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200 JQuery List Plugins

Are you looking for JQuery List Plugins If yes then you are on right place because here we have collected most popular 200 JQuery List Plugins for you. you can choose any of following JQuery List Plugins which suits best to your web based projects, These all are highly rated JQuery List Plugins.

Formalist is a jQuery plugin to perform conditional web forms. Thanks to the use of the HTML5 data- attribute, the plugin easily recognized elements to be displayed or hidden conditionally in your form. For example, when a chec.....
Forms Plugins

Natural-Gallery is a lazy load, infinite scroll and natural layout list gallery. .....
Core Java Script Gallery

jQuery.SelectListActions is a jQuery plugin that gives you several actions to perform with Select lists.With this plugin you can:Move selected item(s) from a source list to a destination listMove all items from a source list to a .....

Multi-list is a jQuery plugin to turn an unordered list into a multiple selectable list. .....
Forms Plugins

Gorilla Dropdown is a jQuery plugin for custom drop-down list, allowing the display of text, images, and maybe more… .....

FxMusica is Responsive jQuery HTML5 Music/Audio Player with Playlist and huge possibilities and options. Its comes with 12 Audio Player styles with Single player & Multiple Playlist orientations.Features:Elegent, Clean, Modern.....
Plugins Premium Video_Audio

Extended Listbox is a simple to use jQuery plugin as powerful alternative to the HTML <select> tag. The main problem of <select> tag is that last one isn’t flexible for customization with CSS. Extended Listbox solves.....
Forms Plugins

This jQuery plugin allow you to easily add a sharebox (list of social buttons) on your website. .....

jQuery plugin to create alphabetical indexes for your lists.An alphabetical index may help your users to navigate through a long list of items. .....

RFL is a jQuery cards plugin built with good UX in mind. It’s responsive, touch-compatible, and integrates well with other jQuery plugins. Everything you could want to build modern card apps. .....
Drag_Drop Plugins

A jQuery plugin which makes large nested lists easier to navigate. .....

Responsive YouTube Player with Playlist.Since Youtube API V3.0, it’s mandatory to create a YT API key in order to get the playlists contents programatically… there aren’t other ways to do this. The old XML Feed u.....
Plugins Responsive Video_Audio

Create realistic fireworks of any colorVisually-rich animation with just one line of codeEasy to use (just basic html knowdlege required)Well documented (instructions file, example, comments on code)10 KB JavaScript library (+19 K.....
Animation Core Java Script Premium

Listy is a jQuery plugin which aim to facilitate developer making lists browsable through keyboard. .....

Flexdatalist is (another) jQuery autocomplete plugin with support for <datalist>. .....
Forms Plugins

A simple to do list in jQuery .The visitors can simply add and remove tasks.Visitors can also mark an incomplete task as complete and a complete task as incomplete task.User can mark all tasks as finished or incompleteWhenever a u.....

LobiList is jQuery plugin for todo lists. Supports drag & drop of todos. Multiple lists with different colors.Features:Multiple list supportDifferent stylesDrag & drop listDrag & drop todosAjax configuration urls for t.....
Ajax Drag_Drop Plugins

A simple PickList using jQuery and Bootstrap .Picklist is a multiselect box plugin. .....
Forms Plugins

Droply is a responsive jQuery based plugin, that simplifies the developers task to setup a  muti/single file uploader component. It is hightly configurable and easy to install. This plugin comes with a configurable server side PH.....
PHP Plugins Premium Responsive

Searchable Option List (SOL) is a jQuery plugin which replaces your regular HTML <select> elements with a searchable, user friendly component. It works for regular option lists as well as those marked as multiple.fully searc.....
Forms Plugins

ChewingGrid is a CSS grid for card listing design, like videos, tiles, or article lists. It doesn’t require media queries, but it adjusts based on the maximum number of columns, and minimum and maximum card width. .....
Core Java Script CSS Drag_Drop Gallery Responsive

Touch enabled minimalistic slider written in vanilla JavaScript.Features:Hardware accelerated transitionsUsable as a jQuery pluginOptions for custom easing effectsinfinite looping ~ carouselNo compromises for fallbacks .....
Plugins Slider

