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Combo Tree is a jQuery plugin to render a single or multi-select dropdown list from JSON data that enables the user to select one or multiple options from a hierarchical, collapsible tree view with checkboxes.

Multiple-Select tree-view


ComboTree jQuery Plugin

ComboTree is a jQuery Plugin which is a combobox item with tree structured data list and multi/single selection options and more. It has been developed to manage large amount of choices and multi selection property.


  • Tree structured data list in combobox dropdown menu
  • Multi/Single selection optional
  • It returns selection(s) data as Title/Id array
  • Filtering
  • JSON Data source
  • Key Controls


  • jQuery
  • icontains.js (filtering. It can be found in repository)


  • isMultiple: {True/False} | decide if it is multiple selection behaviour or single
  • source: {JSON Data Array} | takes source of combobox dropdown menu as a JSON array.


There should be an input element to apply and a JSON Data source.

comboTree1 = $('#justAnInputBox').comboTree({ 	source : SampleJSONData, 	isMultiple: true });  // Array, One title/id, or False value return var selectedTitles = comboTree1.getSelectedItemsTitle(); var selectedIds = comboTree1.getSelectedItemsId();  // To remove plugin comboTree1.destroy(); 


Three parameter are needed: id, title and subs.

var SampleJSONData = [ {     id: 0,     title: 'choice 1  ' }, {     id: 1,     title: 'choice 2',     subs: [         {             id: 10,             title: 'choice 2 1'         }, {             id: 11,             title: 'choice 2 2'         }, {             id: 12,             title: 'choice 2 3'         }     ] }, {     id: 2,     title: 'choice 3' }, {     id: 3,     title: 'choice 4' }, {     id: 4,     title: 'choice 5' }, {     id: 5,     title: 'choice 6',     subs: [         {             id: 50,             title: 'choice 6 1'         }, {             id: 51,             title: 'choice 6 2',             subs: [                 {                     id: 510,                     title: 'choice 6 2 1'                 }, {                     id: 511,                     title: 'choice 6 2 2'                 }, {                     id: 512,                     title: 'choice 6 2 3'                 }             ]         }     ] }, {     id: 6,     title: 'choice 7' } ]; 

User Friendly

Key controls, well designed and esasy-read code structure, definitions and clear variable names are choosen to be read and used as much as comfortable I could.

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