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191 JQuery Jquery Ui Plugins

Are you looking for JQuery Jquery Ui Plugins If yes then you are on right place because here we have collected most popular 191 JQuery Jquery Ui Plugins for you. you can choose any of following JQuery Jquery Ui Plugins which suits best to your web based projects, These all are highly rated JQuery Jquery Ui Plugins.

plusTabs is a plugin to interact with jQuery UI tabs when there are too many tabs. .....
jQuery UI Plugins Responsive Tabs

A lightweight desktop-engine for JQuery.This lightweight jquery-ui-plugin provides basic desktop functionality.Windowsoptions from HTML-data-attributesfocus-system to highlight active windowsminimize and restore windowsmaximize an.....
Drag_Drop jQuery UI Plugins Popup Window

The timepicker addon adds a timepicker to jQuery UI Datepicker, thus the datepicker and slider components (jQueryUI) are required for using any of these. In addition all datepicker options are still available through the timepicke.....
jQuery UI Plugins

Timedropper is a jQuery UI timepicker. Manage time input fields in a standard form. Focus on the input to open an small interactive timepicker. .....
jQuery UI Plugins

In this tutorial we are going to see how to implement jQuery UI autocomplete in Bootstrap Modal Popup Using PHP Ajax. .....
Ajax jQuery UI PHP Plugins Popup Window Tables

In this article we transform the famous jQuery UI datepicker into a weekpicker. This means that when we hover over the calendar cells, the whole week row needs to be highlighted; and when we select a date, the week start and date.....
jQuery UI Plugins

Chrome style tab-resizing for jQuery UI tabs.OverflowResize provides methods for adding and removing tabs. .....
Plugins Responsive Tabs

We are going to see how to show state name and country name in the same text field.When user types the city or state name in the textbox, It will make ajax request to apache server, where PHP will make connection to MySQL database.....
jQuery UI PHP

Visual editor bookmarklet that makes modifying and commenting on web pages remarkably easy! Built with Require, jQuery, and jQuery UI. .....
Drag_Drop jQuery UI Plugins

Flat slider is an online tool that allows you to turn the jQuery UI slider into a beautiful flat slider. You can change the color and size of the slider line, handles and range. The tool generates the CSS as you make your changes,.....
CSS jQuery UI

This plugin extends the jQuery UI Slider widget.Plugin for adding little ‘pips’ , ‘floats’ and labels to a slider. .....

It is nothing but normal search box where it provides suggestions in a dropdown while typing the keyword in the text box. By using Wikipedia Opensearch API and jQuery Autocomplete UI, we can easily implement this feature without w.....
jQuery UI Other API

Structured-filter is a generic Web UI for building structured search or filter queries. With it you can build structured search queries like “Contacts where Firstname starts with ‘A’ and Birthday after 1/1/1980 a.....
Bootstrap jQuery UI Plugins

Simone is a JavaScript window manager consisting of two widgets: taskbar and window, providing a desktop-like experience. It’s especially useful for single-page applications. It’s built on top of the jQuery and jQuery .....
Drag_Drop jQuery UI Plugins

The Modal Pop-up Dialog Box on jQuery, jQuery UI and DialogExtend with the skins in the style of Metro. .....
jQuery UI Plugins Popup Window Premium

A jQuery UI widget for building simple, scroll-based pages and interactions.Key features include:100% style agnostic. Just a collection of often-used scroll-based patterns.Use existing DOM, or use an array of objects to create mar.....
jQuery UI Plugins

jQuery plugin for adding little ‘pips’ , ‘floats’ and labels to a slider.Features:Adds small “pips” and “labels” to the sliderExtends the jQuery UI Slider widgetEasily ConfigurableWo.....
jQuery UI Plugins

Alpaca is the Easy Forms Engine for jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap.It is built around JSON schema to keep things simple. Using Alpaca, you can express your forms object model, types, properties and validation logic. Forms rendered w.....
Bootstrap Forms HTML5 jQuery Mobile jQuery UI jSON Plugins

Rich_TextArea is a jQuery plugin replacement for the venerable HTML TEXTAREA that adds arbitrary triggered autocompletes along with the insertion of rich “embedded objects” included images, links, or any other markup.Rich_Text.....
Forms Plugins

