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The jToggler jQuery plugin converts the normal checkbox into an iOS-style toggle switch that enables the user to select between three options: Checked, Unchecked and Indeterminate.

Switch Checkbox Tri-state-Checkbox



jQuery toggler plugin

Simple jQuery plugin that generate toggle switcher from checkboxes.

At first, include jtoggler.js and jtoggler.styles.css in project.

You must use class name jtoggler for checkboxes: <input type="checkbox" class="jtoggler">

For initialization use:


For using labels add to input data-attribute: data-jtlabel="Your text label". If You need changeable label add data-jtlabel-success="Toggler on label".

If You want to use three-state toggler just add data-jtmulti-state attribute to checkbox. If You want use it with disabled add disabled attribute to checkbox.

If you add new toggler to DOM you must run init() to reinit items.


After toggling on document object triggered event jt:toggled with additional parameter named target.

After toggling 3-state on document object triggered event jt:toggled:multi with additional parameter named target.

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