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185 JQuery Toggle Plugins

Are you looking for JQuery Toggle Plugins If yes then you are on right place because here we have collected most popular 185 JQuery Toggle Plugins for you. you can choose any of following JQuery Toggle Plugins which suits best to your web based projects, These all are highly rated JQuery Toggle Plugins.

This is a small jQuery plugin that toggles elements sideways, rather than the up-and-down default of jQuery’s toggle. There are three versions available for use; one of them uses an extra Javascript library called Velocity.j.....
Menus Plugins

kcToggle is a replace default browser checkboxes with this themable jQuery plugin. .....

JQuery plugin for converting select input to friendly bootstrap buttons group . .....
Bootstrap Forms Plugins

Simple and easy jQuery plugin. Nice slide up toggle footer menu when scroll down. .....
Menus Plugins

Pure CSS3, without javascript. Nice slide down toggle header message. .....

This is a switch jquery plugin. This plugin allows to choose between three options. The toggle button switch with animation. You can use it with swipe option. .....
Bootstrap Forms Plugins

Tabby gives you lightweight, simple toggle tabs. It’s easy to install and can be used for buttons, lists, and more. .....
Core Java Script Tabs

A custom checkbox and radio buttons made with CSS3 that doesn’t require js. It is also compatible with FontAwesome. .....
CSS Forms Premium

Pure css toggle buttons based on the bootstrap checkbox pattern.The Pattern is the same as Twitter-Bootstrap. So it can be implemented without a breeze. .....
Bootstrap CSS

A jQuery plugin for managing various kind of content toggling.This library help you create cross-platform and accessible (in the meaning of the W3C) content that can be shown and hidden with triggers. .....
Accordion Menus Plugins Tabs

Transform checkboxes into toggle switches.Toggle switches made for the web are often solely constructed to change when clicked or tapped, animating side-to-side as they toggle. That’s a good start, but some people like to sl.....

Tabby is a lightweight JavaScript and CSS kit for mobile-first toggle tabs. It’s style-light so you can easily modify it to fit your design. .....
CSS Responsive Tabs

Toggle Panel is a lightweight jQuery plugin that helps you create toggleable content.Features :Toggle Panel fits right into a responsive or fluid design. Fixed width is possible too.With HTML5 Local Storage the state (expanded or .....
Ajax CSS HTML5 Plugins Premium

Toggles is a lightweight jQuery plugin that creates easily-styleable toggle buttons. .....
Plugins Web

Today I would like to show you something called the Fancy Toggle Jquery Slider with a Personality. We are always on the lookout for Jquery sliders. We search it on websites and even search engines. Sometimes we just want a new loo.....

jQuery/Switch is an iOS-inspired slide/toggle widget. It began as an alternative switch for jQuery Mobile, but it also targets desktop browsers as well.jQuery/Switch builds from <select> elements which contain two <option.....
Forms jQuery Mobile Plugins

In jQuery, working with select box required some additional knowledge and interaction with jQuery. You may have some problem manipulating select box during your web development on jQuery. In this plugins you can solve this without.....
Forms Plugins Web

I know there are a lot of toggle tutorials out there already, but when I was learning the basics of jQuery and the toggle effect, I had a hard time finding resources on how to switch the “open” and “close” graphic state&#.....
CSS Menus Web

A small experiment on utilizing the same form for login and registration. Using CSS and jQuery. .....

CiaoyuToggle is a small jQuery content toggle plugin used for conditionally showing & hiding elements based on the value(s) of a checkbox, radio button, and/or select option......
content-toggle Conditional-Logic

The jToggler jQuery plugin converts the normal checkbox into an iOS-style toggle switch that enables the user to select between three options: Checked, Unchecked and Indeterminate......
Switch Checkbox Tri-state-Checkbox

Visibility is a jQuery plugin to extend the jQuery toggle() method that toggles the visibility of an element with sequential slide and fade animations......

accordable.js is a lightweight (~2kb minified) jQuery plugin to generates a responsive, semantic, SEO-friendly accordion component from a normal HTML unordered list......

toggle-visibility is a small jQuery plugin which enables you to manage conditional showing/hiding of elements based on form controls such as checkbox, radio button and select list......
Conditional-Logic content-toggle

cssCollapse is a really simple jQuery plugin to create a collapsible content box for showing / hiding html elements with smooth sliding animations based on CSS3 transitions......