Clean HTML5 Video Player with PlaylistFeatures:Responsive layoutReady for Retina DisplaysEasy to get started, deploy in minutesHighly customizable using HTML and CSSClean code + LESSPlaylists supportMultiple instancesBased on jPla.....
HTML5 Premium Responsive Video_Audio

Lightweight jQuery plugin to create sortable lists and grids using native HTML5 drag and drop API.Less than 1KB (minified and gzipped).Built using native HTML5 drag and drop API.Supports both list and grid style layouts.Supported .....
Drag_Drop HTML5 Plugins

A jQuery plugin to attach load listeners to images within a container and fire an event when all the images have loaded. .....
Events Plugins

Headtacular is a nice minimalist sticky header a jQuery plugin.As the user scrolls, the script will check if they have scrolled past the scrollPoint. If so, it will add the CSS class .is-stuck to the targeted object. .....

jQuery plugin to sorting lists also the tree structures. Smooth motion while dragging and scrolling. .....
Drag_Drop Plugins

jQuery repeatable list item with doT.js template engine. .....
Forms Plugins

Bootstrap Dropdown Filter is a control for jPList, an open source library for sorting, filtering and pagination. It allows filtering of any HTML structure (DIVs, UL/LI, Tables etc.) by the given jQuery path and uses a standard Boo.....
Bootstrap Plugins Premium

vSort is a simple jQuery plugin for making lists sortable with a handleless than 1.4kB including cssTested in IE8, FireFox, Chrome .....
Drag_Drop Plugins

MonoList – Plugin for creating navigation by list and by pretty much everything else.Do you have a long list of HTML elements? Would you like to group it by item’s first letter and allow users to easily navigate by it? With Mo.....
Ajax Menus Plugins Premium

jQuery youtube channels playlist has a following features:You can customize width and height of the widget on your website.The widget itself is responsive; given a width (or %) for the widget, the inner contents will resize accord.....
Gallery Plugins Video_Audio

jQuery Plug-in – Carousel Picker for li tags.Features:Carousel Picker for list.Horizontal or vertical orientation.Align on left / center / right or top / medium / bottom.Custom class for selected and unselected items.Respons.....
Carousel Plugins

DDlist is a small jQuery plugin that allows for a fully styleable dropdown list supporting list options with text, images, and possible additional description strings.The list is expected to be defined using a standard <select&.....
Forms Plugins

This is a responsive video player to play YouTube playlists. You can enter a YouTube playlist id, channel id or an array of video ids as playlist source.Features:Enter a Youtube Playlist, Channel, or array of Video ID’s.Newest Y.....
Other API Plugins Premium Responsive Video_Audio

Monocle List is a scrollable list item with manifying area. .....
Core Java Script CSS

A jQuery Mobile Plugin with an intuitive UI to add new list items and remove existing ones. .....
jQuery Mobile

A tiny library for interactive swiping and reordering of elements in lists on touch screens. No dependencies.Supports iOS Safari, Firefox Mobile, Chrome Mobile, Opera Mobile (Presto and Blink). .....
Core Java Script Drag_Drop

The 1 minute solution for awesome features presentation is here.Features that are presented in a fun way are never ignored ! .....
Plugins Premium

iOS-style sticky headers with jQueryiOSList is a jQuery plugin that creates iOS-style sticky headers similar to those seen in the Music and Contacts apps on Apple devices. .....

YouTube and Vimeo SupportCustomizable Color SchemeResponsive DesignMobile CompatiblePlaylist With 3 VersionsMultiple ParametersFixed And Full Width Versions16 Photo Transition Effects (only for images)Layered Text Elements (only f.....
Plugins Premium Responsive Video_Audio

This is the source for the simplest and slickest online Markdown editor.Just write Markdown and see what it looks like as you type. And convert it to HTML in one click. .....

A multi level dependent dropdown JQuery plugin that allows nested dependencies. The plugin allows you to convert normal select inputs, whose options are derived based on value selected in another input/or a group of inputs. It wor.....
Forms Plugins

Simple jQuery plugin to support filtering hierarchy tree which is created by unordered list (<ul>) or ordered list (<ol>). With specified input element (<input>), only list item, which contains the typed text, an.....

