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200 JQuery Select Plugins

Are you looking for JQuery Select Plugins If yes then you are on right place because here we have collected most popular 200 JQuery Select Plugins for you. you can choose any of following JQuery Select Plugins which suits best to your web based projects, These all are highly rated JQuery Select Plugins.

Tokenize2 is a plugin which allows your users to select multiple items from a predefined list or ajax, using autocompletion as they type to find each item. You may have seen a similar type of text entry when filling in the recipie.....
Bootstrap jSON PHP Plugins

A jQuery plugin to create and manage date ranges. Also requires jquery-ui for the datepickers. .....
Calendar Plugins

A simple style and powerful selector, including ajax remote data, autocomplete, pagination, tags, i18n and keyboard navigation features. .....
Forms Plugins

Timing Field is a jquery plugin to transform a timestamp field into an hours/minutes/seconds selector. .....
Forms Plugins

jQuery plugin allow turning a list of <p> paragraphs into a multiselect list. .....

jQuery.SelectListActions is a jQuery plugin that gives you several actions to perform with Select lists.With this plugin you can:Move selected item(s) from a source list to a destination listMove all items from a source list to a .....

Multi.js is a user-friendly replacement for select boxes with the multiple attribute. It has no dependencies, is mobile-friendly, and provides search functionality. multi.js is also easy to style with CSS and optionally supports j.....
Core Java Script Forms Plugins

Bootstrap-select is a jQuery plugin that utilizes Bootstrap’s dropdown.js to style and bring additional functionality to standard select elements.Bring select elements into the 21st century with intuitive multiselection and .....
Bootstrap Forms Plugins

jQuery Time Slider is a extension to jquery-base-slider with selection of time and date .....
Plugins Slider

Multi-list is a jQuery plugin to turn an unordered list into a multiple selectable list. .....
Forms Plugins

Dropdown is a jQuery-based lightweight drop-down box plug-in, support key / value search, token and select two modes.Features:Support select and token two modesSupport optgroup groupingKeep the native select keyboard operationData.....
Ajax Plugins

Extended Listbox is a simple to use jQuery plugin as powerful alternative to the HTML <select> tag. The main problem of <select> tag is that last one isn’t flexible for customization with CSS. Extended Listbox solves.....
Forms Plugins

jQuery cSelect is a plugin that creates custom select boxes and uses native select methods. .....
Forms Plugins

A jQuery hierarchy select plugin used for selecting hierarchy structures in a selectbox format with autocomplete search. .....
Forms Plugins

Ultraselect is a component was born as a fork of a jQuery plugin called jQuery multiSelect. .....

vDrop is minimalistic & customisable jQuery plugin to replace standard HTML select dropdown. .....
Forms Plugins

A vanilla, lightweight (~15kb gzipped), configurable select box/text input plugin. Similar to Select2 and Selectize but without the jQuery dependency.LightweightNo jQuery dependencyConfigurable sortingFlexible stylingFast search/f.....
Core Java Script Forms

jQuery-select-areas is a jQuery plugin that let you select multiple areas of an image, move them and resize them. .....
Image Effects Plugins

JQuery plugin for converting select input to friendly bootstrap buttons group . .....
Bootstrap Forms Plugins

A jQuery plugin to replace the traditional <select> box with a sleek Popover with options pre-populated. Better User interface than any other multiselects. .....
Forms Plugins

Select.js is a Javascript and CSS library for creating styleable select elements. It aims to reproduce the behavior of native controls as much as is possible, while allowing for complete styling with CSS. .....
Core Java Script CSS Forms

CSS styling of select component without JS, and using inline SVGs for the arrow symbol. The idea is to get rid of the need of using JS / JQuery for a decent select styling. Using inline SVG files to avoid extra requests to the ser.....
CSS Forms SVG Tutorial

This plugin is a very small javascript library which gives you the ability to write clever and specific CSS rules to refine your website design for each different browser, platform, device and operating system. .....
Core Java Script CSS Web

jQuery plugin for displaying a popup that allows a user to define a time and set that time back to a form’s input field. .....

jQuery plugin to turn a HTML select into an auto-suggesting, tagging widget . It was written from the ground up and has support for hierachical data, searching for data that isn’t displayed, displaying arbitrary HTML in the .....
Forms Plugins

Rather than bringing in jQuery just to use Select2 or Chosen, this Vue.js component provides similar functionality without the extra overhead of jQuery, while providing the same awesome data-binding features you expect from Vue. V.....

jQuery Editable Select is a jQuery plugin that transforms a select into an input field where single elements are shown in real-time according to the entered characters. It scales down to a real select list when javascript is not a.....

