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A simple angular2 directive to display a bootstrap styled confirmation popover when an element is clicked.

Bootstrap Modal_Popup Plugins


Angular confirmation popover

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A simple angular 5.0+ directive to display a bootstrap styled confirmation popover when an element is clicked.

AngularJS 1.x version


Install through npm:

npm install --save angular-confirmation-popover 

Then use it in your app on a component:

 // include bootstrap - both v3 and v4 are supported  // if not using bootstrap you could implement the popover styles yourself import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css'; import { NgModule, Component } from '@angular/core'; import { ConfirmationPopoverModule } from 'angular-confirmation-popover';  // first add it to your apps module @NgModule({   declarations: [MyComponent],   imports: [     ConfirmationPopoverModule.forRoot({       confirmButtonType: 'danger' // set defaults here     })   ],   bootstrap: [MyComponent] }) class MyModule {}  // now use it within your component @Component({   selector: 'my-component',   template: `     <button       class="btn btn-default"       mwlConfirmationPopover       [popoverTitle]="popoverTitle"       [popoverMessage]="popoverMessage"       placement="left"       (confirm)="confirmClicked = true"       (cancel)="cancelClicked = true">       Click me!     </button>   ` }) class MyComponent {   public popoverTitle: string = 'Popover title';   public popoverMessage: string = 'Popover description';   public confirmClicked: boolean = false;   public cancelClicked: boolean = false; } 

You may also find it useful to view the demo source.


All documentation is auto-generated from the source via compodoc and can be viewed here: https://mattlewis92.github.io/angular-confirmation-popover/docs/

The main mwlConfirmationPopover directive options can be viewed here.


Prepare your environment

  • Install Node.js and NPM (should come with)
  • Install local dev dependencies: npm install while current directory is this repo

Development server

Run npm start to start a development server on port 8000 with auto reload + tests.


Run npm test to run tests once or npm run test:watch to continually run tests.


npm run release



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