Hi Slider makes it easy for anyone to create awesome eye-catching 2D/3D realistic jQuery Slider without any programming skills. Creating an image gallery slider and making a customized WordPress slider plugin have never been so ea.....
HTML5 Plugins Slider

Add a slick “letter-based” navigation bar to all of your lists. Click a letter to quicky filter the list to items that match that letter. I fixed it so that its compatible with jQuery 1.4.X Original plugin by iHWY. .....
Menus Plugins

jQuery based plugin for making any list of items selectable by mouse and keyboard. It could be usefull in webapp where are different widgets like menus, dropdowns with keyboard input, lists with multiple selection and so on. It ma.....

jQuery ReStable is a very simple and lightweight (~1Kb) jQuery plugin that make tables responsive making them collapse into ul lists. .....
Responsive Tables

It is a plugin for editable Dict and List html, their values can be attached into form as stringified JSON when processing jQuery post. .....
Forms jSON Plugins

This responsive video plugin gives you a professional, mobile-friendly solution for streaming online video players on your website. It’s lightweight, cross-browser compatible, and comes with built-in support for YouTube and Vime.....
Plugins Premium Responsive Video_Audio

A jQuery plugin to list and show nearby places around a certain position using Google Maps. .....
Maps Other API Plugins

A small, slick, library independent YouTube User/Playlist player.Features:Library IndependentCustomizable via CSSAutoplayRemove YouTube ChromeSupports Playlists and UsersjQuery SupportModule SupportDemos :Default Player OptionsChr.....
Other API Plugins Video_Audio

SortedList is a jQuery plugin to sort a list of DOM elements the way you want. Think about LI, TR, OPTION and even DIVS. .....
Plugins Tables

A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin to scroll a list like carousel or traditional marquee. .....
Carousel Plugins Slider

In today’s tutorial, we’ll be creating some creative animations and transitions for adding and removing items from a list, inspired by the concept from Pasquale D’Silva’s article on Medium. Chris Coyier .....
Animation CSS

Bootstrap Dual Listbox in jQuery is a responsive dual listbox widget optimized for Twitter Bootstrap. It works on all modern browsers and on touch devices. .....
Bootstrap Forms Plugins

et’s discuss today how we can reverse an Order/Unordered List in html using jquery. We have many ways to reverse the element of any ordered/unordered list (ol or ul Tags) using jquery. Let’s use reverse() function available in.....

The plugin allow you to create a list tag rotator in a minute.Simply add some a small code and the rotator is ready! .....
Plugins Slider

Minimalistic Designed Login, Register and Forgot Template Forms Pack. Packed with jQuery Live Validation, 7 color styles, 3 different form size options, title animation, custom checkbox, tooltip hints and jQuery Error Handling. .....
Forms Premium

select2list is a jQuery plugin that turns an HTML <select> element into a flat list of clickable items. The new list drives the old <select> element, so it is a drop in replacement with seamless degradation. .....
Forms Plugins

jquery.transformlist is a Javascript plugin for jQuery to add support for styling and correctly animating CSS3 transforms that make use of multiple transform functions.jquery.transformlist is not intended to provide animation betw.....
Animation CSS Plugins

jQuery plugin for listing profiles and sharing.o list social accounts or share any page with 46 icons.Options for SocialProfiles:animation: launchpad, launchpadReverse, slideTop, slideRight, slideBottom, slideLeft, chainchainAni.....

In today’s tutorial we will create a simple and beautiful slideshow gallery with jQuery that can be easily integrated in your web site. The idea is to have a container with our slideshow and the options to view a grid of thumbna.....
Gallery Slider

jQuery.stickysectionheaders takes a nested list and enables section headings as known from iOS table views. When scrolling down, always the current section heading “sticks” to the top of the list until the next heading.....
Menus Plugins

Today we want to share some simple drop-down list effects with you. The idea is to transform a normal select input into something more appealing with a jQuery plugin. The expanding of the options will happen with a transition and .....
CSS Menus Plugins

Infinity.js is a UITableView for the web: it speeds up scrolling through long lists and keeps your infinite feeds smooth and stable for your users. It is small, battle-tested, and highly performant. The code is hosted on Github, a.....
Plugins Web

Extremes is a really simple and lightweight jQuery plugin to place elements around a circle. Special attention is paid to legibility. You will never encounter upside down text.When ordering lists you will often find that topics co.....
Menus Plugins

ALS – Any List Scroller is the jQuery plugin by musings.it to scroll any list, of any dimension, with any content.Features:It is surprisingly easy to useit works on any kind of listList elements can be texts, images, anythin.....
Plugins Slider

