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200 JQuery Bootstrap Plugins

Are you looking for JQuery Bootstrap Plugins If yes then you are on right place because here we have collected most popular 200 JQuery Bootstrap Plugins for you. you can choose any of following JQuery Bootstrap Plugins which suits best to your web based projects, These all are highly rated JQuery Bootstrap Plugins.

Tokenize2 is a plugin which allows your users to select multiple items from a predefined list or ajax, using autocompletion as they type to find each item. You may have seen a similar type of text entry when filling in the recipie.....
Bootstrap jSON PHP Plugins

Bootstrap 4 Modal Responsive jQuery Plugin is a set of different modals and popups those contains carousel, sliders, forms, adds banners, videos etc with advanced options.Features:Compatible With Bootstrap 4Compatible With Bootstr.....
Bootstrap Carousel Plugins Popup Window Premium Responsive

Stratum.js is a small jQuery plugin for creating awesome masonry grid. .....
Bootstrap Gallery Plugins

Bootstrap 4 carousel contains different types of carousels including slider with thumbnails, multiple items carousel, fade effect carousel, bootstrap image slider gallery etc.Features:Compatible With Bootstrap 4Compatible With Boo.....
Bootstrap Carousel Plugins Premium Slider

Bootstrap Strength Meter is a simple password strength meter based on Password Score. .....
Bootstrap Forms Plugins

A jquery plugin for bootstrap to create multiple submenu. .....
Menus Plugins

Quick web site menus or admin dashboard navigation do the same google like. with material design.Features:Fully customizable via CSSFull ResponsiveUnlimited colorsLightweight and SimpleBootstrap CompatibleClean CodeClean and Mater.....
Bootstrap CSS Menus Plugins Premium

jQuery Menu Editor , is an HTML / Javascript tool for editing multilevel menus by means of a user-friendly interface.Features:Add, Update & Remove items from MenuMultilevel Drag & DropForm Item EditorInclude IconPicker Pl.....
Drag_Drop jSON Menus

Bootstrap-select is a jQuery plugin that utilizes Bootstrap’s dropdown.js to style and bring additional functionality to standard select elements.Bring select elements into the 21st century with intuitive multiselection and .....
Bootstrap Forms Plugins

Build your mobile-first web projects with web slide navigation system that’s give you all type of ready made responsive menu items for your any type of websites. Made with pure css, html, jquery, so you can customize it as you w.....
Bootstrap CSS Menus Plugins Premium

Popup Form is a Full Responsive Ajax Popup Form with Required field jQuery validation and Anti Spam (simple Math Captcha) for Registration form built on Bootstrap Framework version v4.0.0-beta.2, HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery. Code writt.....
Bootstrap Forms Popup Window Premium

DoFilter is a Full Responsive Bootstrap Multipurpose Filtering and Shorting plugin built on Latest Version of Bootstrap Framework (v3.3.7), HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. Its wonderful features can be used to Filtering and Shorting your .....
Gallery Plugins Premium

Custom style checkbox & radio for web: Semantically Correct / Valid HTML CodeHTML5, CSS3Full project and seed project (build with: Gulp, Sass)Cross browser compatible ( Internet Explorer 8+, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome etc......
Bootstrap CSS Forms

A simple gallery built using JavaScript, jQuery and Bootstrap. To make gallery working you need make it run on other than file URI scheme .....
Bootstrap Gallery

menuUI is a simple plugin to generate bootstrap nav bar from a json object. .....
Bootstrap jSON Menus

Detect visitors that use Ad Blockers! It detects nasty ad blockers and displays a custom message to your visitors, and you can optionally lock your content until they disable the ad block add-ons. Very simple to install and it’s.....
Bootstrap Plugins Premium Web

jQuery Bootstrap carousel bundle is an all in one product. You don’t need to pay extra money, but instead you can buy thumbnails carousel, multiple items carousel, testimonial carousel, carousel in modal etc in a single item. We.....
Bootstrap Carousel Plugins Premium

Flip Box is a simple and easy customizable flip animation. It’s made with Bootstrap responsive design and some awesome animations. It’s solution for creating beautiful Flip Boxs or Flip Cards without customize any javascript c.....
Animation Plugins Premium

A jQuery hierarchy select plugin used for selecting hierarchy structures in a selectbox format with autocomplete search. .....
Forms Plugins

Scoop Navigation Menu Consist of both Horizontal and Vertical navigation with customize options and themes. Its lightweight and compatible with almost all major browsers and devices. this plugin make more then 50 plus navigation v.....
CSS Menus Plugins Premium Responsive

Single page 3/4/5 step form with every step script field validation. Multi format and style 144 item Sign up form, Include image uploader system. Using bootStrap responsive and it’s easy to customize for you. .....
Bootstrap CSS Forms Premium

Survey.js is jQuery JSON based survey library with visual editor and optional service for storing and analyzing data. .....
Bootstrap Forms jSON Plugins