Showgroup is a jQuery plugin to toggle visibility of multiple elements in a group, potentially in different containers......
Conditional-Logic content-toggle

Conditional Fields is a small jQuery plugin that shows/hides form fields (or any HTML elements) based on values in other form controls......
Conditional-Logic content-toggle

The toggleButton.js jQuery plugin enables you to dynamically create on/off toggle buttons from any elements......

CM Accordion is an extremely lightweight (less than 1kb) yet configurable and semantic jQuery content toggle/accordion plugin for saving vertical space of the webpage......

A highly flexible and customizable jQuery plugin which converts the normal checkbox and radio inputs into swipe toggle switches using Bootstrap button styles......
bootstrap-4 Bootstrap Switch Toggle-Button

GroupBox.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin to group related elements in a box where your users are able to toggle the content by clicking on the box header......

The MoreContent jQuery plugin automatically cuts off long text content within a container and reveals/hides them with a smooth toggle animation when needed......
read-more content-toggle

A collection of cool, smoothly animated toggle switches based on jQuery, anime.js, CSS/CSS3, and Checkbox or Radio input......

The theswitch jQuery plugin lets you create minimal clean toggle switches that support indeterminate state (tri-state) based on the normal checkbox element......

Kite Menu is a responsive, mobile-friendly navigation system that allows the user to toggle the navigation menu by clicking/tapping the hamburger button......
mobile-menu toggle-menu

Collapsable is a very small, cross-browser jQuery content toggle plugin which allows you to expand and collapse whatever you want......

Toggler is a small jQuery content toggle plugin that conditionally shows & hides HTML elements depending on the value in a select dropdown......
Conditional-Logic content-toggle

Checkbox2Button is a jQuery plugin for Bootstrap (4 and 3) framework that converts the regular checkboxes and radio buttons into toggle buttons for better user experience......
Checkbox radio-button Toggle-Button

Stellarnav is a responsive dropdown menu plugin for jQuery that supports infinite levels of sub menus and auto switches to a small screen friendly toggle menu when the window width reaches a specified breakpoint......
responsive-menu Drop-Down-Menu toggle-menu

A small and easy-to-use jQuery Conditional Logic plugin that allows user to control the visibility of DOM elements based on the input (select or checkbox)......

toggleClasses.js is an extension to the jQuery .toggleClass() method that enables you to sequentially switch multiple CSS classes of an element......

Yet another jQuery content toggle/character limit plugin(script) that allows the visitor to expand and contract long text with Read More and Read Less links......
read-more read-less Text-Truncating

Conditionize is a jQuery plugin that toggles the visibility of form controls based on the value(s) of a form field (input, select, checkbox, etc)......

A jQuery & CSS based semantic slide menu which enables a trigger button to toggle a list of stacked menu items with a smooth sliding animation......
toggle-menu side-menu

A responsive, fullscreen, split hamburger toggle navigation for both desktop & mobile devices, inspired by Uber Rebrand 2018 Website......
mobile-menu toggle-menu fullscreen-navigation

input-toggle is a jQuery plugin that makes it possible to toggle classes or attributes of HTML elements based on based on the state of form fields......

Switcher is an ultra-light jQuery plugin that transforms the native Checkbox and Radio Button elements into iOS inspired on/off toggle switches just with a JS call......
Checkbox Switch radio-button Toggle-Button

Responsive Nav is jQuery toggle menu plugin that converts a multi-level dropdown navigation into a nested off-canvas menu on small screen devices......
off-canvas-menu responsive-menu side-menu toggle-menu

columnFilter is a super tiny jQuery plugin for automatically generating checkbox based filter controls to toggle the visibility of your html table columns......
Filter table-filter

Toggle is a jQuery plugin for creating a simple accordion interface where the toggle state is saved in the cookies using the js-cookie library......