A jQuery UI widget for building simple, scroll-based pages and interactions.Key features :100% style agnostic. Just a collection of often-used scroll-based patterns.Can can you existing DOM or use an array of objects to create mar.....
jQuery UI Plugins Web

jQuery plugin that turns a jQueryUI menu widget into a context menu.Define menus from <ul> element or definition list (i.e. [{title: "Paste", cmd: "paste"}, ...]).Themable using jQuery ThemeRoller.Supports delegation (i.e. c.....
Menus Plugins

Alpaca generates forms on-the-fly using JSON schema and configuration to define object models, types, properties, validation logic and layout. Alpaca generates intuitive forms while giving your business the assurance of data compl.....
Bootstrap Forms jQuery Mobile jQuery UI jSON

jQuery slider extension forcing gaps and order for any number of handles.A slider allowing multiple sliders and ranges with all sorts of optional limitations in position/size/distance. Also includes optional labels on the sliders .....
jQuery UI Plugins Slider

MultiDialog utilizes jQuery UI Dialog for a full featured Modalbox / Lightbox application. It’s flexible, easy to use but yet extendable and fits great into the jQuery UI Widget family.Use any jQuery selector or a powerf.....
Ajax Plugins Popup Window

jWizard  is a jQuery Plugin for generating a Windows Wizard-like interface for your Web Applications. .....
Forms jQuery UI Plugins Web

Virtual Keyboard using jQuery UI.Features:An on-screen virtual keyboard embedded within the browser window which will popup when a specified entry field is focused.The user can then type and preview their input before Accepting or.....
jQuery UI

Tapestry 5 jQuery integration. Fully replace Prototype and Scriptaculous with jQuery with as less as possible compatibility issues.The “Tapestry5-jQuery” is an open sourced Tapestry 5 library from Atos WorldLine. It ai.....
Ajax Forms jQuery UI Plugins

A jQuery UI theme based on Twitter Bootstrap.This project was started to bring the beauty and ease-of-use of Twitter Bootstrap to jQuery UI widgets.In their original forms, jQuery UI and Bootstrap can’t coexist resulting in .....
Bootstrap CSS Forms jQuery UI Maps Menus Popup Window Responsive Slider Tables Web

CSS3 skins for jQuery UI datepicker.To use them, start by copying the .datepicker.css files you need as well as the images in the images folder. Then add the appropriate classes to your datepickers. See below for a complete li.....
Calendar CSS jQuery UI

MediaSlide is a jQuery UI plugin that allows you to browse a collection of media items (currently just images, but videos will be supported soon).Features:Media lists can contain thousands of itemsData can be loaded via JSON, XML .....
Gallery jQuery UI jSON Slider XML

jqtimeline is an easy to use, customizable jQuery plugin to create a timeline for a set events.Simple and easy to use.Can be use to create Social apps, showing blog timeline posts etc.Can be easily integrated with other jQuery UI .....
jQuery UI jSON Plugins

The w2ui library is a set of interrellated jQuery plugins. It is not a adhoc port to jQuery, but was initially developed with jQuery in mind. There is no support of other frameworks such as prototype or dojo. The w2layout object a.....
CSS Forms HTML5 jQuery UI Layout Popup Window Tables Tabs

jQWidgets is faster and easy-to-use JavaScript UI SDK based on the popular jQuery library.jQWidgets delivers everything you need to build rich client UI with JavaScript, HMTL5 and jQuery. It contains more than 30 UI widgets and is.....
Drag_Drop Forms jQuery UI Menus Plugins Popup Window Tabs

MetTile is a jQuery Plugin to add different custom Metro UI Tiles on your website. This plugin automatically generate different animated tiles which are also called Live Tiles. Its a good plugin to quickly make some animated tiles.....
Animation jQuery UI Plugins Premium

jQuery UI Modal is plugin of jQuery UI. It easy to create modal functionality to the web application (example the modal form 
) and to replace the basic functionality provided by the standard javascript alert(), confirm(), and p.....
Animation CSS jQuery UI Plugins Popup Window Premium

A jQuery UI widget for selecting angles.JavaScript and CSS is based on LayerStyles. .....
jQuery UI Plugins

jui_datagrid is an Ajax-enabled jQuery plugin, useful to manipulate database data in tabular format.Fully customizable, simple but powerful API, jQuery themes compatible, localization support. It has a modular design, so it is usi.....
Ajax jQuery UI Plugins Tables

