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Formikation is a jQuery plugin that uses CSS styles to create nice & clean form elements (inputs, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc.).

Checkbox Select radio-button input



Gem Version


1a. Use as Rails gem

Simply include in your gemfile:

gem 'formikation' 

and run bundle install

Then add in your application.js (its recommend to be included just after JQuery)

//= require formikation 

And in your application.css:

@import "formikation"; @import "fk-theme-default";

1b. Use standalone

If you want to add it to your project by hand, copy dist/formikation.js or dist/formikation.min.js (minified) in your project and be sure that its included in the pages after JQuery.

Do the same with the stylesheets, copy the dist/formikation.css, dist/themes/fk-theme-default.css and dist/themes/fk-theme-switches.css. If you prefer the SASS version of this files you can find them in src/ and src/themes.

Simple form beautifier

Formikation is a simple jQuery plugin to beautify form inputs with some css.

The elements to work with are:






Take a look to online demo, there are some examples with diferent themes.

HTML Requisites

The only html requisite is to style radiobuttons and checkboxes. Them must be wrapped by a label

<label>   <input type="checkbox" name="check" id="check">   Checkbox label </label>  <label>   <input type="radio" name="radio" id="radio">   Radio label </label>

Utility CSS

Formikation comes with a utility CSS that includes the neccessary CSS styles to work, without any visual styles on it. To add the utility CSS styles, add the .formikation class to yout form element this way:

    <form action="/" class="formikation" >     ...


The visual styling of the formikation elements comes in an independet stylesheet, to keep separated the visual representation from the utility classes. Two themes are included in the repository .fk-theme-default and .fk-theme-switches.

Include the .fk-theme-default class on the parent element along the base .formikation class, this way:

    <form action="/" class="formikation fk-theme-default" >     ...

If you want to develop your own theme, take a look to src/themes/fk-theme-default.scss and use it as base to do your own customization.


Call Formikation jQuery plugin on ready function:

$(function() {    $('form.formikation').find('select, input:file, input:checkbox, input:radio').formikation();  });

Update elements with JS

If you need to update any formikation element with js, it’s necessary to trigger formikation.update event to get UI change reflected.

// Active a checkbox $('.form-element').prop('checked', true).trigger('formikation.update');


IE8 has some dificults on repainting :before and :after pseudo-elements after change checkbox or radiobuttons status.

Is simple to fix it, just change pseudo-element content from '' to ' ' (this fix is applied on default theme).


  • 0.2.7 (2016/07/12) Converted to Rails Gems. Some style names updated .fk-default-theme -> .fk-theme-default
  • 0.2.6 (2016/05/XX) Added .fk-is-placeholder to select option without value

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