Yet another jQuery plugin to generate a Password Visibility Toggler inside your Bootstrap 4 password field that allows you to display password as plain text when toggled......
Bootstrap bootstrap-4 Password

A jQuery based responsive navigation system that collapses the regular horizontal menu into an expanding hamburger menu on small screen (mobile) devices......
toggle-menu responsive-menu

cookcodesmenu is a simple yet fully configurable jQuery navigation plugin that lets you create a responsive, mobile-first, multi-level dropdown toggle menu for your cross-platform webapp......
mobile-menu toggle-menu Drop-Down-Menu

The stateButton jQuery plugin creates a customizable multi-state toggle button which allows the user to switch between states on click......

A pretty cool toggle menu concept that expands the hamburger button into a horizontal (or vertical on mobile device) navigation menu when toggled. Built with jQuery, CSS/CSS3 and plain HTML......

Yet another jQuery toggle switch plugin which transforms a regular checkbox input into an iOS style switch control with cool gooey sliding effects when toggled......
Switch Toggle-Button

Toggle.js is a very small jQuery accordion & content toggle plugin which allows you to toggle the visibility of specific block elements using CSS classes and HTML data attributes......

A jQuery based responsive mega menu that automatically collapses the regular multi-level dropdown menu into a mobile-friendly toggle menu in mobile view......
toggle-menu responsive-menu mega-menu

show-more.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin which smoothly collapses and expands long blocks of content with custom Read More and Read Less links......
read-more content-toggle

A mobile-friendly off-canvas push menu (sidebar navigation) that uses HTML5 local storage to preserve the menu open/close stats on your next visit......
side-menu off-canvas-menu push-menu

toggleFields.js is a jQuery plugin for the conditional logic form functionality that automatically enables and disables form fields based on the previous selection......

multibutton is a jQuery plugin which converts the normal html unordered list into a series of toggle buttons wrapped in an inline button group......

simpleToggler is a lightweight jQuery plugin that transforms the normal checkbox inputs into animated, easy-to-custom toggle switches......
Switch Toggle-Button

miniToggle.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin which transforms normal DIV element into an iOS-style smooth toggle button (switch) with variable colors and toggle event supports......
Switch Toggle-Button

The jQuery Simple Input Toggle plugin transforms the normal radio inputs into switch-style toggle buttons for better user experience......
radio-button Switch Toggle-Button

The jQuery strength.js plugin lets you measure the strength of password you typed in a text field, and toggle the password field between plain text and password by click......

asSwitch is a jQuery plugin used to turns the normal checkbox into an intuitive, skinnable, draggable and touch compatible toggle switch......
Checkbox Switch

The simplest jQuery responsive menu plugin which transforms the normal site navigation into a toggleable dropdown menu for better user experience on mobile/tablet devices......
responsive-menu Drop-Down-Menu

A lightweight jQuery plugin which allows you to programmatically collapse/expand single or multiple content nodes with smooth animations based on CSS3 transitions......

The Toggle Tabs script allows the users to switch between tabbed content with sliding, toggle button-style navigation tabs......

A simple, lightweight, responsive, jQuery/CSS based Hamburger Navigation system......
toggle-menu responsive-menu

toggle-onoff is a dead simple jQuery plugin for creating a toggle switch that uses Font Awesome for the on/off icons......
Switch Toggle-Button

ziehharmonika is a lightweight yet customizable jQuery plugin that helps you create responsive, stylish accordion / content toggle interfaces with ease......

Just another jQuery plugin for display a customizable toggle button next to the password field that allows to show/hide the password text entered by the user......

Collapser is a flexible jQuery plugin that truncates long text by words, characters or lines and shows/hides truncated text with fade or slide animations......
Text-Truncating content-toggle

menu.js is a very small jQuery plugin for creating a Material Design inspired dropdown menu that allows your users to select one of a number of options......
Material-Design toggle-menu Drop-Down-Menu

collapzion.js is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a Material Design inspired floating navigation button on the webpage......
Material-Design toggle-menu

btnSwitch is a simple, customizable jQuery plugin which converts any DIV elements into button or checkbox based on/off toggle switches with custom themes and callbacks support......
Switch Toggle-Button

A simple, lightweight, customizable jQuery content toggle plugin which uses CSS3 transitions to smoothly show/hide content blocks just like the accordion......