Literally Canvas is an extensible, open source (BSD-licensed), HTML5 drawing widget that currently supports a minimal set of drawing operations. You can draw, erase, set the color with the eyedropper, undo, redo, pan, and zoom. It.....
HTML5 jQuery UI Zoom

Zino UI is jQuery based, WAI-ARIA compatible, user interface framework consist of 23+ different components. Cross-platform user interface framework for you Web & Enterprise applications. A delightful addition to your CMS, Back.....
jQuery UI Plugins

FlipBook will take a sequential time series of images and animate them. Each image is shown for a short period of time and then replaced by the next image in the series. The animation begins as soon as the first image is loaded; i.....
Animation Image Effects jQuery UI Plugins

An experimental slider pagination using the jQuery UI slider. The idea is to use a simple navigation concept that preserves layout and style while allowing content to stay easily accessible. .....
jQuery UI Slider

In this short tutorial, we are going to make a OSX-like folder with CSS3, by utilizing 3D transforms, gradients and box shadows. In addition, we are going to use jQuery UI and its drag and drop interactions to build a pretty inter.....
Animation CSS Drag_Drop jQuery UI

Drag ‘n’ dropping items has its various popular uses and shopping carts are definitely one of them.In this tutorial, we’ll be creating a simple shopping cart that works with drag ‘n’ drops.It will have support for add-to.....
Drag_Drop jQuery UI

EasyTabs creates tabs with all the functionality, no unwanted changes to your markup, and no hidden styling.Unlike jQuery UI tabs, which style and arrange your tabs and panels for you, this plugin handles only the functionality of.....
Ajax jQuery UI Plugins Tabs

Zozo Tabs is a lightweight highly customizable jQuery plugin to provide full tab functionality that can be integrated into your site/blog quickly and easily. Some of it’s key features includes: such as horizontal & vertical .....
CSS HTML5 Plugins Premium Tabs

Kiandra is pleased to announce the open sourcing of a jQuery UI theme we think you’re going to love. We have been using the “Delta” theme for the better part of a year and made the decision to share it with the community. We.....
jQuery UI

A simple jQuery UI widget to pretty up <select> elements and input custom ranges. It’s fully unit tested too, you can run the tests if you like.It works by setting the values back in your original select, so you can ca.....
Forms jQuery UI Plugins

I was tasked with creating a pop-up survey for a project. Fairly simple whether I used the jQuery dialog or not so I added a “Thank you” dialog that displays the survey results with a lightweight, css-based bar chart just for .....
jQuery UI PHP Popup Window

A jQuery plugin that progressively enhances an HTML Select Box into a single option dropdown list. The dropdown list can be optionally styled with Twitter Bootstrap or jQueryUI ThemeRoller and optionally animated with jQueryUI sho.....
Bootstrap Forms jQuery UI Plugins

Create.js is a comprehensive web editing interface for Content Management Systems. It is designed to provide a modern, fully browser-based HTML5 environment for managing content. Create can be adapted to work on almost any content.....
HTML5 jQuery UI Plugins Web

SlickGrid is a JavaScript grid/spreadsheet component. It is an advanced component and is going to be a bit more difficult to learn and configure, but once you realize its full potential, it will blow your mind!Some highlights:Ad.....
jQuery UI Plugins Tables

The jQuery Tagit Plugin transforms an html unordered list into a unique tagging plugin.Features:Convenient way for users to enter a list of itemsFully integrated with jQuery ui auto completeAutomatically adds current input as tag .....
Drag_Drop jQuery UI Plugins Web

The ultimate framework for building and validating responsive HTML5 forms.Features:Fully responsive (AKA adaptive, adapts to the container, no css media queries needed).Keyboard support.Every input type can be customized including.....
Forms HTML5 jQuery UI Responsive

Here is new tutorial to add a nice advanced sliding effect bar to your website with JQuery UI and CSS3. .....
CSS jQuery UI

jQuit Builder is now available in beta. jQuit Builder is a tool which allows you to create custom jQuery UI themes much like with the jQuery UI ThemeRoller. From experience I have found it difficult to make good looking themes wit.....
jQuery UI

JZoopraxiscope is a jQuery plugin for making animations from static images inspired in Eadweard Muybridge’s Zoopraxiscope.Besides jQuery, it also uses jQuery UI and requires the frames to be animated as a single, horizontal .....
Animation Image Effects jQuery UI Plugins

jQuery.iviewer is an jquery ui widget representing image viewer component used to load and view image with ability to zoom image and to drag it with mouse in container. .....
Image Effects jQuery UI Plugins Zoom