Turn a multiselect list into a nice and easy to use list with checkboxes. .....
Forms Plugins

A jQuery plugin to create intelligent min and max selects. Sometimes you can not use a range slider. So you maybe will mimic the function of a range silder with a lower and upper bound select. .....
Forms Plugins

Zelect is a jQuery plugin to create custom <select> elements.Features:LightweightZero base CSS, roll your ownCustomizableHandles asynchronous paged loading of large option lists (read: AJAX-ready-and-enabled)Initializable in.....
Forms Plugins

A jQuery plugin for quick selection of common options in select boxes. Quick[select] uses the browser’s native select list for overflow, meaning it will work great on all devices. .....
Forms Plugins

SmartSelect is a jQuery multiple select plugin. It is nice, fast and has lots of useful features which can not be found in other select plugins.SmartSelect handles complex data models, supports hierarchy structures, and also is ab.....
Forms Plugins

A lightweight jQuery plugin that replaces native select elements with customizable dropdowns. .....
Forms Plugins

folderselect.js is a jQuery plugin that let’s you display hierarchical data in a folder structure similar to the explorer in Windows. The goal with this plugin was to have a kind of hierarchical select box. .....
jSON Plugins

jQuery multiple select with nested options.This is a simple replacement for select elements if you have nested/sectioned options. Rather than ramble on some more, I’ll just show you the effect. .....

A small jQuery plug-in for selection and caret manipulation within textareas and text inputs. .....
Forms Plugins

A jQuery plugin that organizes selectable elements by separating the selected elements from the unselected ones. This plugin can be used for any container that contains elements that are intended to be selectable by the user. .....

jQuery multiselect plugin with two sides. The user can select one or more items and send them to the other side.This is a small jQuery plugin that helps you improve the user experience regarding the use of multiple cross selects. .....
Forms Plugins

In this tutorial, I will present you my alternative solution to the select form tag. It’s css-only and it looks simple but really nice. We will use a list of radio elements, styled as a drop-down list, that will look and behave .....
CSS Forms

An alternate stylesheet for Chosen that integrates with Bootstrap. .....
Bootstrap Plugins

Simple css to make select2 widgets fit in with bootstrap. .....
Bootstrap Plugins

Finally a dropdown plugin that transforms select inputs in nice dropdowns and does not drive you crazy. .....
Forms Plugins

Numble is a simple jQuery plugin to override the default HTML5 field to facilitate better cross browser styling and consistency. The default number input renders differently in different browsers making it difficult to match style.....
Forms HTML5 Plugins

A simple jQuery plugin that extends bootstrap’s dropdown menu into something like github’s select menu. .....
Bootstrap Plugins

An awesome user-friendlier drop-in replacement for the standard select with multiple attribute activated.Works in an unobtrusive fashionFully open sourcedKeyboard supportProvides some callbacksFully customizable via CSSDepends on .....
Forms Plugins

Converts a select box into a searchable and keyboard friendly interface. Fallbacks to native select on mobile and ipad devices.Search and filter select itemsMobile and Tablet friendly (fallbacks to native select)Keyboard accessibl.....
Forms Plugins

Datepair.js is a lightweight, modular javascript plugin for intelligently selecting date and time ranges, inspired by Google Calendar. It will keep the start and end date/times in sync and can set default values based on user acti.....

Modular and light-weight selection library for jQuery and Zepto.js.Rich UI. Select boxes made by selectivity have rich functionality, work out of the box and are customizable.Modular. Selectivity’s modular approach is aimed .....

jQuery Lcn is a 360 degree circle range select input widget. .....

PqSelect is a jQuery select plugin which converts ordinary multiple and single select lists into theme ready jQueryUI widget with support for grouping, disabled options, checkboxes for multiple select lists, radio buttons for sing.....
Forms Plugins

Bootstrap select for mobile devices, originally made for select controls in Cordova/PhoneGap mobile applications.A custom fullscreen select / multiselect for Bootstrap using BUTTONS or User defined elements, designed for mobile de.....
Bootstrap jQuery Mobile Plugins Responsive

A jQuery plugin for detection of overlaps and selections by superposition. .....