In this tutorial we are going to see how to Save Multiple Rows of Invoice Data In MySQL Database Using PHP, jQuery and Bootstrap 3. In previous tutorial we have seen how to dynamically add table rows with text fields using jQuery .....
Bootstrap PHP

File input fields look differently in all browsers. It’s a pain in the arse to design something that looks nice in all browsers and it sucks that support for this is not available in Twitter Bootstrap.This jQuery plugin is d.....
Bootstrap Forms Plugins

Create an Ultra Responsive yet Beautiful MegaMenu navbar for your next site. It uses CSS3 Animations and provides a modern style navigation look and feel in your website.These sets of Responsive Mega Menu utilizes the Standard “.....
Bootstrap CSS Menus Plugins Premium Responsive

A plugin base on jquery and bootstrap 3, can convert an un-order list to a tree easily. The tree that selectable, addable, editable and deletable. .....
Bootstrap Plugins

BootstrapX Clickover provides a Bootstrap extension to allow popovers to be opened and closed with clicks on elements instead of hover or focus. .....
Bootstrap Plugins Popup Window

jComponent is the component library for creating reusable components with jQuery. With jComponent you can improve your existing projects or create new web single-page applications. .....
Bootstrap Forms HTML5 Plugins

A set of responsive Bootstrap Portfolio And Lightbox contains bootstrap portfolio gallery, bootstrap lightbox gallery, bootstrap carousel with thumbnails and also support YouTube videos, vimeo video, self hosted videos etc with ne.....
Bootstrap Gallery Plugins Popup Window Premium Responsive

An extended checkbox plugin for Bootstrap built using JQuery, which allows three checkbox states and includes additional styles. The plugin uses Bootstrap markup and CSS 3 styling by default, but it can be overridden with any othe.....
Bootstrap Plugins

notiModal.js is a simple bootstrap notification modal with jQuery. .....
Bootstrap Plugins Popup Window

A set of responsive Bootstrap Modals and Popups those contain bootstrap carousel, images gallery, login, signup and contact us forms, subscribe and search bars, different types videos in modal etc with new features. It is made wit.....
Bootstrap Gallery Plugins Popup Window Premium Responsive

JQuery plugin for converting select input to friendly bootstrap buttons group . .....
Bootstrap Forms Plugins

A simple jQuery plugin that will create a Bootstrap based Photo Gallery for your images. Supports variable height for the images and captions. An optional “modal” box with “next” and “previous” .....
Bootstrap Gallery Plugins Responsive

Bootsnav is a multi purpose header based with Bootstrap, you can build any header style with bootsnav only with a few minutes. .....
Bootstrap CSS Menus Plugins

jQuery hoverfiyBootnav is a simple bootstrap addon to add a nice effect on nav’s hover. .....
Animation Bootstrap Menus Plugins

Modern cross platform responsive image cropping and uploading. Slim features beautiful animations and graphics. Configuration and implementation are a walk in the park.Features:Responsive and Beautifully AnimatedCompatible with bo.....
Ajax Bootstrap Plugins Premium

jQuery plugin to create mansory galleries using bootstrap grid-system. .....
Gallery Plugins Responsive

“ax5core” is a collection of utility functions that have been designed for use in ax5ui. It was designed to the utility to act as a minimum code. So it can be considered to be simple compared to other utilities. .....
Calendar Menus Plugins Popup Window Video_Audio

We have prepared 100+ Pre-made layouts of bootstrap carousel. it is a responsive slider with touch enabled function. This slider is easy to customize and you can create new layouts by combining these pre-made layouts.Features:More.....
Bootstrap Carousel Plugins Premium

It is a ready to use component in any bootstrap website. It consists of a vertical navigation menu based on css3 and jQuery.Features:Fully Resposive on all screens; Desktop, Tablet, MobileSame Code for all devices and platformsMul.....
Bootstrap CSS Menus Plugins Premium

With XSiteBuilder, We can create websites by drag and drop, We can publish that site to any hosting server via ftp. We create websites faster that will save a tons of time working.Unlimited html websitesUnlimited html filesPower u.....
Bootstrap Drag_Drop PHP Premium Responsive

With Timon – Step Form Wizard you will have power combo of 21 different styles, 8 different transition effects, validation in your step form, titles and subtitles with multiple step. , also Timon – Step Form Wizard has predef.....
Bootstrap CSS Forms Plugins Premium

TwitsFetcher is a jQuery plugin, that lets you easily retrieve your posts from Twitter!. .....
Bootstrap Other API Plugins

Bootstrap HTML Builder is a tool that help to create the Bootstrap html file by drag and drop, it helps create html files faster that will save you tons of time working. Build any HTML file you can imagine.Unlimited html projects .....
Bootstrap Drag_Drop PHP Premium

A simple bootstrap colour picker utilising the colorbrewer scales. .....
Bootstrap Plugins

Mobility is a super light weight HTML, CSS, and JS framework built on top of Bootstrap for developing mobile applications. Features:CSS Powered TransitionsFixed Header and footerForm Fields optimized for mobileTabsLists (with inif.....
Bootstrap CSS HTML5 Plugins Responsive Tabs