CropZoom is a plugin that let you select an area of an image and then crop it. whit this tool you also will be able to zoom in or to zoom out, to drag and also rotate an image. .....
Image Effects jQuery UI Plugins Zoom

Hallo is a very simple in-place rich text editor for web pages. It uses jQuery UI and the HTML5 contentEditable functionality to edit web content.The widget has been written as a simple and liberally licensed editor. It doesnÌ”.....
jQuery UI Plugins Web

jQRangeSlider is a jquery UI range selection slider that supports dates.Features :Select a range of values inside defined bounds.Adjust your selection by moving an end.Move your range as a whole.Move selected range with scrolling .....
jQuery UI Plugins

In this tutorial we will code an Upload Form from Impressionist UI. We will code it using the Plupload API. Plupload allows you to upload files using HTML5 Gears, Silverlight, Flash, BrowserPlus or normal forms, providing some uni.....
CSS Forms HTML5 jQuery UI PHP

elFinder is an open-source file manager for web, written in JavaScript using jQuery UI. Creation is inspired by simplicity and convenience of Finder program used in Mac OS X operating system.Features:All operations with files and .....
Drag_Drop HTML5 jQuery UI jSON Plugins Web

A duck punch for adding touch events to jQuery UI.This little library was written to punch in touch events to jQuery UI by providing touch proxies that simulate mouse events. .....
Events jQuery UI

noUiSlider is a little jQuery plugin that turns a html object into a nice (range) slider. It can have two handles to select a range, a fixed minimum or maximum to select a limit, or just two handles to pick some points.Every event.....
jQuery UI Plugins Slider

rcarousel is a jQuery UI continuous carousel with many cool features. It is highly customizable and supports even older browsers (No IE6, please). rcarousel is very simple to use. Just add some elements into a container and run th.....
Carousel jQuery UI

Each effect is highly configurable. Here is a general list of the options available in each effect (also changelog):Whether or not the text should be split into words rather than characersText to use instead of the element’s.....
Animation Plugins Text Effect

Sausage is a jQuery UI widget for contextual pagination. It complements long or infinite-scrolling pages by keeping the user informed of her location within the document. .....
jQuery UI Plugins

By popular demand: coded real-world examples of themeable buttons and toolbars using the jQuery UI CSS framework, a system of classes developed for jQuery UI widgets that can easily be applied to any plugin, and even static conten.....
CSS jQuery UI

Chico UI is an open source and free set of user interface components to ease developing with jQuery.The components include auto-complete, blink, calendar, carousel, countdown, date-picker, dropdown, expando, form and more.There is.....
Calendar Carousel CSS Forms jQuery UI Menus Popup Window Tabs Web

EasyTabs is a jQuery plugin that handles all of the tab functionality, leaving the styling to you.Features :Lightweight: the minified version is only 8KB – vs 20KB for only the jQueryUI core + tabs widgetProvides smooth tran.....
Ajax jQuery UI Plugins Tabs

Aristo is the respective open source themes of SproutCore and Cappuccino, applied to their parent JavaScript libraries. You can see a great comparison of the two in this article by Allen Pike. This UI libraries duplicate the funct.....
jQuery UI

Knockout a Dynamic jQuery UI a dynamic jQuery UI by applying the Model-View-View Model(MVVM) pattern.Easily associate DOM elements with model data using a concise, readable syntax.When your data model’s state changes, your U.....
Ajax Forms jQuery UI Other API Plugins

In this tutorial, we’ll be learning how to utilize jQuery UI to create a highly-functional user interface without using anything else. By the end, you should be familiar with jQuery UI, some of its components, and basic understa.....
Drag_Drop Forms jQuery UI Popup Window

rlightbox is a jQuery UI mediabox that can display many types of content such as images, YouTube and Vimeo videos. It has many unique features like Panorama and Live Re-size. Like other jQuery UI widgets, it is ThemeRoller ready. .....
Gallery jQuery UI Plugins Popup Window

jQWidgets gives us something new and special. It’s a new and unique library for jQuery UI development and unlike others it makes our Apps and Websites look beautiful on desktops, touch devices and mobile phones. jQWidgets is the.....
CSS Forms HTML5 jQuery UI Menus Plugins Popup Window Slider Tabs Web

