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fSelect is a simple jQuery plugin that turns a regular select box into a filterable multiple select dropdown with checkboxes for easier options selection.




A jQuery select box replacement library (live demo)



Available options

$('.your-select').fSelect({     placeholder: 'Select some options',     numDisplayed: 3,     overflowText: '{n} selected',     noResultsText: 'No results found',     searchText: 'Search',     showSearch: true });
  • placeholder (str) - the default placeholder text
  • numDisplayed (int) - the number of values to show before switching to the overflowText
  • overflowText (str) - the text to show after exceeding the numDisplayed limit
  • noResultsText (str) - the text to show if no choices exist (or an empty string)
  • searchText (str) - the search box placeholder text
  • showSearch (bool) - show the search box?


$('.your-select').fSelect('reload'); $('.your-select').fSelect('destroy');

Single vs. multi-select

Add the multiple attribute to your <select> to enable multi-select:

<select class="your-select-box" multiple="multiple">

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