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Just another jQuery responsive menu plugin that turns the regular navigation menu into a mobile-friendly toggle menu when the screen size reaches a predefined breakpoint.

toggle-menu responsive-menu



Reaktion.js is a lightweight, flexible jQuery plugin for generating responsive, nested navigation menus. It allows developers to get up and running extremely quickly and is completely customizable. By default it uses Font Awesome instead of images and contains a LESS file with variables for easy customization.


You can view a demo here: http://ryantbrown.io/code/reaktionjs


There are 3 ways to install Reaktion.js:

  • Install the package via Bower with bower install reaktion.js
  • Clone the repo with git clone https://github.com/ryantbrown/reaktion.js.git reaktion
  • Download the zip file here

Once you have it installed then you need to add the css file to the <head> of your document (Font Awesome is optional but recommended, please see the customization section for details):

<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/reaktion.min.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.0.3/css/font-awesome.min.css" >

Add jQuery and Reaktion.js at the bottom of your document right before the end </body> tag:

<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="dist/reaktion.min.js"></script>

Create the HTML markup for the navigation menu:

<div class="nav"> 	<ul> 		<li><a href="#">Menu Item</a></li> 		<li><a href="#">Menu Item</a> 			<ul> 				<li><a href="#">Sub Menu Item</a></li> 				<li><a href="#">Sub Menu Item</a></li> 				<li><a href="#">Sub Menu Item</a></li> 			</ul> 		</li> 		<li><a href="#">Menu Item</a></li> 		... 	</ul> </div>

And last but not least call the plugin:

// Dom ready $(function(){ 	// Initialize Reaktion.js 	$('.nav').reaktion(); });


There are several ways to customize Reaktion.js for you needs, the two most common are via plugin options and CSS:


Option Default Type Description
breakPoint 768 number Refers to the viewport width and determines when the navigation switches to the "mobile" version.
navIcon <i class="fa fa-bars"></i> string The HTML (text, icon, image, etc.) for the mobile icon (the mobile icon is what the user clicks to reveal the mobile menu.
arrows true bool Whether or not to show the sub menu arrows. To include the arrows on the "mobile" version only you can use CSS to hide them (ie: .nav ul li span.arrow { display:none; })
arrowIcon <i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i> string The HTML (text, icon, image, etc.) for the sub menu arrows.
arrowsToggleOnly true bool If true, the arrows are the only element that will toggle the sub menus, if false the parent link of the sub menu will also toggle sub menus. Does not apply if arrows are disabled.
animate true bool Whether or not to animate the mobile menu on reveal
effect slide string The effect used to animate the mobile menu, can be either slide or fade
speed 300 number The speed at which to animate the mobile menu
animateSubNav true bool Whether or not to animate when opening the sub menus
subNavEffect slide string The effect used to animate the sub menus, can be either slide or fade
subNavSpeed 300 number The speed at which to animate the sub menus
onOpen empty function Callback function executed whenever the menu is opened
onClose empty function Callback function executed whenever the menu is closed

Below is an example using these options in the plugin call:

$(function(){ 	$('.nav').reaktion({ 		breakPoint: 768, 	    navIcon: '<i class="fa fa-bars"></i>', 	    arrows: true, 	    arrowIcon: '<i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i>', 	    arrowsToggleOnly: true, 	    animate: true, 	    effect: 'slide', 	    speed: 300, 	    animateSubNav: true, 	    subNavEffect: 'slide', 	    subNavSpeed: 300 	}); });


Reaktion.js comes with a CSS file (src/css/reaktion.css) that contains the basic styling for the menu. This file is compiled from the LESS file (src/less/reaktion.less) that is also included. You are free to use either one but the LESS file contains a few varibales that make it easier to customize quickly.


The CSS file for Reaktion.js is compiled directly from the LESS file in (src/less/reaktion.less). If you are familar with LESS then I recommend you use this file to style the plugin. It sets

Font Awesome

Reaktion.js uses Font Awesome to generate the arrows and the menu icon.


There are three API methods for opening and closing the menu after initialzation:

// Dom ready $(function(){ 	// Initialize 	$('.nav').reaktion(); 	// open the mobile menu 	$('.nav').reaktion('open'); 	// close the mobile menu 	$('.nav').reaktion('close'); 	// toggle the mobile menu 	$('.nav').reaktion('toggle'); });


Reaktion.js is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license

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