GS Chained Selects provides you with a custom JavaScript class that automatically creates chained selects based on the options entered.To generate the selects you can choose between using your custom created object or by accessing.....
Ajax Core Java Script jSON Premium

Select3 is a modular and light-weight selection library for jQuery and Zepto.js. It has the following benefits:* Rich UI. Select boxes made by Select3 have rich functionality, work out of the box and are customizable. * Modular......
Forms Plugins

jQuery MT Select is the best solution to easily allow users to interact with a large scale of options.Chatting Systems, or anything related to people should be awesome That’s WHY We created jQuery MT Select, to help you inno.....
Forms Plugins

Image Select is an extension of Chosen a jQuery plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly. It provides image support for Single and Multi select HTML tags. .....

jRange is a jQuery plugin to create range selector. .....

ikSelect is a jQuery Plugin to Stylize Selects.Features:works in all popular browsers including IE6+custom syntax supportworks perfect as an inline-blockno z-index bugs in IEoptgroups supportgreat APIadd/remove <option>̵.....
Forms Plugins

jQuery Tokenize is a plugin which allows your users to select multiple items from a predefined list or ajax, using autocompletion as they type to find each item. You may have seen a similar type of text entry when filling in the r.....
Ajax jSON Plugins

jQuery keySelection is a lightweight jQuery plugin (3kb) for cycling through arbitrary element collections with arrow keys. Collection members are selectable by keyboard or mouse.keySelection will always reflect the current dom st.....

Some inspiration for styling a custom version of the select element. There are many possibilities and today we are exploring some ideas of how to let the user select a choice in style.We can use JavaScript libraries that transform.....
Core Java Script CSS Forms

A Simple plugin that will hide the Select control and then display a multicolumn dropdown (css).Uses the original form control so will work if JS is not enabled and the form can be processed as normal. .....
Forms Plugins

A jQuery Single/Multi Select plugin which can be used on almost any device.A jQuery plugin that progressively enhances an HTML Select Box into a Single/Multiple option dropdown list. The dropdown list can be fully customiseable us.....
Forms Plugins

jQuery.selection is a jQuery plugin that operate selection text/caret.You can get selection text/caret position information or get selected text, replace/insert selected text. .....
Plugins Text Effect

Selectator is a jQuery-based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, and affects the original select box directly, which is used as the data container. .....
Forms Plugins

FlexSelect is a jQuery plugin that turns select boxes into flex-matching incremental-finding controls.Flex matching a few keystrokes against longer strings is a boon in productivity for typists. Applications like Quicksilver, Laun.....
Forms Plugins

A minimalistic jQuery hierarchy select widget used for selecting hierarchy structures in a treeview format.This widget is used for transforming a hierarchy HTML lists with input’s into a hierarchial tree select tool. You can.....

Multiple select is a jQuery plugin to select multiple elements with checkboxes. .....
Forms Plugins

jQuery ReSmenu is a very simple and lightweight (~1Kb) jQuery plugin that collapse ul menus into selects on responsive layouts. .....
Menus Plugins Responsive

jQuery based plugin for making any list of items selectable by mouse and keyboard. It could be usefull in webapp where are different widgets like menus, dropdowns with keyboard input, lists with multiple selection and so on. It ma.....

jQuery.uls has an elaborative language information collection. ULS can autocomplete a language name search.It knows aboutThe script in which a language is written.The script codeThe language codeThe regions in which the language i.....

The select decorator component that was missing for Twitter Bootstrap.Features:Bootstrap-like dropdown decorator for <select> elementsEasy to use, a simple jQuery call and you’re done!Doesn’t require any Bootstra.....
Bootstrap Forms Plugins

A jQuery plugin for replacing default select elements. Replace those boring default select elements with something a little nicer. Selecter also integrates with Scroller, giving you complete control of your project’s UI. Oh,.....
Forms Plugins

Use this plugin to unobtrusively add a datetimepicker, datepicker or timepicker dropdown to your forms. It’s easy to customize options. .....
Calendar Plugins

jQuery Selectric is a jQuery plugin designed to help at stylizing and manipulating HTML selects.Features:Keyboard navigation (Up/Down/Left/Right/Word search)Easily customizablePretty lightweight (3KB minified and 1,7KB minified/gz.....
Forms Plugins

Today we’d like to share a little script with you that allows a click & hover selection of checkboxes or any other element. Mainly the idea comes from the common task that we do every day in our email app or elsewhere: check.....
Core Java Script Forms

Inline option selection for HTML Text Inputs, auto-complete after a token. .....

