations is a collection of animations that can be used with any inline style library that supports using objects to define keyframe animations......
Animation Featured React

React Coverflow is a React component for building cover flow style carousel in a convenient way......
Carousel Featured React

React component to wrap content in Collapsible element with trigger to open and close......

A simple component for easily declaring mounting and unmounting transitions. Built for react-router, powered by react-motion......
Animation Featured React

Text inputs with custom label and icon animations for iOS and android......
Featured Form React Native

Emoji Mart is a Slack-like customizable emoji picker component for React......
Featured Others React

React component for transportation of modals, lightboxes, loading bars… to document.body......
Featured Others

React-Flexbox-Grid is a set of React components that implement flexboxgrid.css......
Featured Layout React

Rheostat is a mobile, tablet, desktop, and accessible slider component built with React......
Featured React Slider

This is the ViewPager componnent in React Native both for Android and iOS......
Featured Others React Native

A highly customizable React tooltip component that will always follow your cursor when mouse hovers and moves......
Featured Others React

An Overlay component that brings content inside to the front of the view regardless of its current position in the component tree......
Featured Modal_Popup React Native

An open source library that will allow developers the ability to reroute D3 output to React’s virtual DOM......
Chart_Graph Featured React

The Joyride component helps you create walkthroughs and guided tours for your ReactJS apps......
Featured Others React

A drop-in replacement for ReactTransitionGroup that allows interruptible transitions and specifying transition order......
Animation React

An off-canvas sidebar React component with a collection of effects and styles using CSS transitions and SVG path animations......
Featured Navigation_Menu React

ReactBash is a configurable / extendable bash terminal component. It provides an easy way of adding a terminal to your application......
Featured Others React

react-native-chart is a simple module for adding line charts, area charts, or bar charts to your React Native app......
Chart_Graph Featured React

React Sidebar is a sidebar navigation component for React 0.14+......
Featured Navigation_Menu React

Infinite scrolling date-picker built with React, with localization, themes, keyboard support, and more......
Date_Time Featured React

A Collection of Color Pickers from Sketch, Photoshop, Chrome & more......
Featured Others React

Sortable, filterable, zoomable, ReactJS grid component using an absolute transform3d layout for React 0.13.x and ES6......
Featured Layout React

Griddle is a simple grid component for use with React......
Featured React Table

Like the normal OS selection, it builds in algorithm for detect two rectangles are overlap, so the performance is pretty fast......
Featured Form React

A collection of React components using the UIkit CSS framework......
Featured Others React

A flexible and beautiful Select Input control for ReactJS with multiselect, autocomplete and ajax support......
Featured Form React

React Native Desktop helps you build OS X desktop apps using React Native and Cocoa......
Featured Others React Native

3000 Customizable Icons for React Native with support for NavBar/TabBar/ToolbarAndroid, image source and full stying......
Featured Others React Native

Excel-like grid component built with React, with editors, keyboard navigation, copy & paste, and the like......
Featured React Table

React-Grid-Layout is a draggable and resizablegrid layout system with responsive breakpoints......
Featured Layout React

React Flip Move creates Effortless animation between DOM changes (eg. list reordering) using the FLIP technique......
Animation Featured React

SwipeListView is a React Native ListView component with rows that swipe open and closed......
Featured Others React Native

Victory is an opinionated, but fully overridable, ecosystem of composable React components for building interactive data visualizations......
Chart_Graph Featured React

react-map-gl provides a React friendly API wrapper around Mapbox GL JS. A webGL based vector tile mapping library......
Featured Others React

neal-react is a collection of reactjs components to quickly build landing pages......
Featured Others React

google-map-react is a component written over a small set of the Google Maps API......
Featured Others React

Structor is an user interface builder for Web applications with React UI......
Featured Others React

React components for interacting with the Velocity.js DOM animation library......
Animation Featured React

React Storybook allows you to develop and design React UI components without running your app......
Featured Others React

A pure JavaScript component for react-native to replace the SliderIOS......
Featured React Native Slider

A spring that solves your animation problems. This library should Just Work under the new React-Native......
Animation Featured React

A tiny React.js wrapper component that lets you trigger β€œanimated lines” in your SVGs......
Animation Featured React

Spectacle is a ReactJS based presentation library where you can write your decks in JSX......
Featured Others React

Searchkit is a collection of React UI components / widgets that make it easier to build a great search experience with Elasticsearch......
Featured Others React

A simple, configurable, animated tree view control for React......
Featured Others React

React Tabulator is an advanced table library to create interactive tables and data grids based on the tabulator library......
Featured React Table

react-spring is a spring-physics based animation library that should cover most of your UI related animation needs......
Animation Featured React

React Virtuoso is a simple, easy to use React component made to render huge data lists......
Featured React Scroll

Unform is a performance-focused library that helps you create beautiful forms in React with the power of uncontrolled components performance and React Hooks......
Featured Form React

React component and hook for declarative promise resolution and data fetching. Leverages the Render Props pattern and Hooks for ultimate flexibility as well as the new Context API for ease of use......
Featured Others React

Loading spinners for React, built with styled-components......
Featured Loading React

The File System In Web allows a user to navigate through a folder structure(dummy) just like a normal desktop file system......
Featured Others React

A simple and powerful API client for React. Use hooks or FACCs to fetch data in easy way. No dependencies!.....
Featured Others React

A tiny routing solution for modern React apps that relies on Hooks......
Featured Others React

React95 is a UI component library inspired on the Windows 95 UI design......
Featured Framework React

BaseTable is a react table component to display large data set with high performance and flexibility......
Featured React Table

An accessible WAI-ARIA 1.1-compliant Radio Group React component......
Featured Form React

react-snakke is a React component to display a top reading/scroll position indicator on the app......
Featured React Scroll

React components for easily composing a circular range input......
Featured Form React

react-movable is an accessible and tiny React component that provides the Drag and drop functionality for your React lists and tables. .....
Featured Others React

Create magical move transitions between scenes in React Native......
Animation Featured React Native

The React Native Image Filter Kit provides various image filters for iOS & Android. Installation: # NPM $ npm install react-native-image-filter-kit –save Preview:.....
Featured Image React Native

Sideswipe is a simple, cross-platform React Native swipeable carousel with sensible defaults......
Carousel Featured React Native

A fashion, touch-friendly fluid media gallery component built with React and WebGL......
Featured Gallery React

Black Dashboard React is a beautiful Bootstrap 4 (Reactstrap) Admin Dashboard with a huge number of components built to fit together and look amazing......
Featured Framework React

React Albus is a React component library used to build declarative multi-step journeys (also known as Wizards)......
Featured Others React

A fully-featured typing animation in React that supports any valid JSX......
Animation React