A Twitter Bootstrap component basically adds a color picker to a field or any other element, even embed to the page or dropdown menu.common color panelcustom your favor colorthe bootstrap-colorpicker integrated .....
Bootstrap Plugins

A user-friendly HTML5 form validation jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 3 .The Validator plugin offers automatic form validation configurable via mostly HTML5 standard attributes. It also provides an unobtrusive user experience, because.....
Bootstrap Forms HTML5 Plugins

BDT – Bootstrap Data Table – sorting, pagination and search for tables . .....
Bootstrap Plugins Tables

A complete rewrite of the original bootstrap-slider by Stefan Petre .....
Bootstrap Plugins

LobiPanel is jquery plugin for bootstrap panels. It extends panels with several common and useful functions which does not come by default. .....
Drag_Drop Plugins Popup Window

A pure jQuery bootstrap star rating – no extra icons or CSS please. .....
Bootstrap Plugins

In this tutorial we are going to see how to implement jQuery UI autocomplete in Bootstrap Modal Popup Using PHP Ajax. .....
Ajax jQuery UI PHP Plugins Popup Window Tables

Bootstrap Sortable is a jQuery plugin to add sorting ablitiy to HTML tables with bootstrap styling. .....
Bootstrap Plugins Tables

Easy Forms is a web application that will help you design and develop web forms quickly and easily. Actually, you will not need programming skills to make your forms work in minutes.Build any type of online forms: Contact forms, .....
Bootstrap Drag_Drop Forms HTML5 PHP Premium

This is a switch jquery plugin. This plugin allows to choose between three options. The toggle button switch with animation. You can use it with swipe option. .....
Bootstrap Forms Plugins

Lightweight HTML5 based range data slider for mobile and desktop that creates data objects from user input and formats as JSON for modern web app’s .A substantial improvement over the data range sliders in jQueryUI and Twitt.....
Bootstrap HTML5 jSON Plugins

HtmlEditor is a drag & drop web page builder in only 286kb (based on boostrap) script in javascript Jquery and php built for developer . You can simply integrate this script in your web project and create custom html template .....
Bootstrap Drag_Drop HTML5 PHP Premium

rpage is a jQuery plugin used to create responsive, space-saving Bootstrap pagination that dynamically shrinks and hides the pagination items based on screen width. .....
Bootstrap Plugins

Jquery Filters is a plugin to easily create search filters for your backoffice. .....
Bootstrap Forms jSON Plugins

A simple bootstrap 3 contact form using Google’s reCAPTCHA. Submitted messages are sent to a specified email address using SMTP with support for SSL or TLS transport. .....
Bootstrap Forms PHP

A simple and elegant solution to displaying hierarchical tree structures (i.e. a Tree View) while leveraging the best that Twitter Bootstrap has to offer in jQuery. .....
Bootstrap Plugins

A jQuery plugin which takes Twitter Bootstrap’s already great pagination component and injects a bit of date based magic. In the process creating a hugely simplified and modularised way of paging date based results in your a.....
Bootstrap Plugins

jQuery Responsive Bootstrap Carousel is a pack that includes Different types of carousel like thumbnail image gallery and content carousel with animated captions, testimonial carousel, portfolio carousel, video carousel etc.Featur.....
Bootstrap Carousel Plugins Premium Responsive

A jQuery plugin that dynamically generates a table of contents. Tocify can be optionally styled with Twitter Bootstrap or jQueryUI Themeroller, and optionally animated with jQuery show/hide effects. Tocify also optionally provides.....
Bootstrap Menus Plugins

Portfilter is a very lightweight portfolio filter for Bootstrap. .....
Bootstrap Gallery Plugins

Create Beautiful MegaMenu navbar for your site. Using CSS3 Animation & Small Java Script It provides a modern app style navigation look in your website.Powerfull Feature: One Code for all devicesMobile friendly website menuMod.....
Bootstrap CSS Menus Plugins Premium Responsive

This isYet another megamenu for Bootstrap 3 from Twitter. Lightweight and pure CSS megamenu that uses the standard navbar markup and the fluid grid system classes from Bootstrap 3. Work for fixed and responsive layout and has the .....
Bootstrap CSS Menus Plugins Responsive

In this tutorial I made few changes in the Responsive Quiz Application Using PHP, MySQL, jQuery, Ajax and Twitter Bootstrap based on the request from users. .....
Ajax Bootstrap PHP Responsive

Visual javascript editor for the bootstrap grid system, written as a jQuery plugin. .....
Bootstrap Drag_Drop Plugins

With Forms Plus you will have power combo of 8 designs, a lot of color themes, multiple styles for each design, tabs and steps in your form, titles and subtitles with multiple styles and positions. Forms Plus contains lots of form.....
Bootstrap CSS Forms Premium