Very few days back I had posted an article about Multiple ajax image upload without refreshing the page using jquery and PHP. In this post I have updated few lines of code that allows to user can select and upload multiple images .....
Ajax PHP

jTumbler transforms your boring, old radio buttons into beautiful, slider-style selection boxes.Simply supply a group of radio buttons and labels inside of a container (such as a DIV), call the jTumbler plugin on the container, an.....
Forms Plugins Premium

This function extends the native JavaScript select() (which only works on input and textarea) so that it can be used to select the content of every DOM element you want. .....
Core Java Script

A better select for discerning web developers everywhere.FancySelect is easy to use. Just target any select element on the page, and call .fancySelect() on it. If the select has an option with no value, it’ll be used as .....
Forms Plugins

HeapBox is plugin for jQuery that replace native HTML selectboxes in your webpages. HeapBox supports themes, events, callbacks, ajax and much more.Heapbox doesn’t know how to deal with textboxes, checkboxes etc but when it c.....
Ajax Forms Plugins

jQuery Plugin for matching finder like functions making child elements selectable supports Ctrl+Click, Command+Click, Ctrl+Drag, Command+Drag and Shift+Click.jQuery finderSelect Adds the ability to highlight table rows based on t.....
Bootstrap Plugins Tables

Chained is simple jQuery plugin for chained selects. You can choose from two different versions. Use jquery.chained.js if you do not want to make external queries for setting content of child selects. This version uses classnames .....
Ajax Forms Plugins

Handles select/deselect action about items with events. .....

A custom select / multiselect for @twitter bootstrap using button dropdown, designed to behave like regular Bootstrap selects. .....
Bootstrap Forms Plugins

Bootstrap Multiselect is a jQuery based plugin to provide an intuitive user interface for using select inputs with the multiple attribute present. Instead of a select a bootstrap button will be shown as dropdown menu containing th.....
Bootstrap Forms Menus Plugins

A jQuery plugin to create a Facebook photo selector.This is an interface component that allows you to select a photo from your albums as if you were inside of Facebook. It mimics the ‘Change your profile picture’ dialo.....
Gallery Other API Plugins

This plugin is a drop-in replacement for the standard <select> element with multiple attribute activated.Features:Free (under WTFPL license)Works in an unobtrusive fashionFully open sourcedKeyboard supportProvides some callb.....
Forms Plugins

A tiny jQuery plugin that firstly aims to transform a standard <select> in a beautiful switchy element. .....
Forms Plugins

select2list is a jQuery plugin that turns an HTML <select> element into a flat list of clickable items. The new list drives the old <select> element, so it is a drop in replacement with seamless degradation. .....
Forms Plugins

This script allows users on your webpage to save any text (selected using a mouse), directly to their dropbox account. There is also an option to save the complete webpage to their dropbox account.Authenticates users with dropbox .....
Other API Plugins

Allows to use images as options of HTML select element. Easy to use and customize. Full touchscreen support.The plugin has two display modes: drop-down (up, left, etc.) list and checkbox / radio button. In second display mode you .....
Plugins Premium

Selectik is jQuery select plugin, easy use, cross-browser alternative to the standard select form element which can be customised with CSS. All features of custom select and help you can find on demo page.Features:TAB key controlo.....
CSS Forms Plugins

SlideSelect is a script to replace old style <select> dropdowns with a slideable, user-friendly interface. The list of options can be replaced with a list of item names, images and descriptions as you like. You dont have to .....
Plugins Premium

Image Picker is a simple jQuery plugin that transforms a select element into a more user friendly graphical interface.Features:Works great on both single and multiple select elements.Falls back nicely for clients without JavaScrip.....
Bootstrap Forms Plugins

jQuery plugin to dynamically create select elements with hierarchical options.This jquery plugin converts passed JSON option tree into dynamically created <select>elements allowing you to choose one nested option from the tr.....
Ajax Forms jSON Plugins