A wheel scroller user control optimized for touchscreens to easily enter date and/or time. The control can easily be customized to support any custom values and can even be used as an intuitive alternative to the native select con.....
Animation Calendar Plugins

jQuery EasyUI framework help you build your web page easily.easyui is a collection of user-interface plugin based on jQuery.using easyui you don’t need to write many javascript code, you usually defines user-interface by wri.....
Chart_Graph CSS Forms jQuery UI Menus Plugins Slider Tabs Web

Ninja UI is a plugin for the framework that brings new alternatives to them in a single package.It includes widgets like buttons, accordion, icons, tooltips/modal box, slider, rating, tabs, auto-suggest and canvas-powered loader i.....
Accordion jQuery UI Menus Plugins Popup Window Tabs

This is the successor and port of my original jQuery MultiSelect Plugin to a jQuery UI widget. While both will actively be maintained, I highly recommend you use this version over the plugin version. It has a more robust feature s.....
Forms jQuery UI Plugins

Wijmo is a complete kit of over 30 UI widgets with everything from interactive menus to rich charts. If you know jQuery, you know Wijmo. Complete with documentation and professional support, every widget is hand-crafted and inc.....
Animation Chart_Graph CSS jQuery UI Menus Plugins Slider Tabs Web

Pines Notify is a simple notification plugin designed to provide an unparalleled level of flexibility, while still being very easy to implement and use. It uses the jQuery UI CSS library for styling, which means it is fully and ea.....
CSS jQuery UI Popup Window

jQuery makes creating UI so much easier without compromising speed and quality. In this tutorial we are going to enhance form using jQuery UI, so let’s get started. .....

QapTcha is a draggable jQuery captcha system with jQuery UI !QapTcha is an easy-to-use, simple and intuitive captcha system. .....
Drag_Drop PHP Web

This plug-in was inspired by the extJS border-layout, and recreates that functionality as a jQuery plug-in. The UI.Layout plug-in can create any UI look you want – from simple headers or sidebars, to a complex application .....
jQuery UI Popup Window Tabs Web

Showing off the best content of your website or blog in a nice intuitive way will surely catch more eyeballs. Using an auto-playing content slider is the one of techniques to show your featured content. .....
CSS Gallery jQuery UI Slider

I would like to show you how to create and use a jQuery UI CoverFlow component powered by $.widget and CSS3 transforms. It’s highly extensible, supports click, keyboard and mousewheel interaction.The iTunes CoverFlow effect is o.....
Animation CSS Gallery jQuery UI Plugins Slider

jQuery UI is solid. I wanted to see how hard it would be to use a good datepicker implementation styled as a google material designed widget. .....

Converting the (Aristo jQuery UI theme) datepicker to Material Design with sass. .....

Answer to Stackflow question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16895056/jquery-ui-datepicker-reset-date .....

Inspired by http://codepen.io/havardob/pen/WwWooB. Simple JQuery and CSS practice. .....

Enables selection of a date range using jQuery UI datepicker .....

Starting from X days from today. 'To' date is at least Y day(s) and max Z year(s) from 'From' date. .....

Built on top of Andreas Storm date picker: http://codepen.io/andreasstorm/pen/bBFgK .....

Part of a 2-part exploration of puff animations with number transitions, using either jQuery UI's puff transition or CSS3 transition/opacity. .....

This is a jQuery & jQuery UI based dialog manager to help you create custom alert popups, confirmation dialogs and modal windows on the webpage......
Modal popup confirm jQuery-UI alert

timeDurationPicker is a human-friendly jQuery UI time & duration picker which allows the user to pick duration in years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds......
jQuery-UI Time-Picker Duration-Picker

A super tiny jQuery plugin that uses CSS3 transforms and transitions to add smooth sort animations to jQuery UI sortable()......
jQuery-UI Sort

Pagination.js is a lightweight yet customizable jQuery plugin used to paginate your large data set using Bootstrap pagination component and jQuery UI......
Bootstrap bootstrap-4 Pagination jQuery-UI

This is a jQuery month & year picker addon for jQuery UI datepicker widget that allows users to quickly select years and months by clicking the title of the date picker calendar......
Date-Picker jQuery-UI month-picker year-picker

This is a custom jQuery & jQuery UI date picker component where the users are able to switch between Month and Quarter views for easier date selection......
jQuery-UI Date-Picker

The weekPicker.js widget allows to highlight the whole week row in the calendar and then display the selected week (with week numbers) in the corresponding input field......
jQuery-UI week-picker

jqKeyboard is a jQuery & jQuery UI based plugin for displaying a draggable, flat styled virtual keyboard on your screen that supports custom keyboard layout......