A jQuery responsive multi-level dropdown menu which will be automatically converted into a mobile-friendly toggle menu when the screen size is smaller than a breakpoint......
toggle-menu responsive-menu Drop-Down-Menu

A fully responsive site navigation that uses JQuery and media queries to switch between dropdown navigation and mobile-friendly toggle menu depending on the current screen size......
mobile-menu toggle-menu responsive-menu

navToggle is a jQuery plugin which makes any element (typically header navigation) auto hide at a given distance when scrolling down and reveals it again on scroll up......

A cross-platform side navigation written in jQuery and CSS/CSS3 that allows to show a fullscreen overlay menu with an animated hamburger toggle icon......
toggle-menu fullscreen-navigation

Box.js is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin used to toggle (expand and collapse) block elements with a smooth sliding animation......

hurkanSwitch is a jQuery plugin that helps you create responsive, flexible, customizable on/off toggle switches from regular checkboxes or radio buttons......
Toggle-Button Switch

addToggle is a tiny jQuery plugin which converts a regular input field into an easy-to-customize toggle switch for on/off states......
Switch Toggle-Button

Sswitch is a very lightweight (~3kb unminified) jQuery plugin which allows to replace the normal checkbox input with an iPhone style on/off toggle switch......
Checkbox Switch

amburgerMenu is a jQuery plugin that helps you to create a mobile-friendly push navigation menu with a sticky hamburger toggle......

Toggle NavBar is a jQuery plugin for creating a smart sticky header navigation that slides/fades out when the user scrolls down the page and reveals again when scrolling up......

vSwitch is a very small jQuery plugin used for creating checkbox based toggle switches which are fully customizable and styleable via CSS......

An ultra-light (~1kb) jQuery plugin that automatically converts an ul li based menu into a dropdown toggle navigation on small screens......
toggle-menu responsive-menu Drop-Down-Menu

eosMenu helps you create a responsive, multi-level, accordion-style menu where all the menu items will be collapsed into a dropdown toggle menu on small screens......
mobile-menu toggle-menu responsive-menu Accordion-menu

A jQuery based responsive dropdown navigation menu that automatically switches to a mobile-friendly toggle menu when the window width reaches a specified breakpoint......
mobile-menu toggle-menu responsive-menu Drop-Down-Menu

Collapsible.js is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin which allows you to show and hide specified elements on the webpage......

easyswitch is a lightweight jQuery plugin which converts any container element (div or span) into a clean, easy-to-style on / off toggle switch......
Switch Toggle-Button

Elevator is a jQuery content toggle plugin which enables the user to expand, collapse or toggle sections of content just like an accordion interface......

nicelabel.js is a tiny jQuery plugin that converts the default checkboxes and radio buttons into nice toggleable switches and/or selectable labels......
Checkbox radio-button Switch Toggle-Button

expandcollapse.js is a jQuery accordion plugin which allows to expand / collapse multi-level content panes by clicking on the header toggles......

TinyToggle contains a jQuery plugin and a web font that allows you to convert checkboxes into beautiful on / off toggle buttons / switches using Html5 data-* attributes. Features: 13 different types 8 different sizes and palettes .....
Switch Toggle-Button

Just another jQuery & CSS based mobile-friendly navigation system that automatically converts the regular horizontal site menu into a sliding dropdown menu with a toggle link......
mobile-menu toggle-menu responsive-menu

C-Switch is an easy yet customizable jQuery plugin which converts radio or checkbox inputs into more efficient sliding toggle switches......
Switch Toggle-Button

Column Toggle is a super tiny jQuery plugin which allows to toggle the visibility of table columns and save the current status into local storage......

A minimalist jQuery plugin that converts normal checkboxes into highly customizable toggle switches using Bootstrap styles......
Bootstrap Switch Toggle-Button

Bootstrap Toggle is a jQuery plugin that turns the checboxes into animated and highly customizable toggle controls based on templates with Bootstrap......
Bootstrap Checkbox bootstrap-4 Switch

ASH (Avoid Selectors Hell) is an extremely lightweight jQuery plugin that provides several methods to toggle the visibility of your table columns......

