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Dalert is a simple jQuery and jQuery UI plugin that easily create a customizable alert (or confirm) window as a replacement for the native javascript alert and confirm methods.

jQuery-UI alert confirm


DAlert 1.1.1

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Dalert is a simple jQuery and jQuery UI plugin that easily creates a customizable alert (or confirm) window as a replacement for the native javascript alert and confirm methods. Dependencies : jQuery, jQuery UI

Simple usage

//Dalert Alert Dialog

dalert.alert("I am a little DAlert !"); 

//Dalert With Callback

//Start :: DAlert Alert Usage with a callback on close of the alert		     dalert.alert("Hello, I am a DAlert!", "Title", function callbackMe(){         dalert.alert("Me callback !");     }); //End :: DAlert Alert Callback Usage

//Dalert Confirm Dialog

dalert.alert("Are you sure?", "Confirm Title" , function (result) {   if (result) {     dalert.alert("Clicked yes"); // If yes clicked    } else {     dalert.alert("Clicked no");  // If no clicked   } });

//Dalert Replace Native Alert


//Dalert Replace Native Confirm


For Contributors : Devlopers : Getting started

Download the latest release or clone the repo, git clone git://github.com/andrewdex/dalert.git.

GruntJS : Task for Minification of DAlert

If you have node installed, install GruntJS Globaly and cd into the dalert directory then use npm install

To generate the minified file, type grunt

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