Just a fairly simple jQuery plugin to show+hide content on a web page. Also will accommodate multiple instances per page: http://leemark.github.io/expandy-thing/double.html
USAGE: include expandy.js and expandy.css
var options = { toggleElement: 'h2', jqAnim: false, showFirst: false, accordion: false, speed: 400, indicator: 'plusminus' } $(container).makeExpander(options);
container - outer container element containing all of the toggle/expanding content
toggleElement - heading for each piece of hidden/displayed content. everything between each toggleElement will be hidden. this element will be used to trigger the toggling behavior. default is 'h2'.
jqAnim - use jQuery slide animation instead of simply using CSS to show/hide. default is false.
showFirst - the first piece of hide/toggle content is displayed when content is first loaded. default is false.
accordion - only one piece of content can be expanded at a time. default is false.
speed - speed of animation when using jQuery slide animation. accepts a # of milliseconds, or the keywords 'fast' (200ms) and 'slow' (600ms). default is 400.
indicator - what to add as an open-closed indicator. this option adds a class to the toggleElement, the actual indicator is created/styled in the CSS. accepts 'plusminus', 'triangle', or 'arrow' (or anything else there are CSS classes for, if you want to roll your own). default is 'plusminus'.