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A javascript only performant, customizable 3d swiper for react-native.

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A javascript only performant, customisable 3d swiper for react-native.


Getting Started

import RNSwiper from 'react-native-3d-swiper'  onSwipeUp(index){   //parameter returned is the index of active child   console.log(index) }  onSwipeDown(index){   //parameter returned is the index of active child   console.log(index) }  onPress(index){   //parameter returned is the index of active child   console.log(index) }  <View  <RNSwiper       minimumScale={0.7}  //scale of out of focus components       minimumOpacity={0.9} // opacity of out of focus components       overlap={60}  // the degree to which components overlap.         cardWidth={400} // the width of each component       duration={100} // animation duration on swipe       swipeThreshold={100}// minimum distance to swipe to trigger change in state        onSwipeUp={this.onSwipeUp}       onSwipeDown={this.onSwipeDown}       onPress={this.onPress}       >         <SwipeCard color="#ebebeb" text="Hellooooo"/> {/* Takes any component as child */}         <SwipeCard color="#998877" text="Hellooooo"/>         <SwipeCard color="#123abc" text="Hellooooo"/>         <SwipeCard color="#ebebeb" text="Hellooooo"/>         <SwipeCard color="#987654" text="Hellooooo"/>     </RNSwiper> </View>


npm i --save react-native-3d-swiper 


TODO: Customisable animation, Lazy loading


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details

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