Fully Responsive and Bootstrap compatible.Collapsible sidebar on toggle click. You can also set your custom breakpoints.Awesome looks (Available in 5 skins and colors).Wide View support. (Full Screen sidebar)Vector Icons (font Awe.....
Menus Plugins Premium

“Responsive Accordion” is a component ready to use on mobile devices and desktop devices. It’s a fluid component and easy to use. It provides various skins, options and features for data organization. Ready for the B.....
Accordion Bootstrap CSS Plugins Premium Responsive

This is a jQuery plugin that works alongside with Bootstrap and helps you create beautiful tiles.As a jQuery – Bootstrap plugin, in order to use jsTiles you have to include both jQuery and Bootstrap into your project. You al.....
Animation Bootstrap Gallery Plugins Responsive

Pure css toggle buttons based on the bootstrap checkbox pattern.The Pattern is the same as Twitter-Bootstrap. So it can be implemented without a breeze. .....
Bootstrap CSS

Missing vertical tabs component for bootstrap. .....
Bootstrap CSS Tabs

This is a simple jQuery plugin that turns standard Bootstrap alerts into “Growl-like” notifications. .....
Bootstrap CSS Plugins

An alternate stylesheet for Chosen that integrates with Bootstrap. .....
Bootstrap Plugins

Bootstrap already takes care of showing the .navbar-toggle when it is on the x-small window size.I have styled the .navbar-collapse.collapse to be positioned absolute by default. Only in the other media queries am I switching it t.....
Menus Plugins Responsive

A bootstrap mobile menu jQuery plugin for deeply nested menus. Works with Bootstrap 2.3 – 3.+ or any markup that meets minimal, customizable requirements. .....
Bootstrap Menus Plugins

This is a Quiz App. It implements full CRUD for different types of questions, DOM manipulation with JavaScript and JQuery Drag and Drop, Bootstrap, and FontAwesome for icons and MORE!!!! .....
Bootstrap Drag_Drop

Simple css to make select2 widgets fit in with bootstrap. .....
Bootstrap Plugins

SnackbarJS is a lightweight and jQuery powered plugin made to work in Bootstrap style, just like the Bootstrap tooltips work.Create Material Design snackbars and toasts with ease. .....
Bootstrap Plugins

Buttons with built-in loading indicators, effectively bridging the gap between action and feedback for bootstrap.It is drive from original ladda loading indication by hakimel. .....
Animation Bootstrap CSS

Bootstrap-Maxlength a jQuery plugin integrates by default with Twitter bootstrap using badges to display the maximum lenght of the field where the user is inserting text. Uses the HTML5 attribute “maxlength” to work.Th.....
Bootstrap Forms HTML5 Plugins

JQuery XML Product Showcase & Quote Cart is solutions for those who needs to display products & and get a request for Quote by their customers its powered by jQuery, XML & Bootstrap. Using this product you can list un.....
Bootstrap Gallery Plugins Premium Responsive XML

Simple Calculator in jQuery, Bootstrap.Create Simple Calculator:Change your Color interface.Simple Operators.Easy install on website. .....
Bootstrap Plugins

A vertical menu for desktop web apps, using bootstrap. .....
Bootstrap CSS Menus

A simple plugin which opens Bootstrap dropdown menus on mouse hover, the proper way. Compatible with every device. .....
Bootstrap Menus Plugins

A simple jQuery plugin that extends bootstrap’s dropdown menu into something like github’s select menu. .....
Bootstrap Plugins

HOE Navigation Menu consist of both Horizantal and Vertical navigation menu based on CSS3 and Jquery. Its lightweight and compatible with almost all major browsers and devices. It supports four levels sub menu with shrink, Overlay.....
Bootstrap CSS Menus Plugins Premium Responsive

jQuery Grid by Gijgo.com is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a very fast and extandable tool, and will add advanced interaction controls to any HTML table. This plugin support pagination, javascript and server si.....
Ajax Bootstrap Plugins Tables

A jQuery plugin that is designed to work with Bootstrap 3 with lots of helpful functionality including form validation, notifications, progress bar and more. .....
Bootstrap Plugins

Nb2Sb (Navbar to Sidebar) is a Bootstrap-only jQuery plug-in that converts your navbar into a sidebar. .....
Bootstrap Menus Plugins Responsive

One of the most popular features of the website is a modal window. Modern developers pay little attention to them. Often Windows look awful, boring or don’t work. So we decided to create a unique component for modal dialogs! The.....
Animation Bootstrap Plugins Popup Window Premium Responsive

jQuery Plugin for displaying an array of filepaths as a browsable, hierarchical directory (tree) structure. Plays nice with Bootstrap 3. .....
Bootstrap Plugins

In this tutorial we are going to implement this Responsive Facebook style timeline design with Twitter Bootstrap. I am going to explain step by step implementation of this Responsive Timeline Design, so just follow the each steps .....
Bootstrap CSS Responsive

Confirm dialogs for buttons and links using jQuery and Bootstrap. .....
Bootstrap Plugins Popup Window

iTunes API search using jQuery,  jPlayer and Bootstrap.Simple search interface experiment using Bootstrap responsive techniques.Allows user to input a search term which is executed against the public iTunes Store API. .....
Bootstrap Other API Plugins Responsive Video_Audio

