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React Native Chart Kit helps you create Line Chart, Bezier Line Chart, Progress Ring, Bar chart, Pie chart, Contribution graph (heatmap), etc.

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Chart Kit

📲See example app

React Native Chart Kit Documentation

Import components

  1. yarn add react-native-chart-kit
  2. Use with ES6 syntax to import components
import {   LineChart,   BarChart,   PieChart,   ProgressChart,   ContributionGraph,   StackedBarChart } from 'react-native-chart-kit' 

Quick Example

<View>   <Text>     Bezier Line Chart   </Text>   <LineChart     data={{       labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June'],       datasets: [{         data: [           Math.random() * 100,           Math.random() * 100,           Math.random() * 100,           Math.random() * 100,           Math.random() * 100,           Math.random() * 100         ]       }]     }}     width={Dimensions.get('window').width} // from react-native     height={220}     yAxisLabel={'$'}     chartConfig={{       backgroundColor: '#e26a00',       backgroundGradientFrom: '#fb8c00',       backgroundGradientTo: '#ffa726',       decimalPlaces: 2, // optional, defaults to 2dp       color: (opacity = 1) => `rgba(255, 255, 255, ${opacity})`,       style: {         borderRadius: 16       }     }}     bezier     style={{       marginVertical: 8,       borderRadius: 16     }}   /> </View>

Chart style object

Define a chart style object with following properies as such:

const chartConfig = {   backgroundGradientFrom: '#1E2923',   backgroundGradientTo: '#08130D',   color: (opacity = 1) => `rgba(26, 255, 146, ${opacity})`,   strokeWidth: 2 // optional, default 3 }
Property Type Description
backgroundGradientFrom string Defines the first color in the linear gradient of a chart's background
backgroundGradientTo string Defines the second color in the linear gradient of a chart's background
color function => string Defines the base color function that is used to calculate colors of labels and sectors used in a chart
strokeWidth Number Defines the base stroke width in a chart

Responsive charts

To render a responsive chart, use Dimensions react-native library to get the width of the screen of your device like such

import { Dimensions } from 'react-native' const screenWidth = Dimensions.get('window').width

Line Chart

Line Chart

const data = {   labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June'],   datasets: [{     data: [ 20, 45, 28, 80, 99, 43 ],     color: (opacity = 1) => `rgba(134, 65, 244, ${opacity})` // optional     strokeWidth: 2 // optional   }] }
<LineChart   data={data}   width={screenWidth}   height={220}   chartConfig={chartConfig} />
Property Type Description
data Object Data for the chart - see example above
width Number Width of the chart, use 'Dimensions' library to get the width of your screen for responsive
height Number Height of the chart
withDots boolean Show dots on the line - default: True
withShadow boolean Show shadow for line - default: True
withInnerLines boolean Show inner dashed lines - default: True
withOuterLines boolean Show outer dashed lines - default: True
fromZero boolean Render charts from 0 not from the minimum value. - default: False
yAxisLabel string Prepend text to horizontal labels -- default: ''
chartConfig Object Configuration object for the chart, see example config object above
decorator Function This function takes a whole bunch of stuff and can render extra elements, such as data point info or additional markup.
onDataPointClick Function Callback that takes {value, dataset, getColor}

Bezier Line Chart

Line Chart

<LineChart   data={data}   width={screenWidth}   height={220}   chartConfig={chartConfig}   bezier />
Property Type Description
bezier boolean Add this prop to make the line chart smooth and curvy

Progress Ring

Progress Chart

// each value represents a goal ring in Progress chart const data = [0.4, 0.6, 0.8]
<ProgressChart   data={data}   width={screenWidth}   height={220}   chartConfig={chartConfig} />
Property Type Description
data Object Data for the chart - see example above
width Number Width of the chart, use 'Dimensions' library to get the width of your screen for responsive
height Number Height of the chart
chartConfig Object Configuration object for the chart, see example config in the beginning of this file

Bar chart

Bat Chart

const data = {   labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June'],   datasets: [{     data: [ 20, 45, 28, 80, 99, 43 ]   }] }
<BarChart   style={graphStyle}   data={data}   width={screenWidth}   height={220}   yAxisLabel={'$'}   chartConfig={chartConfig} />
Property Type Description
data Object Data for the chart - see example above
width Number Width of the chart, use 'Dimensions' library to get the width of your screen for responsive
height Number Height of the chart
fromZero boolean Render charts from 0 not from the minimum value. - default: False
yAxisLabel string Prepend text to horizontal labels -- default: ''
chartConfig Object Configuration object for the chart, see example config in the beginning of this file

