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tableCheckbox.js is a jQuery plugin adding checkboxes to your html table that allows the visitor to select single / multiple / all table row(s) by clicking.

Checkbox Multiple-Select


downloads release bower npm license


A jQuery plugin that lets you easily enhance data tables with selectable rows.



You have a couple of options here:

  1. Grab the latest release from Github

  2. Install using bower:

     bower install jquery.tablecheckbox 
  3. Install using npm:

     npm install jquery.tablecheckbox 


  • Translates clicks on rows to their checkbox
  • Supports master checkbox in the table header
  • Supports selection of multiple rows by holding down the shift key
  • No mess with text selections without the need to disable them. The Plugin avoids getting in the way of the user if he wants to select / deselect text and tries to be smart about unwanted selections when selecting rows.


<table>     <thead>         <th><input type="checkbox"></th>         <th>Name</th>     </thead>     <tbody>         <tr>             <td><input type="checkbox"></td>               <td>First item</td>         </tr>         <tr>             <td><input type="checkbox"></td>               <td>First item</td>         </tr>     </tbody> </table> <script>$('table').tablecheckbox();</script> 

You may use this plugin with other markup structures or ways of input. Use the options below to make it fit your use case.


$('table').tablecheckbox({ /* options */ }); 


Default: warning to comply with Bootstrap.

This class will be applied to any table row that is selected.


Default: td:first-of-type input[type="checkbox"],th:first-of-type input[type="checkbox"]

The jQuery selector used to find the checkboxes in the table.



function($checkbox) {     return $checkbox.is(':checked'); } 

The function used to determine whether a checkbox is checked or not.


MIT, Copyright (c) 2015, Marco Kerwitz (https://www.kerwitz.com)

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