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Toggler is a small jQuery content toggle plugin that conditionally shows & hides HTML elements depending on the value in a select dropdown.

Conditional-Logic content-toggle



Toggle elements (state/visibility) based on the value of other fields, with wide customization support

Live demo and documentation


Just download jquery.toggler.js then add it to your HTML file:

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.toggler.js"></script>

You may instead use the minified version if you like.

Basic usage

You'll need a select or another predictable-value form control, for example:

  <select name="foo" id="foo" data-toggler="foo">     <option value="bar">bar</option>     <option value="baz">baz</option>   </select>

Notice how we added a data-toggler attribute and set it to foo. This is important

Not you'll need to add your conditional elements, for example:

  <div class="conditional" data-toggle-condition="foo" data-toggle-value="bar">The value is bar</div>   <div class="conditional" data-toggle-condition="foo" data-toggle-value="baz">The value is baz</div>

Now you should notice the two attributes that we added to each of the conditional blocks:

  • data-toggle-condition - Specifies which condition to check on, for this example we only have one, foo
  • data-toggle-value - Specifies the value of the condition that will toggle the element, in this case we may have specified either bar or baz as they are the possible options on the select control

There are another two possible data attributes:

  • data-toggle-function - Specifies the toggle function, the default is display and will toggle the CSS display property between none and block. There is another one, enabled and will toggle the disabled attribute.
  • data-toggle-solver - Specifies the toggle solver, the default is value and will check the value of the control. Other included solvers are valueNot which just inverts the evaluation and oneOf which accepts several possible conditions separated by a pipe |, for example foo|quaz (given that you have both conditions available).

We also added a conditional class, you may use it to hide the contents initially, with a display: none property for example.

Once you're done with the markup, just add a simple call on your onDomReady callback:


And that's all. Change the select value and you'll see how the other boxes are automatically shown/hidden.

You may chain a change event trigger if you feel so:


That way the initial values will also trigger a toggle on the linked containers.

Advanced usage

You may add your own solvers and togglers if you like. Just extend the $.toggler.defaults object or add an options hash on your call to the toggler function:

$('[data-toggler]').toggler({   togglers: {     unhide: function(el, toggle, opts) {       if (toggle) {         el.removeClass('hide');       } else {         el.addClass('hide');       }     }   } });

In this example we just added a toggle function named unhide that toggles the hide class on your containers, to use it specify it at the data-toggle-function attribute:

  <div class="conditional" data-toggle-condition="foo" data-toggle-value="bar" data-toggle-function="unhide">The value is bar</div>   <div class="conditional" data-toggle-condition="foo" data-toggle-value="baz" data-toggle-function="unhide">The value is baz</div>

To add a solver, do the same but on the solvers object:

$('[data-toggler]').toggler({   solvers: {     numeric: function(el, param, item, opts) {       var val = el.val();       return !isNaN(val);     }   } });

There we added a simple solver for numeric-values only. To use it, specify it at the data-toggle-solver attribute:

  <div class="conditional" data-toggle-condition="foo" data-toggle-value="" data-toggle-solver="numeric">The value is bar</div>   <div class="conditional" data-toggle-condition="foo" data-toggle-value="" data-toggle-solver="numeric">The value is baz</div>

In this case the data-toggle-value attribute is irrelevant for the check.

You may also customize both of them, just use each attribute when required.


  • jQuery 1.8+
  • A recent/decent web browser (Firefox, Chrome or Opera suggested; IE/Edge NOT TESTED/DON'T CARE)


MIT Licensed


Fork the repo, add an interesting feature or fix a bug and send a pull request.


Open an issue and provide a clear description of the error, how to reproduce it and your test environment specs (browser, jQuery version, etc.)


Lead coder: biohzrdmx (github.com/biohzrdmx)

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