CheckList is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin which helps you create a dynamic, filterable, responsive checklist using jQuery UI.
Accessible and Customizable jQuery HTML5 Media Player - Acorn Media Player
Cover-flow Effect with Image Reflection Effect Using jQuery and jQuery UI - qpcoverflow
jQuery Plugin To Dynamically Change Background Colors - bgcFade
jQuery To-Do List Manager with localStorage Support - Todo List
jQuery Plugin for Simple Drawing Surface - wPaint
jQuery & jQuery UI Plugin For Simle Tokenized Autocomplete - Autocomplete Multiselect
Retina Ready jQuery Color Picker with CSS3 Gradients - Iris
jQuery Slideshow Plugin with Image Auto Resize and Easing Support - imgSlider
Minimal Custom Scrollbar Plugin with jQuery and jQuery UI - CustemScrollBar
Creating A Simple Animated Modal with jQuery and jQuery UI - ModalWindow
jQuery Plugin To Turn Checkboxes Into Toggle Buttons - BlueToggleButton
jQuery File Input Replacement Plugin with Image Preview - File Picker
Simple Data Grid/Table Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap
Lightweight jQuery & jQuery UI Image Slider with Captions
Create A Simple Vertical Timeline with jQuery and CSS
Nice File Tree View Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap - File Tree
Sortable & Draggable Item List with jQuery and jQuery UI
Responsive & Mobile-first Image Slider Plugin - Phantom Touch Slider
jQuery and jQuery UI Based Input Element Enhancement - Input-O-Saurus Text
Easy Stylable jQuery Tags Input Plugin - Tag Input
Slim jQuery UI Range Slider with jQuery and CSS3
jQuery Custom Scrollbar Plugin with jQuery UI - acescroll
Vertical Scrolling Image Gallery with jQuery and jQuery UI - Scroll Slider
Simple Content Slider/Rotator Plugin with jQuery and jQuery UI
Draggable Dialog Plugin with jQuery and jQuery UI - dAlerta
Hexagon Color Picker Plugin with jQuery and jQuery UI
Stylish & Animated Slider Widget with jQuery and jQuery UI
Basic Full Width Slideshow Plugin with jQuery and jQuery UI
Cool Responsive Dropdown Menu Plugin with jQuery - EliteBox Menu
Minimal Circular Range Slider with jQuery and jQuery UI
jQuery Plugin To Convert Form labels Into Slider Controls - LabelSlider.js
jQuery Plugin To Extend jQuery UI Dialog Widgets
Easy Time Selector with jQuery and jQuery UI - timeselect
jQuery Plugin For Beautifying Form Elements - Fancy Fields
jQuery Based Native JavaScript Alert and Confirm Replacement - Dalert
Simple jQuery Context Menu Using jQuery UI - CustomMenu
Animated Popover/Popout Plugin For jQuery & jQuery UI - MLB Popout
Smooth Nested Accordion Plugin with jQuery & jQuery UI - multiAccordion
Google Style Historical Date Range Picker Plugin with jQuery
jQuery Plugin For Collapsible jQuery UI Dialogs
Random Background Color Fader with jQuery and jQuery UI
jQuery & jQuery UI Based Image Comparison Slider
Simple Todo List Plugin with jQuery and jQuery UI - Todolist
Flat Style Slider Control Plugin For jQuery - Flat Slider
jQuery UI Based Native JS Dialogs Replacement - Enhanced Alert
Classic Clock Style Time Picker Plugin For jQuery
Simple jQuery UI & jQuery Mobile Message Box Plugin
Powerful Range Slider Plugin - jQRangeSlider
Fullscreen Background Video Plugin For jQuery - BigVideo
Create An Accordion Image Menu with jQuery & jQuery UI
jQuery Plugin For Multi-range jQuery UI Range Slider
Tiny jQuery Content Slider/Scroller with Scrolling Navigation - sliderFlow
Beautiful Dropdown/Drilldown Menus Using jQuery and jQuery UI
jQuery Plugin For jQuery UI Month/Year Picker - mtz.monthpicker
jQuery Plugin To Sort Nested Lists Using Drag and Drop - nestedSortable
jQuery Plugin For jQuery Select Replacement - selectit
Slick Datetime Picker Plugin with jQuery and jQuery UI - slickDTP
jQuery Plugin To Fill Forms From JavaScript Objects - Form Fill
Versatile jQuery Modalbox / Lightbox Plugin - MultiDialog
Basic Touch-enabled jQuery Scroller Plugin - cSlider
Customizable Image Slider Widget For jQuery UI - HRImageSlideshow
Minimal Panel Slider Widget For jQuery UI - panelSlider
jQuery Plugin For Responsive jQuery UI Accordion & Tabs
Creating Sortable & Editable Lists with jQuery and jQuery UI
Vertical & Horizontal Page Scrolling Plugin with jQuery - ALXS Slidestack
Smooth Page Scrolling Effects with jQuery and jQuery UI
Multicolumn Autocomplete Control with jQuery and jQuery UI
Responsive & Touch-Friendly Image Gallery Plugin For jQuery and jQuery UI
Simple HTML5 MP3 Player With jQuery And jQuery UI - Luna
Date Range Picker With jQuery And jQuery UI - DateRangePicker