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This is the upgraded version of the jQuery Fontselect plugin which allows you to preview/select system fonts & Google fonts from a searchable dropdown box.

Font font-picker


Fontselect jQuery Plugin

A font selector to choose from fonts from the Google Web Fonts api, as well as system fonts. Let users easily select and preview a font from Google's large range of free fonts. This plugin mimics an original select element as closely as possible, even keyboard navigation is built in:

  • Up/Down cursor keys navigate through options.
  • Enter key selects on option.
  • Type a few letters to jump to the option starting with the typed letters.


Live demo.


To create a font selector simply run the plugin on a standard html input element.

How to use



Fontselect has one argument, an options object that you might want to customise:

  • style: the class to give the new font selector
  • placeholder: text to use when no font is selected yet
  • lookahead: a number of fonts to try and preload ahead in the select box
  • searchable: whether or not to show a search box
  • systemFonts: an array of system fonts to present in the select box
  • googleFonts: an array of Google fonts to present in the select box
   $('input.fonts').fontselect({       style: 'font-select',       placeholder: 'Select a font',       placeholderSearch: 'Search...',       lookahead: 2,       searchable: true,       systemFonts: ['Helvetica', 'Comic+Sans+MS'],       googleFonts: ['Pacifico', 'Press+Start+2P', 'Changa:200', 'Changa:400', 'Changa:700']    }); 


Programmatically select an option via the setFont trigger on the original input element:

   $('#font').trigger('setFont','Geo'); // Select 'Geo' font 


   $('#font').trigger('setFont',['Orbitron', 900]); // Select 'Orbitron:900' font 


Fontselect triggers the change event on the original element when a font is selected. An example is included to show how this could be used to update the font on the current page.

   $('input.fonts').fontselect().on('change', function(){       // Replace + signs with spaces for css       var font = this.value.replace(/\+/g, ' ');        // Split font into family and weight       font = font.split(':');       var fontFamily = font[0];       var fontWeight = font[1] || 400;        console.log('Font family', fontFamily, 'Font weight', fontWeight);    }); 

License / Credits

This plugin is based on the original Fontselect jQuery plugin by Tom Moor.

This plugin is released under the MIT license. It is simple and easy to understand and places almost no restrictions on what you can do with the code. More Information

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