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A simple pie chart module for your React Native application, supports both iOS and Android.

Chart_Graph React Native




Simple pie chart module for your React Native app.
Note: Support both ios and android now.

Getting Started

  1. Install
    ~$ npm install react-native-pie-chart --save
  2. Link ART to your project (only ios need to do this step)

Setup Example

# Clone package ~$ git clone https://github.com/genexu/react-native-pie-chart.git  # Setup ART and dependencies # Notice: link ART to example/ios/example.xcodeproj (ios only) ~$ cd react-native-pie-chart/example ~$ npm run-script setup  # Run simulator # Notice: plz make sure your simulator state is normal ~$ react-native run-ios ~$ react-native run-android


Note: You can find this example in test folder.

import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { AppRegistry, StyleSheet, ScrollView , StatusBar, Text, View } from 'react-native'; import PieChart from 'react-native-pie-chart';  const styles = StyleSheet.create({   container: {     flex: 1,     alignItems: 'center'   },   title: {     fontSize: 24,     margin: 10   } });  export default class test extends Component {   render() {     const chart_wh = 250     const series = [123, 321, 123, 789, 537]     const sliceColor = ['#F44336','#2196F3','#FFEB3B', '#4CAF50', '#FF9800']      return (       <ScrollView style={{flex: 1}}>         <View style={styles.container}>           <StatusBar             hidden={true}           />           <Text style={styles.title}>Basic</Text>           <PieChart             chart_wh={chart_wh}             series={series}             sliceColor={sliceColor}           />           <Text style={styles.title}>Doughnut</Text>           <PieChart             chart_wh={chart_wh}             series={series}             sliceColor={sliceColor}             doughnut={true}             coverRadius={0.45}             coverFill={'#FFF'}           />         </View>       </ScrollView>     );   } }  AppRegistry.registerComponent('test', () => test);


Property Type Description Required Default
chart_wh Number chart width and height Yes
coverFill String doughnut cover fill color No #FFF
coverRadius Number doughnut cover radius No 0.6
doughnut Bool doughnut style No false
series Array < number > series data array Yes
sliceColor Array < string > series slice color array Yes
style Object pie chart style No {}

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