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A small jQuery responsive slider/scroller plugin which allows you to navigate through a series of items with a jQuery UI based slider control.

jQuery-UI scroller Content-slider


Slider Flow

JQuery slider with scrolling navigation

Need JQuery http://jquery.com/download/ and JQuery UI http://jqueryui.com/

Version 0.2
  • new parameter {equalHeight : true}. Sets the height of each cell is the largest cell

How to use

1. First need connect jquery.sliderFlow script
<script src=”jquery.sliderFlow.min.js”></script>
2. Create HTML
<div id="slider"> 	<ul class="slider-container"> 		<li class="slide"></li> 		... 		<li class="slide"></li> 	</ul> </div>
3. Initialization function for the desired element
$(function() { 	$('#slider').sliderFlow({ 		container : '.slider-container', 		navigation : '.slider-navigation', 		slide : '.slide', 		equalHeight : true, 		speed : 300 	}); });
  • container - <ul> containter class.
  • navigation - class for navigation line.
  • slide - class one slide.
  • speed - speed of transition to new slide.
  • equalHeight - sets the height of each cell is the largest cell.
Rebuild slider for new items
Check changes slides
$('#slider').on('slidechange', function(e, a){ 	// a - value of index current slide. 	console.log(a); });
Go to specified slide
var slideIndex = 4; $('#slider').trigger('slideTo', slideIndex);

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