TimerTabPanel is a lightweight jQuery extension for jQuery UI that automatically switches between jQuery UI tabs at a given speed......
jQuery-UI tabs

An advanced and performant rotatable plugin for jQuery UI that makes use of CSS3 2D transforms to rotate an element with handle, mousewheel and touch events......
Rotate jQuery-UI rotation

A simple jQuery and jQuery UI based price range slider for eCommerce websites that enable the customers to filter product list by a price range specified in the min/max value fields or by dragging the slider handlers......
jQuery-UI Range-Slider

The jQuery UI Window Framework makes it easier to create jQuery UI dialog windows with a simple API that can be moved, resized and closed programmatically......
Modal jQuery-UI Dialog

multiSortable is a jQuery extension for the jQuery UI sortable widget that enables users to reorder multiple items (e.g. nested list items) in a list using drag and drop......
jQuery-UI Sort

Yet another jQuery based Password Strength Meter widget that displays an auto-update progressbar under the password input to visualize the current password strength you typed......
jQuery-UI Password

jquery.ui.autocomplete.scroll.js is a jQuery extension for the jQuery UI autocomplete widget that makes the suggestion list scrollable and allows to specify the maximum number of entries to show......
jQuery-UI Autocomplete

A simple yet configurable jQuery week picker plugin for easily selecting weeks from a calendar popup. Based on jQuery UI datepicker widget......
jQuery-UI week-picker

Pinpad is a jQuery UI widget used to generate a customizable, touch-friendly, POS Pin Pad-style numeric keypad for input fields......
jQuery-UI Keypad

ScrollTabs is a lightweight jQuery plugin which makes the regular jQuery UI tabs responsive and scrollable with navigation arrows on small screens......
jQuery-UI responsive-tabs

multipleSortable is a small jQuery plugin to extend the jQuery UI sortable widget that allows multiple DOM elements to be draggable and sortable at a time......
jQuery-UI Sort

A jQuery plugin for enhancing the default jQuery UI draggable functionality that allows to drag multiple selected DOM elements at a time, with snapping and cloning support......
jQuery-UI Drag

Tabs.Neighbors is a JQuery plugin that allows the visitor to switch between tabbed panels by click on the next / prev arrows......
jQuery-UI tabs

A jQuery/jQuery UI image comparison widget which allows your visitor to view the before / after images by dragging the slider based on the jQuery UI draggable widget......

A simple to use jQuery plugin which allows the visitor to quickly select a date range using jQuery UI datepicker widget.....
jQuery-UI Date-Picker date-range

The jQuery contenteditable.js plugin helps you create complex, customizable, content-editable html elements using jQuery UI and native HTML "contenteditable" attribute......
In-place-Editing content-editing

A jQuery / jQuery UI based web font picker that allows the user to choose a Google web font from a dropdown font selector......
Font font-picker

CheckList is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin which helps you create a dynamic, filterable, responsive checklist using jQuery UI......
jQuery-UI Checklist

MultiSearch is a robust, extensible jQuery UI widget that provides a multiple select UI with autocomplete / autosuggestion for input fields such as tags input and token inputs......
tags-input jQuery-UI Multiple-Select

A jQuery & jQuery UI plugin used for creating a vertical, draggable, touch-enabled slider to compare the before and after differences between 2 overlapping images......

timeLeft is a simple yet customizable jQuery UI widget to generate an inline countdown timer that counts the time left to a date of your choice......
jQuery-UI countdown

A jQuery plugin for converting a jQuery UI date picker widget into a date range picker which enables the visitor to select a date range in one control......
jQuery-UI Date-Picker date-range

Luna is a simple jQuery & jQuery UI plugin that helps you create a HTML5 MP3 audio player with custom controls on the webpage......
jQuery-UI audio-player

tinyNotice is a jQuery plugin used to create flat, eye-catching notification & confirm popups sliding out from the edge of your browser screen......
Notification alert confirm error warning

A jQuery & jQuery UI based responsive, mobile-friendly navigation which allows the visitor to scroll vertically through menu items on hover or touch swipe......

