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29 AngularJs Modal_popup Plugins

Are you looking for AngularJs Modal_popup Plugins If yes then you are on right place because here we have collected most popular 29 AngularJs Modal_popup Plugins for you. you can choose any of following AngularJs Modal_popup Plugins which suits best to your web based projects, These all are highly rated AngularJs Modal_popup Plugins.

Probably the best Angular 4+ modal and inline image gallery. Angular upgrade for ng-image-gallery. .....
Gallery Modal_Popup Plugins

Angular-modal-gallery is an Angular library to create image galleries of clickable thumbnails. After a click, it will display a modal window with full screen images. It’s also possible to navigate between these images with b.....
Gallery Modal_Popup Plugins

Angular2 Toasty component shows growl-style alerts and messages for your app. .....
Modal_Popup Plugins

The ngx-alerts component allows you to create nice, elegant toast notifications and alert popups on your web applications. .....
Modal_Popup Plugins

Angular image gallery simplifies the process of creating beautiful image gallery for the web and mobile devices. .....
Gallery Modal_Popup Plugins

Probably the best Angular responsive, fullscreen modal service. .....
Modal_Popup Plugins

A simple, lightweight module for displaying notifications in your Angular 2/4 app. .....
Modal_Popup Plugins

ngx-ui is a component and style library for Angular2+ projects. It takes hints from Google’s Material and Microsoft’s Neon projects to create a unique dark design style. .....
Calendar Modal_Popup Table Tabs

Simple-modal is a lightweight, reusable Angular 2.3.0 compatible solution that will create a modal dialog, add it to the DOM, and then remove the modal from the DOM when it is dismissed. The modal returns a promise indicating whic.....
Modal_Popup Plugins

This directive is designed to provide a general purpose overlay menu.Floating menu can be used for both flat and nested navigation structures.Desgined to be as simple as possible in order to afford intuitive interactions.Converted.....
Menu_Navigation Modal_Popup Plugins

This directive easily turns possible to create popovers associated with any kind of DOM elements. .....
Modal_Popup Plugins

This is a reusable AngularJS module to help integrate popup browser windows to your application. .....
Modal_Popup Plugins

A simple angular2 directive to display a bootstrap styled confirmation popover when an element is clicked. .....
Bootstrap Modal_Popup Plugins

Angular ask is a angularjs directive for custom confirm and prompt window box. .....
Modal_Popup Plugins

PrimeNG is a collection of rich UI components for AngularJS2. PrimeNG is a sibling of the popular JavaServer Faces Component Suite, PrimeFaces. .....
Chart_Graph Drag_Drop Gallery Menu_Navigation Modal_Popup Table

AngularMotion is an animation starter-kit built for AngularJS 1.2.0+. .....
Accordion Animation Modal_Popup Plugins

An elegant, easily customizable generic popover in Angular that transcludes custom HTML.Features:An angular directive for generic popovers.Popovers can contain simple text to complex html templates.Popovers can have callback funct.....
Modal_Popup Plugins

A simple yet highly customizable AngularJS module used to display different types of notification popups on the web application. .....
Modal_Popup Plugins

Angular service to easily display input prompts and confirmation modals. .....
Modal_Popup Plugins

ng-sweet-alert is an directive for sweet alert [sweetalert]. Integration of sweet alert becomes very easy with angular js. There is no need to write a single line of javascript code. Only few html attribute is enough to use sweeta.....
Modal_Popup Plugins

A simple modal library for AngularJS applications.Most modal libraries for Angular are either frustratingly complicated or annoyingly dependent on a ton of external stuff. Popeye is simple, self-contained, and just “pops up&.....
Animation Modal_Popup Plugins

AngularMotion is an animation starter-kit built for AngularJS#^1.2.These animations are useful for animated modal box, offcanvas menu and tooltips. .....
Animation Menu_Navigation Modal_Popup Plugins

Utility service for generating and handling modal alerts based on Bootstrap inside AngularJS . .....
Bootstrap Modal_Popup Plugins

AngularStrap is a set of native directives that enables seamless integration of Bootstrap 3.0+ into your AngularJS 1.2+ app.With no external dependency except the Bootstrap CSS styles, AngularStrap is light and fast. It has been b.....
Accordion Bootstrap Calendar Date_Time Forms Menu_Navigation Modal_Popup Tabs

Fo-Popover is a nice popover in angularjs with your define position. .....
Modal_Popup Plugins

ngDialog is ~10Kb, has minimalistic API, highly customizable through themes and has only Angular.js as dependency. .....
Modal_Popup Plugins

A simple responsive image gallery with thumbnail navigation built with AngularJS and JSON data. .....
Gallery Modal_Popup Plugins

A complete AngularJS service with controllers and templates for generating application modals and dialogs for use with Angular-UI-Bootstrap and Twitter Bootstrap .....
Bootstrap Modal_Popup Plugins