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jQueryUISortable is a jQuery plugin which extends the jQuery UI sortable() functionality to make your lists sortable and editable with JSON support.

jQuery-UI Sort list-view




This is a plugin extend from jQuery Ui Sortable

In oredr to build a sortable and editable list


you can find a demo in this project demo folder.

Live Demo


Group Mode Demo Image

What We Can Do

  • Add Item to list
  • Delete Item(s) from list
  • Edit Selected Item
  • Active/Inactive Item(s) in list
  • Reorder element in list using the mouse
  • Json Data Format
  • Online and offline mode


  • jQuery 1.7+
  • jQuery UI

How To Use

First, you need import our js and css file in your html file's head. Don't forget to import jQuery and jQuery UI

  <script src="../jquery-ui/jquery-1.11.3.js"></script>   <script src="../jquery-ui/jquery-ui.js"></script>   <script src="../src/jSortable.js"></script>   <link rel="stylesheet" href="../src/jSortable.css">

The plugin can also be loaded as AMD module.

In Html page, you just need put an <div> element! That's all!

Html code snippet from demo:

  some codes ...   <div id="sortable">   </div>   other codes ...

In your own js file, first of all, you need to initialize our plugin.


Here, options is a json string, it looks like this:

var options = { 		defaultNewItemText:"New Item",   		sortJsonData :  //list's data source array, json based. [{key:,isActiveFlag:,value}],   		[{   				index : 1,		//Must, order in data sequence   				isActiveFlag : false,   //Must, active flag   				value : "item 1",       //Must, value of this key value pair.   				key : 1,                 //Optional if keyValueMode is false, it's the key of key value pair.   				primaryKey : 1543       //Optional, mapping your own bussiness logic, like if you want to store a primaryKey of database, you can put it here.   			}, {   				key : 2,   				index : 2,   				isActiveFlag : true,   				value : "item 2"   			}, {   				key : 3,   				index : 3,   				isActiveFlag : false,   				value : "item 3"   			}, {   				key : 4,   				index : 4,   				isActiveFlag : true,   				value : "item 4"   			}   		]   	};

This form show all options:

Name Description Default
onlineMode Add or delete function will process on sever side. false
saveURL Save function ajax url, if onlineMode is true, this url must be not null. ""
deleteURL Delete function ajax url, if onlineMode is true, this url must be not null. ""
activeURL Active function ajax url, if onlineMode is true, this url must be not null. ""
blockfunction Block page function when ajax call is happening ""
unblockfunction Unblock page function when ajax call has done ""
keyValueMode Make this plugin in key value mode or not. true
valueNotNull Value like key or value can not be null. true
enableNewItem if this option is true, new item which you added will be enable as default. false
defaultNewItemKey Default new item's key "NK"
defaultNewItemText Default new item's value "new value"
sortJsonData List's source data array, json based. [{id:,isActiveFlag:,value}]. []
activeButton Show active/inactive button or not. true
inlineActiveButton Show inline active/inactive button or not. false
activeButtonText Default text on active button. "Active/Inactive"
batchMode show checkbox or not. true
editButton Show edit button or not. true
editButtonText Default text on edit button. "Edit"
saveButtonText Default text on save button. "Save"
cancelButtonText Default text on cancel button. "Cancel"
addButton Show add item button or not. true
addButtonText Default text on add item button. "Add"
deleteButton Show delete button or not. true
inlineDeleteButton Show inline delete button or not. false
deleteButtonText Default text on delete button. "Delete"
saveOrderButton Show save order button or not. true
saveOrderButtonText Default text on save order button. "Save Order"
submitCallBack Submit button callback. function
buttonClass Custom button css class. ""
deleteCallBack Delete button callback. use to confirm delete action. argument is select item(s). function

Online mode

coming soon..

After these step, you can set a callback for your buttons.

sortObj.jSortable("SubmitCallback", function () { 	var str = ""; 	var obj = sortObj.jSortable("ModelData"); 	$.each(obj.sortJsonData, function (i, v) { 		str += "Record " + v.id + "'s status is " + v.isActiveFlag + "(key: "+ v.key +", value: " + v.value + ").\n "; 	});    	alert(str); });

There are some medthods you can inovke right now.

Name Description Arguments
ModelData Get or reset list's options in a json format options
Destroy Destroy this plugin
SubmitCallback Set submit button callback function
DeleteCallBack Set delete button callback function
You can get json based data from ModelData medthod
	var data = sortObj.jSortable("ModelData");

Json based data structure from ModelData medthod:

	{ 		sortJsonData : [{key:,isActiveFlag:,value}],//list's data source array, json based. 		activedData : [],//active data in list 		inactivedData : [],//inactiva data in list 		newAddedItems: [],//added items 		deletedItems: []//deleted items 	};

You can aslo reset the options source into this plugin,


##License Licensed under the MIT License

##Changelog #####v0.0.2 26 Aug 2015

  • new UI, new online mode.

#####v0.0.1 origin version: 5 Aug 2015

  • this is a origin version for this plugin.
  • this is my first jQuery plugin, there must be a lot defect or some bad smell, welcome any help or advice to imporve this plug. Thanks.

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