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React Tabulator is an advanced table library to create interactive tables and data grids based on the tabulator library.

Featured React Table



Build Status

React Tabulator is based on tabulator - an advanced table library with many useful features.


🌟 Features

Tabulator's features:

  Filters      Sorting      Formatting    Grouping      Ajax      Editing    Virtualization   Pagination   Themes       A11y          I18n          Layouts   Frozen Cols/Rows   Key Binding  Responsive   Persisting    History       Calc      Validation   Clipboard    Tree Layout  Nested Tables 

Plus more features:

  • React 16.5.x
    • For React 15.x - import React15Tabulator
  • Typescript 3.x
  • Tslint
  • Jest-puppeteer for testing
  • React Cell Editors: DateEditor, MultiSelectEditor, etc.
  • React Cell Formatters: MultiValueFormatter, etc.
  • React Filters (TBD)

📦 Usage

$ npm install react-tabulator  import 'react-tabulator/lib/styles.css'; // required styles import 'react-tabulator/lib/css/tabulator.min.css'; // theme import { ReactTabulator } from 'react-tabulator'; // for React 15.x, use import { React15Tabulator }      <ReactTabulator columns={columns} data={data} options={} />  "options" will be passed directly to Tabulator's options. 

🔧 Commands

Require: NodeJS v8.12.0 + and yarn (optional)

$ npm run dev      Launch DEV mode $ npm run build    Make a build  $ npm run test     Run tests using jest-puppeteer (with headless Chrome) 

📖 Documentation

Change Log

🙌 Thanks

All contributions are welcome!


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