SuperToggle is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for converting normal buttons into multi-functional on / off toggle buttons......

SwitchStateButton is a very simple jQuery plugin that helps you creates toggle switches with support for multiple option states......
Switch Toggle-Button

Paccordion is a super simple jQuery plugin which uses jQuery slideUp() and slideDown() methods to create animated accordion or toggle controls with plain html structure......

A beautiful site navigation system that utilizes jQuery and several CSS3 properties to create a sliding toggle menu with an animated navigation icon for modern web design......

toggles is a jQuery Plugin that make it easy to create toggle buttons with smooth sliding effect for your projects......
Switch Toggle-Button

Segment.js is a super simple jQuery plugin that transform a standard HTML select box into toggleable option labels, similar to the iOS segmented control......
Select Toggle-Button

Toggle Checkbox is a jQuery plugin used to beautify native checkboxes that allows you replace default check markers with your own design (e.g. text or icons.)......

A lightweight, fast jQuery accordion toggle plugin which enables you to smoothly and horizontally expand / shrink accordion panels / slides by clicking on the tabs......

MenuToggle is a simple jQuery based vertical accordion menu that uses CSS3 transition for smooth toggle slide animations......

A fully responsive, mobile-friendly navigation menu built using HTML5, CSS3, the Checkbox Hack" tricks and a little jQuery magic......
toggle-menu responsive-menu

ToggleSwitch is an ultra-light jQuery plugin that converts normal checkboxes into Material Design inspired on / off toggle switches......
Material-Design Switch Toggle-Button

Radio Toggle is a really small jQuery plugin for toggling the visible of html elements depending on the checked state of the radio buttons......

rjAccordion is a jQuery accordion plugin which allows you to present collapsed content panels with smooth expand / collapse animations......

Adaptive Switch is a jQuery plugin which turns a standard Html checkbox into a stylish toggle switch with adaptive text......
Switch Toggle-Button

This is a jQuery based fully responsive navigation system that transforms the default horizontal navigation bar into a sliding toggle menu on small screens......
toggle-menu responsive-menu

A simple clean, alternative, responsive jQuery navigation plugin that converts a standard menu into a drop down toggle menu on mobile devices......
mobile-menu toggle-menu responsive-menu

A jQuery & CSS3 powered mobile-friendly navigation that slides out from the top of your webpage when toggled......
mobile-menu toggle-menu

Uses jQuery to detect the scroll depth and display a toggle button to show / hide the top navigation menu when the visitor scrolls down the page......
smooth-scroll toggle-menu

A jQuery & CSS/CSS3 based push menu that reveals a sidebar off-screen navigation from the left side of the window while pushing the main content to the other side......
side-menu off-canvas-menu push-menu toggle-menu

Bamboo.js is a tiny jQuery plugin helps you create a responsive, mobile-friendly, sticky toggle menu for your website......
side-menu off-canvas-menu toggle-menu sticky-navigation

Minimalist Collapse is an extremely lightweight jQuery plugin which can be used to expand and collapse block-level elements with smooth CSS3 transitions.....
content-toggle FAQ

A JQuery/HTML5/CSS3 based responsive navigation system that transform your regular horizontal nav bar into a mobile-friendly toggle menu......
toggle-menu responsive-menu sticky-navigation

A jQuery plugin that helps you create interactive, touch-enabled, customizable toggle/push/signal buttons using Font Awesome icons......
Toggle-Button Font-Awesome

A jQuery & CSS/CSS3 based menu that turns the regular navigation into a toggleable dropdown menu with a smooth sliding effect in mobile view......
toggle-menu responsive-menu Drop-Down-Menu

A mobile-friendly responsive menu that slides down from the top of your document, built using HTML, CSS and a little JavaScript (jQuery) magic......
toggle-menu responsive-menu

A small, easy-to-use jQuery plugin to create a fully responsive multi-level dropdown navigation menu for both desktop and mobile website......
toggle-menu responsive-menu Drop-Down-Menu

Tabby is a super tiny jQuery plugin used to create a stylish tabs control with support for Ajax loaded content......
tabs Tabbed-content

zAccordions is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to transform nested Html lists into a multilevel accordion list with ease......
Accordion-List toggle

A jQuery script which converts a single element into an on/off switch button with smooth transition effects based on CSS3 transforms and transitions......
Switch Toggle-Button

declarativeToggle is a jQuery plugin which allows you to expand and collapse block-level elements with a single button......

fbSelect is a jQuery plugin to convert the normal Html select options into toggleable inline elements wrapped in a span container......

