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Just another jQuery plugin for handling conditional logic fields that conditionally shows & hides elements based on values of other elements.



Display If

A super light & simple jQuery module that displays or hides specified elements based on data.


  • jQuery: version 1.11.1 or higher.


Package Manager

You can install via npm, yarn, bower, etc.

npm install display-if 

Cloning the File

  1. Clone this repository or simply download either js/display-if.js or js/display-if.min.js.
    • Note: display-if.min.js is a minified version of js/display-if.js. This means that it is a smaller file. If you want to update the scripts contents, then copy js/display-if.js. Otherwise, download the minified version.
  2. Include the file in your project
<script src="your/path/to/display-if.min.js"></script>


  1. Name your input/form field. For example:
<input type="text" name="displayIfText" />
  1. Add data fields to the tag that you want to hide or show depending on the input value. For example:
<div class="form-text text-muted display-if"      data-target_name="displayIfText"      data-target_type="text"      data-target_value="debug">      <small>Debug mode: active!</small> </div>
  • In this example, when input[name=displayIfText] has a value of debug, the div above will be visible.

Data Options

To add an option to your display-if element, use the html5 data- tags. For example, if your option is named option add a data-option='...' tag to your element.

Option Description
target_name The name of the form field that the display element depends on.
target_matches_identifier The name of another form field. If this option is given, then the system will check if [name=data_target_name] has the same value as [name=data_target_matches_identifier]
target_type Default: 'default'.
Options: 'text', 'select', 'password', 'radio', 'checkbox', 'default'

The type of input.
display_if_inverse Default: false.

If true, the display requirements will show the element if the negation of the display_if is satisfied
target_value The value that satisfies the display requirement. If the form field value is equal to the target_value, then the display requirement is satisfied.
target_value_not The value that breaks the display requirement. If the form field value is equal to the target_value, then the display requirement is not satisfied. This is an alias for setting the target_value and displsy_if_inverse=true
target_value_can_be_null Default: false.

If true, then the target_value could match with matches_identifiers if both values are null. If false, then each target and match must have some value so satisfy the display requirement.


Click here for a live demo. Demo Gif

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