A simple jQuery UI widget to pretty up <select> elements and input custom ranges. It’s fully unit tested too, you can run the tests if you like.It works by setting the values back in your original select, so you can ca.....
Forms jQuery UI Plugins

HTML select elements with their option tags cannot be completely customized using CSS, but what if we want to style a dropdown just as easily as <div>, <a>, <ul>, and <li> elements can be styled? Today, we�.....
Forms Menus

A jQuery plugin that progressively enhances an HTML Select Box into a single option dropdown list. The dropdown list can be optionally styled with Twitter Bootstrap or jQueryUI ThemeRoller and optionally animated with jQueryUI sho.....
Bootstrap Forms jQuery UI Plugins

jQuery coreUISelect is a cross browser easy to stylize select element with jQuery and CSS. Requires jQuery 1.6 or higherFeatures:Full customizationAutomatic calculationsOptiongroup supportKeyboard supportPowerful callback function.....
Forms Plugins

This jQuery plugin replaces the standart select element with a custom looking selectbox. Plugin has keyboard support. .....
Forms Plugins

CropZoom is a plugin that let you select an area of an image and then crop it. whit this tool you also will be able to zoom in or to zoom out, to drag and also rotate an image. .....
Image Effects jQuery UI Plugins Zoom

jQRangeSlider is a jquery UI range selection slider that supports dates.Features :Select a range of values inside defined bounds.Adjust your selection by moving an end.Move your range as a whole.Move selected range with scrolling .....
jQuery UI Plugins

The styledSelect plugin for jQuery lets you replace <select> form elements with freely stylable markup.The original select element stays in the page so your form won’t change and users without Javascript simply fall ba.....
Forms Plugins

SelectNav.js is a JavaScript plugin that lets you convert your website navigation into a select drop-down menu. Used together with media queries it helps you to create a space saving, responsive navigation for small screen devices.....
Core Java Script Menus Responsive

A plugin to select one or more array or form entries visually, for example to filter a list or replace a multiselect form element.If you toggle an option, the text changes automatically, in other words, you can use that text field.....
CSS Forms Plugins

Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results. Look and feel of Select2 is based on the excellent Chosen library. .....
Forms Plugins

I created a new jQuery pluging that works with the new Facebook javascript SDK to present a users list of friends and allows them to select the friends they would like to do X with. That “X” is up to you; once the user has sel.....
Other API Plugins

SelectBoxIt is a jQuery plugin that progressively enhances an HTML Select Box into a single option dropdown list. The dropdown list can be optionally styled with ThemeRoller and optionally animated with jQueryUI show/hide effects......
Forms Plugins

A progressive enhancement to select multiple form elements using jQuery that makes it much easier to use. This enhancement automatically hides the original select multiple, and instead presents a regular select showing the availab.....
Drag_Drop Forms Plugins

jQuery MiniColors is a simple, compact color picker that complements a text or a hidden input control.The plugin adds a trigger next to the input which is customizable via CSS.  The included icon is a modified version of the UI c.....
Plugins Web

Custom select box replacement inspired by jQuery UI source. .....
Ajax Forms Plugins

If you are familiar with using select boxes for categorisation and sub-categories, such as ebay does when selling an item, usually this can require a lot of JavaScript to maintain the select boxes, but jQuery can hugely simplify t.....
Ajax Forms jSON

While it is possible to use CSS to style SELECT elements, browser support and appearance will vary greatly depending on platform and browser.  In our search for a solid, customizable replacement for these finicky controls, we tur.....
Forms Plugins

Have you ever wanted to select parent of an element in css without using any additional id or class? Well, now you can, just add this litle script to your code and you will be able to use parent selector like the one described in .....
Core Java Script CSS

A cross-browser, accessible alternative to the standard form element which can be fully customised with CSS.Stylish Select attempts to replicate the functionality of the browser default select box as closely as possible with suppo.....
Forms Plugins

fcbkListSelection is a fancy item selector, just like the friends selector you can see on Facebook. It is built with jQuery javascript framework, with wide range of options. .....
CSS Forms Plugins Tabs

Tokeninput is a jQuery plugin which allows your users to select multiple items from a predefined list, using autocompletion as they type to find each item. Its functionality is similar to the text entry when filling in the recip.....
jSON Plugins Web