A responsive, full width, mobile first navigation which allows you to reveal a slide menu using jQuery slideToggle() function......
toggle-menu sliding-menu

A responsive, mobile-friendly, animated, multi-level navigation that automatically transforms to a vertical dropdown toggle menu when it reaches a CSS breakpoint......
toggle-menu responsive-menu Drop-Down-Menu

Just another jQuery responsive menu plugin that turns the regular navigation menu into a mobile-friendly toggle menu when the screen size reaches a predefined breakpoint......
toggle-menu responsive-menu

Fatoggle is a lightweight jQuery plugin which allows you to toggle Font Awesome icons with click events for UI controls......
Checkbox radio-button Toggle-Button Font-Awesome

A simple responsive jQuery navigation plugin that allows you to reveal a fullscreen menu with an animated hamburger button powered by CSS3 transitions and transforms......
toggle-menu fullscreen-navigation

A jQuery responsive menu plugin which transform a normal horizontal navigation menu into an off-canvas toggle menu on smaller screen devices......
off-canvas-menu toggle-menu responsive-menu

A super easy jQuery script that turns an DIV element into a flat styled toggle button with cool CSS3 transition effects......
Switch Toggle-Button

moreContent.js is a jQuery plugin that hides (collapses) overflowing content and generates a toggle button at the end of the container......

Expandy Thing is a jQuery plugin used to create accordion-style collapsing and expanding animations for block-level elements......

A Material Design inspired navigation pattern that allows you to reveal a sidebar navigation menu by morphing the toggle button......
side-menu toggle-menu morphing morphing-button

Yet another jQuery based responsive off-canvas navigation that supports multi-level menus and CSS3 powered sliding animations......
off-canvas-menu toggle-menu

Just another jQuery script to create iOS style animated switch controls with smooth toggle transitions powered by CSS3......

A small JQuery script that transforms a regular multi-level dropdown menu into a fixed navigation bar with a toggle icon on mobile devices......
off-canvas-menu mobile-menu toggle-menu Drop-Down-Menu

spaNav is a lightweight jQuery plugin for generating a sticky top navigation bar which allows to smoothly scroll to different sections of your one page website/App......
toggle-menu One-Page-Scrolling scroll-to

A Material Design inspired navigation that slides the main page to reveal a side menu when you click the toggle button......
side-menu Material-Design toggle-menu

lightSwitch is a lightweight jQuery plugin which convert the standard checkbox into a stylish animated toggle switch......
Checkbox Switch

A stylish responsive jQuery navigation script that converts a horizontal navigation bar into a toggleable off-canvas menu on small screen devices......
off-canvas-menu toggle-menu

A minimal jQuery & CSS3 based navigation widget to create a responsive, fullscreen(full window) menu with hamburger icon animations......
toggle-menu responsive-menu fullscreen-navigation

A jQuery based responsive navigation bar that collapses into a toggleable drop down menu in mobile views......
mobile-menu toggle-menu responsive-menu

Naver is a jQuery plugin to atuomatically turn a basic navigation menu into a responsive and mobile friendly menu......
mobile-menu toggle-menu

A simple jQuery approach to create a responsive, animated, perspective overlay navigation covering the whole webpage when toggled......
toggle-menu fullscreen-navigation perspective-menu

A jQuery & CSS based sliding navigation bar that is sticky at the top of the page as you scroll down......
Sticky mobile-menu toggle-menu scroll-to

A simple jQuery & CSS3 based menu system used to create a mobile-friendly, vertical, multi-level navigation menu for your responsive website......
mobile-menu toggle-menu Drop-Down-Menu

A lightweight jQuery CSS3 based accordion plugin to create accessible, smooth toggle panels following the WAI-ARIA Design patterns......

