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React Navigation Extension for Collapsible Header. Make your header of react-navigation collapsible.

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React Navigation Extension for Collapsible Header. Make your header of react-navigation collapsible.

Try Expo Snack

Try Example.

$ cd example $ npm install $ react-native run-ios $ react-native run-android 


react-navigation v2?

If you're using react-navigation v2, please use [email protected] and 2.0.0 README.


If you use Expo, add this lines to your App.js. (It only affects Android)

/* Support Expo */ import { setExpoStatusBarHeight } from 'react-navigation-collapsible'; import { Constants } from 'expo'; setExpoStatusBarHeight(Constants.statusBarHeight); 

Default Header


import { withCollapsible } from 'react-navigation-collapsible'; const AnimatedFlatList = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(FlatList);  class MyScreen extends Component{   static navigationOptions = {     title: 'My Screen'   };    render(){     const { paddingHeight, animatedY, onScroll } = this.props.collapsible;      return (       <AnimatedFlatList          ...         contentContainerStyle={{paddingTop: paddingHeight}}         scrollIndicatorInsets={{top: paddingHeight}}         _mustAddThis={animatedY}         onScroll={onScroll}           // if you want to use 'onScroll' callback.         // onScroll={Animated.event(         //   [{nativeEvent: {contentOffset: {y: animatedY}}}],         //   {useNativeDriver:true, listener:this.onScroll})}          />     )   } }  export default withCollapsible(MyScreen, {iOSCollapsedColor: '#031'}); 

See example/src/S0_DefaultHeader.js

Extra Header (Search Bar)

See example/src/S1_ExtraHeader.js

Default Header With Tab

See example/src/S2_DefaultHeaderForTab.js and example/src/TabChild1Screen.js

Extra Header With Tab (e.g Facebook Group)

See example/src/S3_ExtraHeaderForTab.js and example/src/TabChild1Screen.js


HoC and config method

type CollapsibleParams = {   iOSCollapsedColor: string, // iOS only } | {   collapsibleComponent: React.Component,   collapsibleBackgroundStyle: {     ...React.Style   } & {     disableFadeoutInnerComponent?: boolean,     paddingBottom?: number,   } }  function withCollapsible (WrappedScreen, collapsibleParams: CollapsibleParams = {}) function withCollapsibleForTab (MaterialTapNavigator, collapsibleParams: CollapsibleParams = {}) function withCollapsibleForTabChild (WrappedScreen)  function setExpoStatusBarHeight (height) // expo only function setSafeBounceHeight (height) 

Given props

render () {   const {     paddingHeight,     translateY, // 0 ~ collapsibleHeaderHeight     translateOpacity, // 1.0 ~ 0.0     translateProgress, // 0.0 ~ 1.0     animatedY,     onScroll,    } = this.props.collapsible;    ... } 


When scroll slowly, the layout is flickering on Android.

This is react-native's regression bug on Android. Here is a workaround. facebook/react-native#15445 (comment)

With State persistence #40

react-navigation provides State persistence as experimental feature. Unfortunately, collapsible header stops collapsible when you use it.

With SectionList #37


  • iOS 11 Style Header
  • Hiding bottom tab


  • PR is welcome. Please create issue or PR with a sample react-navigation code or Expo Snack.
  • If you've got good example using this module, please update /example.

Dependencies Version of Example

  • react-native: 0.57.8, latest: npm
  • react-navigation: 3.0.9, latest: npm

I've ensured this module is compatible with react-native >=0.56 and react-navigation >=2.11.2. But it does not mean it's not compatible with older versions.

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