During our recent checkout study we found several usability issues when using a drop-down for your country selector: a lack of overview, unclear sorting, scrolling issues, inconsistent UIs, a lack of context on mobile devices, and.....
Forms Plugins

In today’s tutorial, we will build a set of chained select elements. Selecting an option in one of them will trigger an update on the page, showing you more choices to refine your selection. We will describe the options server s.....
Ajax Forms jSON PHP Web

Jquery selected text sharer is a promoting and enhancing plugin focusing to increase the site usage. This plugin displays a widget having links to search / share, above the selected text. Inspired from NY times website. .....
Plugins Web

FlexBox is a jQuery plugin that is intended to be a very flexible replacement for html textboxes and dropdowns, using ajax to retrieve and bind JSON data. .....
Ajax Forms jSON

Chosen is a javsacript plug-in that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly. It is currently available in both jQuery and Prototype flavors. .....
Forms Plugins

Path selector is a breadcrumb bar jquery plugin for selection of hierarchic options (similar to address bar of the windows explorer in Vista and Windows 7). .....
Plugins Web

Today, when I was surfing net, I found this very interesting topic – How To Style Dropdown in HTML. Since in HTML the dropdown is the SELECT tag and its rendering depends on both OS and the browser of client. Though you can c.....
CSS Forms

A plugin to switch content visibility based on the selected option of a select. Use the full power of jQuery to define your affected elements. .....

This plugin implement a version of select multiple (select with multiple=”multiple”) with 2 sides and buttons for move option between the 2 selects. .....
Forms Plugins Web

This is the successor and port of my original jQuery MultiSelect Plugin to a jQuery UI widget. While both will actively be maintained, I highly recommend you use this version over the plugin version. It has a more robust feature s.....
Forms jQuery UI Plugins

This plugin takes elements which have the attribute multiple set, and converts them into editable, inline lists. .....
Forms Plugins Web

Sometimes we need to include a feedback form but without making it too obtrusive to the user so we only want to add options when he is actually using it. In this tutorial we’re going to learn how to reveal hidden fields i.....

Today we are building a script that is going to take an ordinary select element, and replace it with a better looking, markup powered version, while keeping all the functionality intact. .....
CSS Gallery Menus

This jQuery plugin replaces the traditional html select control with an improved or “hijacked” version. To begin, try exploring the various Hyjack HTML select examples. Notice, you may now type to search for available .....

icSelectionBox is replace for select or select multiple html tag but much, much more. You can search inside box, populate elements with ajax(or populate directly passing array of elements in options), execute it modal(or add it to.....
Forms Plugins Popup Window Web

In jQuery, working with select box required some additional knowledge and interaction with jQuery. You may have some problem manipulating select box during your web development on jQuery. In this plugins you can solve this without.....
Forms Plugins Web

The big difference between the Jquery Color Picker and other Jquery powered color pickers is the Jquery Color Picker takes a normal html select like above and turns it into an intuitive, cross browser, color picker. .....
Plugins Web

imgAreaSelect is a jQuery plugin for selecting a rectangular area of an image. It allows web developers to easily implement image cropping functionality, as well as other user interface features, such as photo notes (like those on.....
Gallery Plugins Web

MobileSelect is jQuery plugin which sort the images with the help of tab menus …. Read More.....
Animation Gallery Menus Plugins Tabs

The jQuery Mega Select List is a plugin that converts large select lists into a mega-menu style list of options. This plugin doesn’t affect your form, posting back the selected value as if the options were being selected in .....
Forms Menus Plugins

Just playing around with dialog design in bootstrap. .....

Conversion of multiselect plugin from bootstrap 2 to bootstrap 4 .....

Just another multiselect dropdown menu. .....

How to Make Accessible Web Components — a Brief Guide http://www.sitepoint.com/accessible-web-components .....

Multiselect that expands etc. Event that fires on close summarising your selections - returns an Array .....

It's a selectize multiselect. With bulma. .....

Responsive side by side multiselect list with Bootstrap and jQuery .....

Allows user to select multiple choices with the option of marking all available. Fully customizable via directive options .....

https://github.com/dirkpeter/jquery-ui.multiselect.widget http://dirkpeter.github.io/jquery-ui.multiselect.widget/demos/ .....

How to create a draggable multi-select container. .....

Bootstrap Forms with password reveal .....