Wheelizate Tabs is an alternative way of tabbed navigation. It’s an animated tab components based on Bootstrap tab system.Features:4 wheelizated tabs in 4 possible position6 color schemes with 6 themes (less files included)Respo.....
Animation Bootstrap Plugins Premium Responsive Tabs

This jQuery plugin allows you to use placeholders as labels in your Bootstrap forms.It fully supports Bootstrap ~> 3.0No markup changes required if used with BootstrapIt uses :before pseudo-element instead of adding its own ele.....
Bootstrap Forms Plugins

Bootstrap Dropdown Filter is a control for jPList, an open source library for sorting, filtering and pagination. It allows filtering of any HTML structure (DIVs, UL/LI, Tables etc.) by the given jQuery path and uses a standard Boo.....
Bootstrap Plugins Premium

It’s a simple jQuery tooltip plugin extended from Twitter Bootstrap’s tooltip plugin that supports 4 positions, background color, font color and border color without using images.Features:4 Positions: top, right, bottom and le.....
Bootstrap CSS Plugins

Generic jQuery plugin template for building pickers using Bootstrap popovers, fully customizable with a powerful base API, including jQuery.UI position plugin. .....
Bootstrap Forms Plugins

A grid to display data in tree structure by using angular, bootstrap. .....
Bootstrap Plugins Tables

Super simple, easy to use off-canvas navigation menu for Bootstrap.It uses Bootstrap classes and markup to create an off-canvas menu that not only looks good. But works perfectly. .....
Bootstrap Menus Plugins Responsive

Bootstrap menu with submenu option with jQuery. .....
Bootstrap Menus Plugins

Inline editor for HTML tables compatible with Bootstrap. .....
Bootstrap Plugins Tables

This Twitter Bootstrap plugin builds a wizard using a formatted tabbable structure. It allows to build a wizard functionality using buttons to go through the different wizard steps and using events allows to hook into each step in.....
Bootstrap Plugins Tabs

Easy Modal for bootstrap, is a simple way to create modal dialogs using javascript. .....
Bootstrap Plugins Popup Window

Bootstrap select for mobile devices, originally made for select controls in Cordova/PhoneGap mobile applications.A custom fullscreen select / multiselect for Bootstrap using BUTTONS or User defined elements, designed for mobile de.....
Bootstrap jQuery Mobile Plugins Responsive

Font Awesome Icon Picker is a fully customizable plugin for Twitter Bootstrap, with a powerful base API.You can use Font Awesome or another font icon set of your choice (icons options and items are customizable) .....
Bootstrap Other API Plugins

Colorpicker plugin for Twitter Bootstrap, originally written by Stefan Petre.It basically adds a color picker to a field or any other element.can be used as a componentalpha pickermultiple formats: hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla .....
Bootstrap Plugins

jQuery plugin for bootstrap 3 table’s sorting. .....
Bootstrap Plugins Tables

A checkbox component based on Bootstrap framework. .....
Forms Plugins

strapPoint is a small jQuery utility plugin to make working with Bootstrap breakpoints easier. .....
Bootstrap Plugins Responsive

Date/time picker widget based on twitter bootstrap. .....
Bootstrap Calendar Plugins

Structured-filter is a generic Web UI for building structured search or filter queries. With it you can build structured search queries like “Contacts where Firstname starts with ‘A’ and Birthday after 1/1/1980 a.....
Bootstrap jQuery UI Plugins

Combobox plugin for Twitter Bootstrap, based on dropdown (which is compatible down to IE7). .....
Bootstrap Forms Plugins

This PHP Quiz Application has following features.1. This online Quiz Application has user login, registration and forget password functionality. 2. User can able to view their previous quiz results. 3. Each questions can have .....
Ajax Bootstrap PHP

Munda forms is a set of modern, clean form elements suitable for any type of website or form. The package includes 3 working AJAX forms, 5 color variations, 35 HTML demos.Bootstrap grid system200+ iconsjQueryUI widgets: accordion,.....
Ajax Bootstrap Calendar CSS Forms Plugins Premium

Access to visual editors to create/edit the following Bootstrap elements like Buttons (+ icons),Icons,Tables,Templates (create only),Breadcrumbs,Paginations,Pagers,Labels,Badges,Alerts,Panels.Use your own Bootstrap css, wich will .....
Bootstrap Premium

Dash is responsive Bootstrap dashboard navbar / menu. This item has two navbars, one for top and the other for left. The mobile swipe feature has been added for mobile devices.Features:Botstrap 3ResponsiveDashboard styleMobile fri.....
Bootstrap HTML5 Menus Plugins Premium Responsive

Architect is the most powerful and easy to use site and html builder not only on codecanyon, but probably on the internet as well. It has all the features you would except from a site builder, while also offering exclusive ones li.....
Bootstrap Core Java Script Drag_Drop PHP Premium