SuperToggle is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for converting normal buttons into multi-functional on / off toggle buttons......

jQuery Image Gallery is another extension to jQuery Blueimp Gallery Plugin, which allows you to create a highly customizable image gallery that displays images in the draggable and resizable dialog window of the jQuery UI......
jQuery-UI swipe Responsive transitions

A very small jQuery plugin that extends the default jQuery UI autocomplete widget to allow multi-column suggestion dropdown list......
jQuery-UI Autocomplete

A jQuery script which enables anchor links to scroll smoothly to specified position within the document, with variable scrolling speed and easing effects......
smooth-scroll jQuery-UI scroll-to

Momonga.js is a lightweight jQuery visual page editor plugin that makes your html content and content sections editable, draggable, sortable, duplicatable and deletable......

Telex is a jQuery & jQuery UI based scroller widget which takes an array of text messages and convert them into a horizontal text scroller......
scroller news-ticker text-scroller

jQueryUISortable is a jQuery plugin which extends the jQuery UI sortable() functionality to make your lists sortable and editable with JSON support......
jQuery-UI Sort list-view

A super simple jQuery plugin for transforming a standard jQuery UI tabs widget into an accordion widget when it reaches a CSS breakpoint.....
jQuery-UI tabs

panelSlider is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery UI widget which allows you to slide through a group of content panels just as a step wizard......
jQuery-UI Wizard panel-slider

HRImageSlideshow is a jQuery & jQuery UI widget used to create a simple, responsive, highly customizable image slider / slideshow with easing and keyboard support......
Image-Slider jQuery-UI

A simple jQuery dropdown plugin that turns the native select element into an animated & fully styleable dropdown list using jQuery UI Selectmenu widget......
Custom-Select Select Drop-Down-list

slickDTP is a jQuery & jQuery UI plugin which provides a slick time / date picker that is easy to navigate in a dialog popup......
jQuery-UI Date-Picker Time-Picker

Just another date range picker plugin which allows you to select a date range from a flat calendar UI based on jQuery & jQuery UI......
Date-Picker date-range

Chrome Tabs is a jQuery plugin for creating draggable, sortable, closeable and themeable tabs as you seen in Google Chrome......
tabs tab-menu

mtz.monthpicker is a jQuery plugin to extend the jQuery UI datepicker widget that allows the used to choose only a month and year from an interactive calendar UI......
jQuery-UI month-picker year-picker

A simple yet robust jQuery & jQuery UI menu plugin that creates accessible, nice-looking dropdowns, iPod-style drill down menus and flyout menus......
jQuery-UI Drop-Down-Menu Drop-Down Drill-Down-Menu

A jQuery extension for default jQuery UI slider widget that allows you to display multiple ranges in a single slider. How to use it: 1. Load the necessary jQuery library and jQuery UI in your document. link rel=stylesheet href=//c.....
jQuery-UI Range-Slider

A jQuery & jQuery UI based accordion image menu that allows to smoothly expand & collapse images on mouse hover......
jQuery-UI Accordion-menu

Creating a cross-browser and fully customizable cover flow-style image carousel/slider with jQuery and jQuery UI......
Carousel Image-Slider cover-flow

An ultra-light and simple-to-use jQuery plugin that generates a dynamic vertical timeline from an array of events stored in a data object......

A jQuery & jQuery UI plugin that implements a masked picker to fill in a custom-formatted string......
input-mask picker

Magic Wand is a jQuery & jQuery UI plugin that adds a smooth highlight animation to the characters when mouse moving past them......
text-animation Highlight text-highlighting

A jQuery plugin which makes use of jQuery UI and jQuery Mobile styles to show info or error message boxes on your webpage/web application......
Notification jQuery-UI jQuery-Modal

Enhanced Alert is a jQuery plugin for replacing the native Javascript alert, prompt and confirm boxes using jQuery UI dialog component......
jQuery-UI alert confirm Dialog prompt

Todolist is a really simple jQuery plugin to create a responsive & animated todo list component on your web page, styling with jQuery UI......
jQuery-UI todo-list

Makes use of jQuery UI to create a slider handle that enables you to compare two overlapping images with a little bit jQuery magic......
jQuery-UI Image-Comparison

A minimalist jQuery & jQuery UI script used to randomly and smoothly change the background color of your web page......
jQuery-UI background background-color

A simple jQuery plugin which extends the default jQuery UI dialog widget to create a collapsible/extendable dialog window with a collapse button......
jQuery-UI Dialog

multiAccordion is a tiny jQuery plugin to extend the jQuery UI Accordion widget that allows you to expand multiple sub- content panels at a time......