Quick demo of a multi select menu I'm fleshing out for a client. .....

An alternative way to do multi-select lists. Please note that this is not produtionte that this is not production-ready, a lot can be improved here so please don't use it as is. .....

Proof of concept, for a multi select widget .....

Enables selection of a date range using jQuery UI datepicker .....

This is a partial fork from somewhere (don't remember where) containing a jquery powered form selection widget. Sort of simplified long-form date selection. It lacks a final display function and a between-2-days highlight/select .....

This is my try to recreate Ramotion's design: https://dribbble.com/shots/1782092-Survey-Platform-Design?page=2#comment-4090844 .....

Similar to the iPhone drum selector with infinite scrolling. .....
Infinite Scroll

Just another jQuery plugin that converts the regular multiselect box into an easy to use dropdown list with checkboxes to simplify the selection of multiple options......

CiaoyuToggle is a small jQuery content toggle plugin used for conditionally showing & hiding elements based on the value(s) of a checkbox, radio button, and/or select option......
content-toggle Conditional-Logic

A jQuery based JSON viewer & path picker to render your JSON data in a tree structure where you can get the path to each key by clicking on the output icon......
json JSON-viewer

This is a jQuery plugin which generates a semantic, SEO-friendly, highly-customizable dropdown select menu from a regular HTML unordered list......
Drop-Down Select Drop-Down-list Custom-Select

jQuery Zebra_TransForm is a tiny and cross-browser jQuery plugin that makes it easy to beautify your existing form elements like select boxes, checkboxes and radio buttons......
Select Checkbox Select-Box radio

Wheel Color Picker is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin that turns your html form input or textarea into a fashion, responsive, mobile-friendly Color Picker & Selector for picking your favorite color......

Pretty Dropdowns is a jQuery plugin used to replace the regular select element with a nice-looking dropdown UI that preserves the native select methods......
Select Drop-Down-list

fSelect is a simple jQuery plugin that turns a regular select box into a filterable multiple select dropdown with checkboxes for easier options selection......

A jQuery plugin which enhances the table with advanced features such as fixed header, row selection, cell merge, etc......
fixed-table-header table-selection

Crossover is a really small jQuery plugin for converting two side-by-side multiple select elements into a dynamic dual list box......
Multiple-Select Dual-List-Box

This is the upgraded version of the jQuery Fontselect plugin which allows you to preview/select system fonts & Google fonts from a searchable dropdown box......
Font font-picker

The Bootstrap4C provides an alternative stylesheet to the chosen plugin that makes the extended select boxes work with the latest Bootstrap 4 framework......
Bootstrap bootstrap-4 Multiple-Select Select

An ultra-light (less than 1kb) jQuery table selection plugin which enables the user to select single or multiple rows in an HTML table using mouse click and touch tap......

A nice, scrollable jQuery date picker where you can quickly and easily select days, months and years using mouse wheel or increment / decrement buttons......

Pattern.js is a simple, small, SEO-friendly picker plugin to pick something (e.g. images, colors, DIV elements) from an HTML list based selection interface when triggered......

Select2 is a JavaScript based select box replacement to create dynamic, AJAX-enabled, customizable dropdown select on the web app......

The customA11ySelect converts the regular select box into an HTML unordered list based dropdown menu with support for ARIA attributes and keyboard interactions......
Drop-Down Select Custom-Select

A jQuery plugin to enhance the default Bootstrap dropdown select with multiple options like: optgoup support, auto-completion, clear selection and live filtering......
Drop-Down Select Bootstrap bootstrap-4

popSelectOptions is a really small jQuery plugin for dynamic dropdown list that dynamically loads and populates a select element with options defined in a JS array......
Drop-Down Select

FilterSelect is an extremely simple cascading dropdown (aka dependent dropdown) plugin that automatically shows/hides select options depending on the value of other select elements......
Cascading-Dropdown dependent-select

A small, configurable, SEO-friendly jQuery decision tree plugin that transforms nested HTML lists into an interactive decision tree with select elements......

FormStyler Modern is a jQuery plugin to enhance and beautify the ugly form fields with custom styles and advanced features......
Select Checkbox input

Just another multi select plugin for Bootstrap 4 framework that converts a multi-select list into an easy to use dropdown with checkboxes......
Bootstrap bootstrap-4 tags-input Multiple-Select