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Material Design Color Picker directive for AngularJS.

Color Picker

Latest codepen.io example.

Reference the ui.bootstrap.materialPicker module

To use include the ui.bootstrap.materialPicker.js file and add a reference to the ui.bootstrap.materialPicker module.


<material-picker ng-model="color"></material-picker> <material-picker ng-model="color" format="'hex'" size="10" hover-model="hoverColor" size="15"></material-picker>
Attribute Default values Required
ng-model n/a string, object true
hover-model n/a object false
format 'object' 'object', 'hex' false
size 15 5 to n false


The required CSS is below.

.materialpicker-colors {     -webkit-user-select: none;     user-select: none;     position: relative;     border: 1px solid #FFF;     border-radius: 2px;     display: inline-block;     box-shadow: 0 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);     cursor: default; } .materialpicker-colors div.selected {     position: relative;     z-index: 2;     box-shadow: 0 0 4px #000;     border: 2px solid #FFF; } div.materialpicker-white.selected {     border-color: #78909C; } .materialpicker.ng-invalid .materialpicker-colors {     border-color: #a94442;     box-shadow: 0 1px 5px #a94442; }

Format Object

$scope.color = {   hex: '#990000',    Hex or RGB must be populated.   r: 153,            Red 0-255   g: 0,              Green 0-255   b: 0,              Blue 0-255   name: ''           Material Design Color Name or empty string };

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