A Facebook Paper inspired header navigation that displays at the top of your window with a smooth CSS3 based sliding effects......
toggle-menu sliding-menu

A modern flat designed horizontal navigation menu with an animated hamburger button, based on jQuery and CSS3 transitions & transforms......

A dead simple jQuery plugin to convert a checkbox into a nice switch with labels that allows you to toggle an option by sliding the button left or right......
Checkbox Toggle-Button

Inception Menu is a simple jQuery & CSS3 based siderbar navigation menu that is expandable and collapsible by clicking the toggle icon......
toggle-menu sidebar-menu

A simple jQuery plugin to create a responsive horizontal toggle menu that will be converted into a sliding dropdown menu on mobile devices......
mobile-menu toggle-menu Drop-Down-Menu

A simple and fast jQuery/Zepto plugin for creating a responsive & mobile-friendly dropdown toggle navigation based on automatic or custom breakpoints......
mobile-menu toggle-menu Responsive

Just another Mobile app-style side navigation menu that is sticky at the left side of your web page and pushes the main content section to the right with a full overlay......
side-menu toggle-menu Navigation

A simple jQuery plugin that turns a horizontal navigation menu into a dropdown toggle menu when the screen size reaches a breakpoint set at 768px......
mobile-menu toggle-menu

Yet another jQuery plugin to create a fully responsive & animated sliding side navigation with sub-navigation using jQuery and CSS3......
side-menu mobile-menu toggle-menu Responsive Navigation

Menu Bar Animation is a jQuery plugin for creating a toggle button to reveal the hidden sidebar and footer with subtle CSS3 animations......
Sidebar Navigation footer

A simple responsive jQuery navigation script that converts your navigation menu into a dropdown toggle menu on small screens with only 3 lines of Javascript......
toggle-menu Responsive

Yet another jQuery navigation plugin for creating a sticky multi-level top menu bar that will be converted into a mobile-friendly off-canvas sliding navigation on small screen devices......
side-menu off-canvas-menu toggle-menu

A super simple jQuery script to create an Off-canvas sidebar menu for navigation. The navigation will slide out from the left side of the page with a smooth CSS3 transition effect once you click the toggle button......
side-menu off-canvas-menu toggle-menu Navigation

iosmenu is a jQuery plugin for quickly creating a mobile App-style sidebar toggle, push, overlaying navigation menu into your web page......
side-menu mobile-menu toggle-menu Navigation

A dead simple jQuery & jQuery UI based input type="checkbox" replacement that turns a general checkbox into a nice looking toggle button......
Checkbox jQuery-UI Toggle-Button

Tabs To Dropdown is a mobile friendly and fully responsive jQuery plugin that automatically transforms an ordinary horizontal navigation into a nice looking dropdown toggle menu on small screen devices......
toggle-menu Drop-Down-Menu Responsive

Just another jQuery mobile menu plugin that turns a horizontal multi-level navigation into a mobile friendly toggle menu on small screen devices......
mobile-menu toggle-menu Navigation

A simple jQuery based toggle menu that reveals a hidden menu with an awesome sliding effect......
toggle-menu sliding

responsive-menu.js is a lite jQuery menu plugin for converting a normal multi-level navigation into a sliding toggle menu if the screen width is below 768px......
mobile-menu toggle-menu Navigation

Pagescroll Menu is a jQuery menu plugin for creating a responsive, mobile-aware, animated navigation menu which is sticky on the web page during scrolling......
mobile-menu toggle-menu sticky-navigation

Just another jQuery plugin used to create an iOS 7 like smooth toggle buttons with CSS3 transitions and transforms......
Checkbox Switch ios

Just another jQuery mobile plugin that creates a multi-level toggle menu on mobile device or a responsive multi-level dropdown navigation on desktop......
mobile-menu Responsive Navigation

ExpanderPro.js is a tiny jQuery accordion plugin for expanding and collapsing html content by clicking the title trigger, with a subtle & configurable animation......

Biggie is a jQuery menu plugin that converts a horizontal navigation menu into a mobile-friendly drop down toggle menu while the page size has reached the CSS3 Media Queries Break Points......
mobile-menu Responsive Navigation CSS3