StackedBar chart


const data ={   labels: ['Test1', 'Test2'],   legend: ['L1', 'L2', 'L3'],   data: [     [60, 60, 60],     [30,30,60],   ],   barColors: ['#dfe4ea', '#ced6e0', '#a4b0be'],  }
<StackedBarChart   style={graphStyle}   data={data}   width={screenWidth}   height={220}   chartConfig={chartConfig} />
Property Type Description
data Object Data for the chart - see example above
width Number Width of the chart, use 'Dimensions' library to get the width of your screen for responsive
height Number Height of the chart
chartConfig Object Configuration object for the chart, see example config in the beginning of this file

Pie chart

Pie Chart

Modified Pie Chart Screenshot

Pie Chart_modified

const data = [   { name: 'Seoul', population: 21500000, color: 'rgba(131, 167, 234, 1)', legendFontColor: '#7F7F7F', legendFontSize: 15 },   { name: 'Toronto', population: 2800000, color: '#F00', legendFontColor: '#7F7F7F', legendFontSize: 15 },   { name: 'Beijing', population: 527612, color: 'red', legendFontColor: '#7F7F7F', legendFontSize: 15 },   { name: 'New York', population: 8538000, color: '#ffffff', legendFontColor: '#7F7F7F', legendFontSize: 15 },   { name: 'Moscow', population: 11920000, color: 'rgb(0, 0, 255)', legendFontColor: '#7F7F7F', legendFontSize: 15 } ]
<PieChart   data={data}   width={screenWidth}   height={220}   chartConfig={chartConfig}   accessor="population"   backgroundColor="transparent"   paddingLeft="15"   absolute />
Property Type Description
data Object Data for the chart - see example above
width Number Width of the chart, use 'Dimensions' library to get the width of your screen for responsive
height Number Height of the chart
chartConfig Object Configuration object for the chart, see example config in the beginning of this file
accessor string Property in the data object from which the number values are taken
bgColor string background color - if you want to set transparent, input transparent or none.
paddingLeft string left padding of the pie chart
absolute boolean shows the values as absolute numbers

Contribution graph (heatmap)

Contribution Graph

This type of graph is often use to display a developer contribution activity. However, there many other use cases this graph is used when you need to visualize a frequency of a certain event over time.

const commitsData = [   { date: '2017-01-02', count: 1 },   { date: '2017-01-03', count: 2 },   { date: '2017-01-04', count: 3 },   { date: '2017-01-05', count: 4 },   { date: '2017-01-06', count: 5 },   { date: '2017-01-30', count: 2 },   { date: '2017-01-31', count: 3 },   { date: '2017-03-01', count: 2 },   { date: '2017-04-02', count: 4 },   { date: '2017-03-05', count: 2 },   { date: '2017-02-30', count: 4 } ]
<ContributionGraph   values={commitsData}   endDate={new Date('2017-04-01')}   numDays={105}   width={screenWidth}   height={220}   chartConfig={chartConfig} />
Property Type Description
data Object Data for the chart - see example above
width Number Width of the chart, use 'Dimensions' library to get the width of your screen for responsive
height Number Height of the chart
chartConfig Object Configuration object for the chart, see example config in the beginning of this file
accessor string Property in the data object from which the number values are taken

More styling

Every charts also accepts style props, which will be applied to parent svg or View component of each chart.

Abstract Chart

src/abstract-chart.js is an extendable class which can be used to create your own charts!

The following methods are available:


Renders background horizontal lines like in the Line Chart and Bar Chart. Takes a config object with following properties:

{   // width of your chart   width: Number,   // height of your chart   height: Number,   // how many lines to render   count: Number,   // top padding from the chart top edge   paddingTop: Number }


Render background vertical lines. Takes a config object with following properties:

{   // data needed to calculate the number of lines to render   data: Array,   // width of your chart   width: Number,   // height of your chart   height: Number,   paddingTop: Number,   paddingRight: Number }


Render definitions of background and shadow gradients

{   // width of your chart   width: Number,   // height of your chart   height: Number,   // first color of background gradient   backgroundGradientFrom: String,   // second color of background gradient   backgroundGradientTo: String }

More information

This library is built on top of the following open-source projects:


See the contribution guide and join the contributors!

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