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SwipeListView is a React Native ListView component with rows that swipe open and closed.

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<SwipeListView> is a ListView with rows that swipe open and closed. Handles default native behavior such as closing rows when ListView is scrolled or when other rows are opened.

Also includes <SwipeRow> if you want to use a swipeable row outside of the <SwipeListView>



Try it out! https://snack.expo.io/@jemise111/react-native-swipe-list-view

(What's a Snack?)


npm install --save react-native-swipe-list-view

Running the example

The application under ./SwipeListExample will produce the above example. To run execute the following:

  • git clone https://github.com/jemise111/react-native-swipe-list-view.git
  • cd react-native-swipe-list-view
  • cd SwipeListExample
  • yarn
  • react-native run-ios | react-native run-android


import { SwipeListView } from 'react-native-swipe-list-view';  render() {     return (         <SwipeListView             useFlatList             data={this.state.listViewData}             renderItem={ (data, rowMap) => (                 <View style={styles.rowFront}>                     <Text>I am {data.item} in a SwipeListView</Text>                 </View>             )}             renderHiddenItem={ (data, rowMap) => (                 <View style={styles.rowBack}>                     <Text>Left</Text>                     <Text>Right</Text>                 </View>             )}             leftOpenValue={75}             rightOpenValue={-75}         />     ) }

See example.js for full usage guide (including using <SwipeRow> by itself)


If your row is touchable (TouchableOpacity, TouchableHighlight, etc.) with an onPress function make sure renderItem returns the Touchable as the topmost element.


renderItem={ data => (     <TouchableHighlight onPress={this.doSomething.bind(this)}>         <View>             <Text>I am {data.item} in a SwipeListView</Text>         </View>     </TouchableHighlight> )}


renderItem={ data => (     <View>         <TouchableHighlight onPress={this.doSomething.bind(this)}>             <Text>I am {data.item} in a SwipeListView</Text>         </TouchableHighlight>     </View> )}

Component APIs

<SwipeListView />

<SwipeRow />

Flatlist / SectionList support

SwipeListView now supports FlatList and SectionList! (as of v1.0.0)

Please see the migrating-to-flatlist doc for all details. And see example.js for a full usage example.

You can continue to use the (deprecated) ListView component, however there are some BREAKING CHANGES that are explained in that doc as well

Other Useful Guides

  • Per Row Behavior (Define different swipe values, stop values, etc for each individual row)
  • UI Based On Swipe Values (aka the gmail effect - animate components in rows based on current swipe position)
  • Swipe To Delete (Swiping a row all the way across causes a delete animation)

Core Support

RN Core added a SwipeList component as of v0.27.0 It is actively being worked on and has no documentation yet. So I will continue to maintain this component until a future date.



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