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Text inputs with custom label and icon animations for iOS and android.

Featured Form React Native


React Native Textinput Effects

I've come across with those beautiful text inputs created and blogged by Codrops and wanted to port them to react-native. Some of those text fields are now ready to use in iOS and android thanks to react-native.

There is also a native iOS library called TextFieldEffects which has built some of them in Swift.


The latest version of this project needs react-native >= 0.55(March 2018 release) due to createRef usage. Go with the latest version:

$ npm install react-native-textinput-effects --save

You can stick with version 0.4 if you have an older react-native version:

$ npm install react-native-textinput-effects@0.4.2 --save

You also need to install react-native-vector-icons if you'd like to use a TextInputEffect component with an icon. Please check out Installation section on that project.

How to use

Common Props

Prop Type Description
label String Displayed as placeholder string of the input.
style View Style Object Applied to the root container of the input.
labelStyle View Style Object Applied to the container of the label view.
inputStyle Text Style Object Applied to the TextInput component.
value String This value will be applied to the TextInput and change it's state on every render. Use this prop if you want a Controlled Component.
defaultValue String If you want to initialize the component with a non-empty value, you can supply a defaultValue prop. This prop creates an Uncontrolled Component and is only used during initial render.

You can also use default TextInput Props. They'll be passed into TextInput component. E.g., use TextInput's onChange prop to be notified on text changes.

<Sae   onChangeText={(text) => { this.setState({textValue: text}) } />

Props for TextInputEffects with an Icon

This component needs Icon component from react-native-vector-icons to operate with icons. You should import it before creating a TextInputEffects component.

import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome';

Prop Type Description
iconClass Object The Icon component class you've imported from react-native-vector-icons.
iconName String Name of the icon that is passed to Icon component.
iconColor String Applied to the Icon component.
iconSize Number Applied to the Icon component.


See TextInputEffectsExample.js file.

Follow those steps to run the example:

  1. Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/halilb/react-native-textinput-effects && cd react-native-textinput-effects/Example
  2. Install dependencies `npm install``
  3. Follow official instructions to run the example project in a simulator or device.

You can also check out the example library without any installation on Appetize.io!

Input Types


import FontAwesomeIcon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome'; import { Sae } from 'react-native-textinput-effects';  const saeInput = (   <Sae     label={'Email Address'}     iconClass={FontAwesomeIcon}     iconName={'pencil'}     iconColor={'white'}     inputPadding={16}     labelHeight={24}     // active border height     borderHeight={2}     // TextInput props     autoCapitalize={'none'}     autoCorrect={false}   /> );


import FontAwesomeIcon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome'; import { Fumi } from 'react-native-textinput-effects';  const fumiInput = (   <Fumi     label={'Course Name'}     iconClass={FontAwesomeIcon}     iconName={'university'}     iconColor={'#f95a25'}     iconSize={20}     iconWidth={40}     inputPadding={16}   /> );


Kohana supports Animated Native Driver. You can use native driver by passing useNativeDriver.

import MaterialsIcon from 'react-native-vector-icons/MaterialIcons'; import { Kohana } from 'react-native-textinput-effects';  const kohanaInput = (   <Kohana     style={{ backgroundColor: '#f9f5ed' }}     label={'Line'}     iconClass={MaterialsIcon}     iconName={'directions-bus'}     iconColor={'#f4d29a'}     inputPadding={16}     labelStyle={{ color: '#91627b' }}     inputStyle={{ color: '#91627b' }}     labelContainerStyle={{ padding: 20 }}     iconContainerStyle={{ padding: 20 }}     useNativeDriver   /> );


import FontAwesomeIcon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome'; import { Makiko } from 'react-native-textinput-effects';  const makikoInput = (   <Makiko     label={'Comment'}     iconClass={FontAwesomeIcon}     iconName={'comment'}     iconColor={'white'}     inputPadding={16}     inputStyle={{ color: '#db786d' }}   /> );

Note: Icon component expands and covers the input. So, the icon should not have any blank spaces for the animation experience. This is the limitation for Makiko.


import { Isao } from 'react-native-textinput-effects';  const isaoInput = (   <Isao     label={'First Name'}     // this is applied as active border and label color     activeColor={'#da7071'}     // active border height     borderHeight={8}     inputPadding={16}     labelHeight={24}     // this is applied as passive border and label color     passiveColor={'#dadada'}   /> );


import { Hoshi } from 'react-native-textinput-effects';  const hoshiInput = (   <Hoshi     label={'Town'}     // this is used as active border color     borderColor={'#b76c94'}     // active border height     borderHeight={3}     inputPadding={16}     // this is used to set backgroundColor of label mask.     // please pass the backgroundColor of your TextInput container.     backgroundColor={'#F9F7F6'}   /> );


import { Jiro } from 'react-native-textinput-effects';  const jiroInput = (   <Jiro     label={'Dog\'s name'}     // this is used as active and passive border color     borderColor={'#9b537a'}     inputPadding={16}     inputStyle={{ color: 'white' }}   /> );


import { Kaede } from 'react-native-textinput-effects';  const kaedeInput = (   <Kaede     label={'Website'}     inputPadding={16}   /> );


import { Akira } from 'react-native-textinput-effects';  const akiraInput = (   <Akira     label={'First Name'}     // this is used as active and passive border color     borderColor={'#a5d1cc'}     inputPadding={16}     labelHeight={24}     labelStyle={{ color: '#ac83c4' }}   /> );


import { Madoka } from 'react-native-textinput-effects';  const madokaInput = (   <Madoka     label={'Frequency'}     // this is used as active and passive border color     borderColor={'#aee2c9'}     inputPadding={16}     labelHeight={24}     labelStyle={{ color: '#008445' }}     inputStyle={{ color: '#f4a197' }}   /> );


import FontAwesomeIcon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome'; import { Hideo } from 'react-native-textinput-effects';  const hideoInput = (   <Hideo     iconClass={FontAwesomeIcon}     iconName={'envelope'}     iconColor={'white'}     // this is used as backgroundColor of icon container view.     iconBackgroundColor={'#f2a59d'}     inputStyle={{ color: '#464949' }}   /> );



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