RCW forms is a set of form elements build with the help of various frameworks and libraries, that gives you the necessary tools to create any type of web form. .....
Bootstrap CSS Forms Plugins Premium

Bootstrap 3Font Awesome icons2 Registration formLogin formForgot password formSubscribe formContact formReview FormCheckout formShortcodes – includes many form elements2 type of ratingsToggle buttonsCustom selectCustom file inpu.....
Bootstrap CSS Forms Premium

A jQuery tag/token input plugin for Twitter’s Bootstrap, by the guys from Sliptree.Features:Copy & paste tokens with Ctrl+C and Ctrl+VKeyboard navigation, delete tokens with keyboard (arrow keys, Shift + arrow keys)Selec.....
Bootstrap Forms Plugins

Gridstack.js is a jQuery plugin for widget layout. This is drag-and-drop multi-column grid. It allows you to build draggable responsive bootstrap v3 friendly layouts.It also works great with knockout.js .....
Bootstrap Drag_Drop Layout Plugins Responsive

This is a HTML5 file uploader, for single or multiple files. You can add files easily by dragging and dropping them or clicking. All files will be uploaded via AJAX or can be added within a form. Files can be renamed before upload.....
Ajax Bootstrap HTML5 Premium

Context menu plugin for Twitter’s Bootstrap framework. .....
Bootstrap Menus Plugins

Tiny JS library taking advantage of bootstrap’s popover to help guide your users around. .....
Bootstrap Plugins Popup Window

jQuery Progress timer is a jquery extension that extends the functionality of the Bootstrap progress bar. .....
Bootstrap Plugins

jQuery-Plugin for creating complex forms (table-based) with usage of bootstrap and (optional) Font-Awesome.Display a bunch of form elements in a (sometimes) complex gridHave an “edit” and a “view” modeSimpl.....
Bootstrap Forms Plugins

Airview is a Javascript plugin which displays single image as Bootstrap Tooltip. It requires Bootstraps Tooltip.js and JQuery.js to work, both of these plugins are provided. .....
Bootstrap Plugins

Tablesorter is a jQuery plugin for turning a standard HTML table with THEAD and TBODY tags into a sortable table without page refreshes. tablesorter can successfully parse and sort many types of data including linked data in a cel.....
Bootstrap Plugins Tables

Enhancing functionality of dropdown menus. Added the following improvements:Sub-MenusSupport for radio and checkboxesPositioning of menusBullet for menus .....
Bootstrap Menus Plugins

A lightWeight popover plugin with jquery ,enchance the popover plugin of bootstrap with some awesome new features. It works well with bootstrap ,but bootstrap is not necessary!Features:fast,lightweightsupport more placementsauto c.....
Bootstrap Plugins

A simple action confirmation plugin for jQuery based on Twitter Bootstrap Popover. .....
Bootstrap Plugins Popup Window

jQuery drag and drop HTML builder – compile Bootstrap based HTML and JS. Builder extract required JS code (about 0% – 15%) from itself and provide it with resulting HTML to allow initialization a third party JS librari.....
Bootstrap CSS Drag_Drop HTML5 Web

Picture cut is a jquery plugin that handles images in a very friendly and simple way, with a beautiful interface based on bootstrap or jquery ui, has great features like ajax upload, drag image from explorer, image crop and others.....
Ajax Bootstrap Drag_Drop Plugins

metisMenu  is a easy menu jQuery plugin for Twitter Bootstrap 3. .....
Bootstrap Menus Plugins

A HTML5 Upload image tool, full use of HTML5 with canvas (with fallback options). Together with a ratio and drag & drop makes this tool ideal for use in a CMS.Features:uses canvas to crop the image, no server scripts needed!wa.....
Ajax Bootstrap Drag_Drop HTML5 Plugins Premium

A drop in extension replacing error labels from jQuery Validation plugin with Twitter Bootstrap tooltips. .....
Bootstrap Forms Plugins

The MegaNavbar is a Bootstrap 3.0+ based component, that uses the standard navbar markup, and the fluid grid system from Bootstrap 3. Work for fixed and responsive layout, and has the facility to include any Bootstrap component ex.....
Bootstrap CSS Menus Premium

HTML Builder is a nifty little Javascript application which allows end-users to easily compose custom HTML designs using pre-defined HTML elements. The HTML Builder script comes with several sample HTML elements (the ones as displ.....
Bootstrap CSS Drag_Drop HTML5 Plugins Premium

Bootstrap Rating is a jQuery plugin that creates a rating control that uses Bootstrap glyphicons for rating symbols. .....
Bootstrap Plugins

I was working on a web survey type of project with a requirement that admin users should be able to build forms on the go, which will then be displayed to user to fill up and submit. while browsing i came across this nice script F.....
Bootstrap Drag_Drop Forms

In this tutorial I want to demonstrate how to build a vertical responsive timeline using Twitter Bootstrap. It’s free to use and includes many helpful styles for getting the page setup properly. Also since we’re using Bootstra.....
Bootstrap CSS Responsive

