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The GroupMultiSelect jQuery plugin converts the select into a multi-select UI where the users are able to select multiple nested options from a dropdown with checkboxes.




Jquery Plugin to make a multi select with grouped options

Useful when we need to know which category and which items were selected by the user


  • jquery3.2.1

How to Use

We need to import the javascript and css files in our template.

Then just set up the widget configuration as follows:

 <div class="groupMultiSelect">  </div>
var groupselect =$(".groupMultiSelect").groupMultiSelect({       options:[         {           label:'Category 1',           subItems:[]         },         {           label:'Category 2',           subItems:[             'SubItem 1',             'SubItem 2',             'SubItem 3'           ]         }       ],       placeholder:"Reasons",       initial: {           parent: 'Category 2',           children:[               "SubItem 1",               "SubItem 3"           ]       },       onChange: function (parent, children) {       //Do stuff with the user selection       }     });

or with <optgroup> tag we just have to put the HTML inside our div:

<div class="groupMultiSelect1">   <select>     <optgroup label="Swedish Cars">       <option value="volvo">Volvo</option>       <option value="saab">Saab</option>     </optgroup>       <option value="mercedes">Mercedes</option>       <option value="audi">Audi</option>     </optgroup>   </select> </div>


For this second approach you must not set the "options" key in the plugin constructor.

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