MLB Popout is a jQuery plugin to create animated & touch-enabled popovers that are triggered by a click/touch and can display larger amounts of information as a result......
popover jQuery-UI

Duration Picker is a jQuery plugin used to create a years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds duration picker using jQuery UI datepicker widget......
Time-Picker Duration-Picker

CustomMenu is a simple jQuery plugin that uses jQuery UI menu component to create a right-click context menu within any html element......
context-menu jQuery-UI

Timeselect is a jQuery plugin to turn a text input into a time selector using date.js and jQuery UI autocomplete widget......
jQuery-UI Time-Picker

Just another jQuery UI dialog widget enhancement plugin that extends original jQuery UI dialogs with lots of extra options, methods, and custom events......
jQuery-UI Dialog

A tiny jQuery plugin that extends the jQuery UI slider component to create a stylish circular range slider from a range input......
jQuery-UI Range-Slider circular-slider

A simple jQuery plugin used to create a responsive, full width and customizable image carousel/slideshow with straightforward Html markups......
Carousel jQuery-UI

A super simple jQuery extension that enhances the default jQuery UI slider widget to create a stylish & animated range slider with CSS3 transitions and transforms......
jQuery-UI Range-Slider

A jQuery & jQuery UI based color picker plugin which allows you to select a HSL or HSV color from a nice hexagonal color picker layout......
jQuery-UI color Colorpicker

dAlerta is a minimal jQuery & jQuery UI plugin for creating draggable, resizable and themeable dialog boxes on your web page......
jQuery-UI alert Dialog

A jQuery & jQuery UI based content slider/rotator plugin which allows you to cycle through a set of Html elements (images, text, inline elements)......
jQuery-UI Image-Rotator

Scroll Slider is a jQuery & jQuery UI based gallery plugin which allows you scroll through a set of images with thumbnails by dragging the inner scrollbar......
jQuery-UI scrolling

acescroll is a jQuery UI widget that allows to create custom horizontal or vertical scrollbars as an alternative to the default browser scrollbars in jQuery......
jQuery-UI scrollbar

Extends the native jQuery UI slider widget to create a stylish slim range slider with jQuery and CSS3 transforms......
jQuery-UI Range-Slider

Input-O-Saurus Text is an input field enhancement plugin that makes use of jQuery and jQuery that allows a text input field to have multiple values......
jQuery-UI input

dialogextend is a jQuery plugin for extending jQuery UI dialog widget that allows you to create resizable and draggable dialog boxes with some additional features and custom events support......

Drop List is a jQuery & jQuery UI plugin which turns the standard select list into a fully stylable, multi-selectable and searchable dropdown list......
Select Multiple-Select Drop-Down-list Drop-Down

A lightweight jQuery plugin which allows you to sort a nested item list with jQuery UI based drag & drop......
jQuery-UI Sort Drag

A super simple jQuery & jQuery UI based background image slider that features a content area on the left side where can place details about the image......
jQuery-UI background-image-slider

Chart2 is a very simple chart plugin built on top of jQuery, jQuery UI and Html5 canvas to draw a line chart & graph by loading data from Javascript array objects......
line-chart Canvas

Week Picker is a jQuery plugin built with jQuery UI datepicker widget that allows you to pick a whole week by one click......
Date-Picker week-picker

Task-List is a task management plugin that makes it easy to manage your task lists or To-do lists with Html5 localStorage support......
todo-list task-management

ModalWindow helps you create a simple jQuery modal window with amazing jQuery UI based open/close effects......
Modal jQuery-UI

Just another jQuery & jQuery UI component to create a customizable scrollbar within the long content DOM element that will show up on mouse hover......
jQuery-UI scrollbar

Autocomplete Multiselect is a plugin for jQuery & jQuery UI that turns a standard text input filed into a tokenized autocomplete box......
Tags-Management jQuery-UI Autocomplete input Tag Token-input

rcarousel is a highly customizable and multi-functional carousel/slider plugin driven by jQuery and jQuery UI. It supports any HTML element in slides......

qpcoverflow is a simple jQuery & jQuery UI component that replicates the familiar cover flow effect with image reflection to scroll through an array of images......
jQuery-UI cover-flow