Codetabs is a great plug-in tabs + slider when integrated gestrue swipe, move between slides really easy on desktop and mobile. No need to switch troublesome dropdown menu as the other plugin on the mobile. Same time create thousa.....
Plugins Premium Slider Tabs

jQuery Bootgrid is a UI component written for jQuery and Bootstrap (Bootstrap isn’t necessarily required).A grid control especially designed for bootstrap.Everything you need to start quickly is:Include jQuery, jQuery Bootgr.....
Bootstrap Plugins Tables

jQuery plugin for generating photoset gallery using Bootstrap and Bootstrap Image Gallery. .....
Bootstrap Gallery Other API Plugins Popup Window

The table displays data in a tabular format and offers rich support to radio, checkbox, sort, pagination and so on. The table has been designed to reduce development time and to require no specific knowledge from developers. It is.....
Ajax Bootstrap jSON Plugins Tables

bs_grid is a jQuery Datagrid plugin, based on Twitter Bootstrap. .....
Bootstrap Plugins Tables

Azexo Composer is JavaScript library for user friendly front-end content editing of HTML pages. It is based on jQuery, jQuery UI, Underscore and Bootstrap. The main difference from other solutions – Azexo Composer uses client JS.....
Bootstrap HTML5 Premium Web

Live edit the visuals of a web page in a browser with the help of Less.js (colors, padding and any other CSS properties)Edit the Less variables and see the results immediately on the preview page.Generates the customized CSS file .....
Bootstrap CSS Premium

jsPanel for bootstrap is basically the same as jsPanel but optimized for use in a bootstrap environment. In general this means that jsPanel for bootstrap makes use of native bootstrap components in order to adapt to the used boots.....
Bootstrap Drag_Drop Plugins Popup Window

jQuery Bootstrap Auto-Hiding Navbar is an extension for Bootstrap’s fixed navbar which hides the navbar while the page is scrolling downwards and shows it the other way. The plugin is able to show/hide the navbar programmati.....
Bootstrap Menus Plugins

Salvattore touts itself as a jQuery Masonry alternative with one important difference: it uses CSS configuration instead of JavaScript. These kinds of grids can be seen all over the web, probably most famously on Pinterest.Toda.....
Bootstrap Plugins Responsive

jQuery plugin for hiding Bootstrap tabs inside a dropdown, when viewport is too small. .....
Bootstrap Plugins Responsive Tabs

A small, light, responsive Bootstrap Gallery with jQuery. .....
Bootstrap Gallery Plugins Popup Window

An enhanced HTML 5 file input for Bootstrap 3.x with file preview for images and text, multiple selection, and more. The plugin enhances these concepts and simplifies the widget initialization with simple HTML markup on a file inp.....
Bootstrap Forms HTML5 Plugins

A clock-style timepicker for Bootstrap a jquery plugin.Both desktop and mobile device are supported. It also works great in touch screen device.All major browsers are supported, including IE 9+. It should look and behave well enou.....
Bootstrap Plugins

Bootstrap Filestyle is a plugin for jquery-based component library could Twitter Bootstrap, used to style the file fields of the forms.This plugin has an interesting way to present a form for sending files so attractive, while bei.....
Bootstrap Forms Plugins

Mega Menus allow you to see all the features available to the user at one shot and dont require users to drill down into further sub navigation as needed.Bootstrap Megamenu are common on e-commerce sites because they typically inc.....
Bootstrap CSS Menus Responsive

Angustore it’s the mini shop online for sell your product, not need the database or php, but only Html, Css, Javascript and AngularJs. .....
Bootstrap PHP Premium Responsive

You can use a combination of features that you want in the table. Our Js table features in below.You can add the search feature in the table.You can add the sorting feature in the table.You can add the result sum feature end of th.....
Bootstrap Plugins Premium Responsive Tables

bootstrap-progressbar is a jQuery plugin which extends the basic twitter-bootstrap progressbar. It provides the ability to animate the progressbar by adding Javascript in combination with the preexisting css transitions. Additiona.....
Animation Bootstrap Plugins

Bootpag  a jQuery plugin helps you create dynamic pagination with Bootstrap or in any other html pages. .....
Bootstrap Plugins

Bootstrap Confirmation is a jQuery plugin for Twitter Bootstrap. Use Bootstrap Popovers as confirmation dialogs. Simple and easy. .....
Bootstrap Plugins Popup Window

Your forms deserve to fancy and create an impression.Features:10 Main concepts6 Premade bootstrap templates6 Premade workless templates6 Premade Foundation TemplatesValidationElegant SoundEasy Multiple SelectStory BoxCSS Transitio.....
Bootstrap CSS Forms Plugins Premium

