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React Component for rendering graphs in JSON Graph Format. 

Chart_Graph React


npm version

React Component for rendering graphs in JSON Graph Format


Inspired by:


npm install --save react-json-graph

Getting Started

import Graph from 'react-json-graph';  <Graph     width={600}     height={400}     json={{         nodes: [{             id: '0',             label: 'Alice',             position: {x: 150, y: 250},         },         {             id: '1',             label: 'Bob',             position: {x: 350, y: 350},         }],         edges: [{             source: '0',             target: '1'         }]     }}     onChange={(newGraphJSON) => {}} />

Graph Component Properties

{     /* Required Props */     width: Number, // required, width of the graph     height: Number, // required, height of the graph     json: {         nodes: [             {                 id: String,                 label: String, // string content of the node                 position: {                     x: Number,                     y: Number,                 },                 // Optional                 size: {                     width: Number, // width of the node                     height: Number, // height of the node                 },             },         ],         edges: [             {                 source: String, // id of the source node                 target: String, // id of the target node             },         ],          // Optional         isStatic: Boolean, // if true, can't change nodes position by dragging         isVertical: Boolean, // if true, all edges draw for vertical graph         isDirected: Boolean, // if false, edges will change connection position depending on source and target nodes position relative to each other     },      /* Optional Props */     scale: Number, // default is 1, current scale of graph     minScale: Number, // default is 1, minimum value of scale, for now can not be less then 0.3     maxScale: Number, // default is 1, maximum value of scale, for now can not be greater then 1      onChange: (updatedJSON) => {}, // calls when graph structure or node position has been changed, accepts new graph JSON as only parameter      Node: React.Component, // React.Component inherited from Node that customize node appearence     Edge: React.Component, // React.Component inherited from Edge that customize edge appearence      shouldNodeFitContent: Boolean, // if true, node will try to resize to fit content }

Custom Nodes and Edges

import {Node, Edge} from 'react-json-graph';  class GitNode extends Node {     renderContainer({content, isDragging}) {         const className = `Node ${isDragging ? 'Node_dragging_yes' : ''}`;          return (             <div className={className}>                 <div className='Node__label'>{content}</div>             </div>         );     } }  class GitEdge extends Edge {     getStyles(source, target) {         if (parseInt(target.id) === 3) {             return {stroke: '#FF5733'};         }          if (parseInt(target.id)  > 5) {             if (parseInt(source.id) ===5 && parseInt(target.id) === 9) {                 return null;             }              return {stroke: '#000'};         }     } }



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