A jQuery plugin to animate the filtering of a list.A proper jQuery version (1.8+), jQuery Transit (currently an unofficial unmerged fork with proper browser support). Also: the items in the list shoudl have the same dimensions. Yo.....
Animation Plugins

Liffect provide impressive effects on List items with jQuery and Css3. .....
Animation CSS Gallery

A tutorial on how to create some custom drop-down lists. We’ll show you five examples with different looking drop-down menus and lists for various purposes. The point of this tutorial is to show how to create nice drop-downs.....
CSS Menus

A jQuery Social Plugin to create a single social media stream from multiple social networks.Socialist is a jquery social plugin that creates a social stream (or social “wall”) from multiple social media feeds in one pl.....
Ajax Plugins Responsive Web

HTML5 Sortable is a jQuery plugin to create sortable lists and grids using native HTML5 drag and drop API. Features :

Less than 1KB (minified and gzipped).Built using native HTML5 drag and drop API.Supports both list and grid s.....
Drag_Drop HTML5 Plugins

A fairly common web interface feature is the dynamic view switcher. On product pages or blog archives you’ll sometimes find buttons to change the layout from display lists to smaller grids. In this tutorial I’ve built a simple.....

Real Shadow is a simple-yet-effective jQuery plugin for creating realistic shadow effects for any HTML element.With a simple function, it works by targeting any number of elements and manipulating the value of box-shadow CSS prope.....
CSS Plugins

A jQuery plugin that allows you to display list items in a similar way like a iPhone home screen. If item count exceeds the displayed items on one screen, users can swipe through screens.This plugin is intended to create iPhone or.....
jQuery Mobile Plugins

A javascript file that provides the ability to sort lists using drag and drop. Built on the jQuery framework. The CSS selector  of the element inside the list item to act as the drag handle. The default is the list item itself e......
Drag_Drop Plugins Web

Make a list of items scrolls in a circle is a simple task. A bit of CSS, a few dozen lines of code. But as a web developer, I have to keep writing this over and over again and I couldn’t find a flexible enough plugin for me......
Gallery Plugins Slider

Do you want a 9 KB cross-browser native JavaScript that makes your plain HTML lists super flexible, searchable, sortable and filterable? Yeah! Do you also want the possibility to add, edit and remove items by dead simple templat.....
Core Java Script Tables Web

jqDnR is a lightweight plugin for jQuery that lets you drag, drop, and resize elements. jqDnR provides the all the basic elastic functionality most dialogs will need. Basic and simple and easy to use.Features:Drag + Drop Element P.....
Drag_Drop Plugins Web

Sometimes you want users of your web-app to quickly filter a list down. For example, a web-app I’m currently working on features a page listing two dozen countries, and I want users to find the country they are looking for as fa.....

Tokeninput is a jQuery plugin which allows your users to select multiple items from a predefined list, using autocompletion as they type to find each item. Its functionality is similar to the text entry when filling in the recip.....
jSON Plugins Web

In this tutorial you will learn how you can create your own simple To-Do list using CSS and JQuery.First you will design the To-Do list, this is going to be a simple form where you can quickly add your tasks for the day.Then we w.....
Animation CSS Web

List Reorder is a jQuery plugin that allows you to reorder any simple ordered or unordered list. List Reorder is easy to use and does not require any additional markup. Its look and feel is completely customizable using a set of C.....
CSS Plugins Web

jPList is a jQuery plugin for sorting, paging and filtering any content, such as DIVs, lists and tables.Works with any content (tables, lists, div elements)Seo friendlyPagingFilteringAscending or descending sortingAlphabetic.....
Plugins Tables Web

YouTube Playlist Plugin allows you to turn an unordered list of YouTube links into a playlist. YouTubePlaylist will automatically embed YouTube video into your page and convert your list into a nice playlist. .....
Plugins Web

This jQuery plugin, developed in the iHwy Labs, allows you to easily convert a long, hard to navigate list into a compact, easily skimmable ‘first-letter’ based menuing system, allowing quick and ‘out-of the-wa.....
CSS Menus Plugins Web

This jQuery plugin supplies an easy way to unobtrusively add a letter-based navigation widget to any UL or OL list. An easily stylable (via CSS) nav bar appears above the list, showing the user the letters A-through-Z. Clicking.....
Menus Plugins Web

Have you ever had to manually code something that is sequential? Didn’t you find it annonying? Well, here is a simple solution for you. This tutorial will show you how to use jQuery to add a sequent of CSS classes to create a.....

