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jTableCheckbox is a jQuery plugin used to convert table rows into checkboxes so that you can select multiple rows at once like using checkboxes.

Checkbox Multiple-Select



jQuery Plugin for Table rows acting as Checkboxes.

What is it?

jTableCheckbox turns each table row into a large checkbox.


How do I use it?

  1. Include jQuery followed by jQuery.jTableCheckbox.js. There is also a minified script included.
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="jQuery.jTableCheckbox.min.js"></script>
  1. Add data-jtable="xx" to the first td of each row in your table. jTableCheckbox uses the data-jtable attribute in the checkbox for form submission.
<table><tbody><tr>         <td data-jtable="row-1"></td>     </tr><tr>         <td data-jtable="row-2"></td> </tr></tbody></table>
  1. jTableCheckbox adds a class of active to a row that has been checked. So probably best to include some css for this class. Nice to include a hover on the row too. And a pointer cursor.
table tbody tr.active{     background-color: #123456;     color: #d6e6f6; } table tbody tr:hover{     background-color: #091b2c;     color: #d6e6f6; } table tbody{     cursor: pointer; }
  1. Finally, apply jTableCheckbox to your table.

Are there any options?

Yes, there are. These are the default options.

$('table').jTableCheckbox({     checkBoxName: 'check',            //-- name given to the checkboxes ie name="check[]"     showCheckboxes: false,            //-- do you want to show the checkboxes in the table?     showTicks: true,                  //-- do you want to display ticks in a far left column for selected rows?     showTickValue: '&#10003;',        //-- html of the tick. can also accept <i class="icon-*"></i>     showTickHeader: '&nbsp;',         //-- text to go in heading of tick column     showTickWidth: 30                 //-- width of the tick column. stops it collapsing });

Anything else?

Not really, no. It's been tested on all major (and vintage) browsers. Also works on a mobile device.
Any issues or suggestions, let me know @chrisbradbury

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