React Slidy
🖼️ 1:1 slider for any content- ⚡ Optimized for performance
⌨️ Supports keyboard navigation☝️ Only one virtual dep: intersection-observer😪 Lazy load support🗜️ 1KB gzipped (+1KB if you need intersection-observer)
React Slidy is a simple and minimal slider component. It was based on the fabulous lory.js slider altough as the main objective is to achieve the best performance and smoothness a lot of it was rewritten.
Browser compatibility
Supported browsers are:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari 6+
- Internet Explorer 11+
- Microsoft Edge 12+
If some of them doesn't work, please fill an issue.
Missing features that I'm willing to add
React Slidy intention is to offer a simple API and functionality. So, if you're missing a feature that's not listed here
- Infinity slider functionality
↔️ - Accesibility improvements
♿️ - Optimizations ⚡