Modern, Customizable, Clean, Fluid and Responsive. Responsive effects by default and fully compatible with Desktop, Notebook, Tablet, Smarphone, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer.Image Autofit is an awesome feat.....
Animation Bootstrap CSS Plugins Premium Responsive Slider

flavr is a freshly build stylish popup dialog for your next flat website. flavr is built to be responsive, able to adapt its layout and position to any screen size of your viewer with the power of CSS. Just like you, we are avoidi.....
Animation Bootstrap CSS Plugins Popup Window Premium

The FH Mega Menu is a jQuery based Bootstrap 3.0+ mega menu plugin compatible with all mobile devices and modern web browsers.Features:100% Responsive Layout Design100% Twitter Bootstrap 3.0+ BasedUnlimited Color Schemes3 Easy Ste.....
Bootstrap CSS Menus Plugins Premium Responsive

A simple yet powerful JQuery star rating plugin for Twitter Bootstrap. Developed with a focus on utlizing pure CSS-3 styling to render the control. .....
Bootstrap Plugins

A easy-to-use jQuery color picker for Twitter Bootstrap.There are some great color picker plugins out there, but most cater to the needs of techies and designers, providing complicated controls to access every color imaginable.Pic.....
Bootstrap Plugins

Bootstrap Visual FX is a fusion between severals of my jQuery plugins, specially adapted to Twitter Bootstrap 2 & 3 .Features:Buttons effects (shine, glass)Images effects (shine, glass, grayscale)Full Notification system, with.....
Animation Bootstrap Image Effects Plugins Premium

Make use of Twitter Bootstrap’s modal more monkey-friendly with this jquery plugin. .....
Bootstrap Plugins Popup Window

This tiny (3KB, < 120 lines) jQuery plugin turns any table into an editable spreadsheet. Here are the key features:No magic – works on a normal HTML table (so you can plug it in into any web table)Supports validation and .....
Bootstrap Tables

Alpaca is the Easy Forms Engine for jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap.It is built around JSON schema to keep things simple. Using Alpaca, you can express your forms object model, types, properties and validation logic. Forms rendered w.....
Bootstrap Forms HTML5 jQuery Mobile jQuery UI jSON Plugins

Pretty simple jQuery plugin that turns standard Bootstrap alerts into hovering “Growl-like” notifications.Features:Uses standard Twitter Bootstrap alerts which provides ‘info’, ‘error’, and R.....
Bootstrap Plugins

Pines Steps is a JavaScript steps (wizard) plugin, developed by Angela Murrell as part of Pines. It is designed to provide an unparalleled level of flexibility, while still being very easy to implement and use.Pines Steps is usefu.....
Bootstrap Plugins

This jQuery plugin simplifies the usage of Bootstrap Pagintion. It uses appropriate classes: .pagination (you change this one), .active and .disabled. .....
Bootstrap Plugins

Bootstrap Tabcordion is a simple jQuery plugin that transforms a set of Bootstrap tabs into a Bootstrap accordion. It can be configured to perform this transformation based on the size of the container or viewport to provide respo.....
Accordion Bootstrap Plugins Responsive Tabs

A jQuery plugin for displaying Bootstrap form alerts via jQuery events.Features:Event basedModeled after Bootstrap’s pluginsAutomatic binding via html attributes. .....
Bootstrap Forms Plugins

Bootslider is the ultimate premium Bootstrap Slider Plugin offering the capability to show images, videos, html markup and captions paired with modern and fancy 3D transitions. Even more important, it is fully responsive and mobil.....
CSS Premium Responsive Slider

A Bootstrap 3 optimized advanced responsive color selector with color swatches in jQuery and support for human perceived lightness. Works in all modern browsers and on touch devices. .....
Bootstrap Plugins

Bootstrap-style dropdowns in jQuery with some added features and no dependencies.One of my favorite Boostrap plugins is dropdowns, but I had a bit of difficulty getting started with them. The docs say you can apply a dropdown to n.....
Bootstrap Menus Plugins

A lightweight switch-like widget using twitter bootstrap and jQuery. This is good for simulating states like on/off, user/admin etc. .....
Bootstrap Forms Plugins

Bootstrap Pagy is a jQuery plugin that simplifies the use of the Bootstrap Pagination component.Features:Custom previous and next buttonCustom first and last buttonCustom inner window size (default 2)Custom outer window size (defa.....
Bootstrap Plugins

Quite simply, bbGrid is a JavaScript grid/spreadsheet component. The general idea is the same as in Backbone, you don’t need to keep an eye on collection, bbGrid will do that!Features:Responsive due to Twitter BootstrapExten.....
Bootstrap Responsive Tables

Combines the epic powers of Twitter Bootstrap and jQuery Isotope .....
Plugins Responsive

The select decorator component that was missing for Twitter Bootstrap.Features:Bootstrap-like dropdown decorator for <select> elementsEasy to use, a simple jQuery call and you’re done!Doesn’t require any Bootstra.....
Bootstrap Forms Plugins

A customizable HTML5 video player plugin for jQuery based on bootstrap UI.Features:– easy to Customize with css – support multiple videos in one page – simple use of HTML5 video tag – show pause/play .....
Bootstrap HTML5 Plugins Video_Audio