Here’s a clever little script that’s certainly useful if you want to give users the functionality to refine search results or filter product results. If you had a list of films with long titles this would be a quick and easy w.....

The plugin will get your list, wrap it into a container div, generate as many lists as the number of columns you require and evenly split the list items into the different list elements. If the list items are not enough to evenl.....
CSS Plugins Web

The jQuery Mega Select List is a plugin that converts large select lists into a mega-menu style list of options. This plugin doesn’t affect your form, posting back the selected value as if the options were being selected in .....
Forms Menus Plugins

TODO: add more functionality (mainly header, paragraph abilities) .....
Wysiwyg Editor

An alternative way to do multi-select lists. Please note that this is not produtionte that this is not production-ready, a lot can be improved here so please don't use it as is. .....

This code explains, how to drag an event from FullCalendar to trash or back to external list .....

My first finished and working js "app". It's a simple calendar with task list for every day. Actual day is highlighted, days with all tasks finished have green indicator, with unfinished tasks red one. Tasks are stored in localSt.....

An experiment for making navigating long lists a bit more usable with Lexicon-style pagination on hover/focus. Needs to work on Mobile too. .....

Responsive datatable powered by list.js. Supported features: - Uses a UL to look like a table - Rows are responsive and turn into cards for mobile .....

This is an experimental Brutalist inspired login form with HTML5 pattern validation. I have made this pen responsive using the :root + calc() with rem's method - .....

filterList is a small (6kb minified) and fast jQuery in-page filtering plugin which allows filtering of a list of links by typing keywords in an associated search field......
Filter live-search

This is a jQuery plugin which generates a semantic, SEO-friendly, highly-customizable dropdown select menu from a regular HTML unordered list......
Drop-Down Select Drop-Down-list Custom-Select

accordable.js is a lightweight (~2kb minified) jQuery plugin to generates a responsive, semantic, SEO-friendly accordion component from a normal HTML unordered list......

An easy, SEO-friendly, mobile-ready jQuery navigation plugin which converts the nested HTML list into a vertical stack menu (also known as drill down menu)......

A small and easy-to-use jQuery slider plugin which transforms a list of images into a responsive, infinitely looping carousel with next/prev navigation arrows......
Image-Slider Carousel

Pretty Dropdowns is a jQuery plugin used to replace the regular select element with a nice-looking dropdown UI that preserves the native select methods......
Select Drop-Down-list

Crossover is a really small jQuery plugin for converting two side-by-side multiple select elements into a dynamic dual list box......
Multiple-Select Dual-List-Box

A dynamic Material Design Expansion Panel plugin which enables you to expand/collapse panels by clicking/tapping headers just like the accordion interface......
FAQ Material-Design

A lightweight, fast, cross-browser jQuery plugin which lets you generate an auto scrolling/fading/sliding scroller from an html unordered list......
scroller news-ticker text-scroller

CM Accordion is an extremely lightweight (less than 1kb) yet configurable and semantic jQuery content toggle/accordion plugin for saving vertical space of the webpage......

Yet another jQuery plugin for creating a multi-selectable dual list box where the users are able to move items between two filterable lists......
Multiple-Select Dual-List-Box

A simple, lightweight, semantic jQuery slider plugin for generating a basic carousel/slider from a normal HTML unordered list. Features auto play, infinite loop, and navigation/pagination controls......

scrollfy is a small and mobile-friendly Is In View jQuery plugin which listens for page scroll (touch move) events and fires certain functions if elements are in or out of the viewport......

Select Dropdown is a jQuery plugin that converts the regular Bootstrap select element into a select dropdown with extra functionalities such as fuzzy search, multiple select, custom styles and more......
Bootstrap bootstrap-4 Drop-Down Select Drop-Down-list

jQ_CSS_Ticker is a jQuery marquee scroller plugin that uses CSS3 animations to smoothly, infinitely and horizontally scrolls through an HTML unordered list just like a news/stock ticker......
news-ticker Marquee scroller text-scroller

The Pseudo-select jQuery plugin transforms the normal HTML unordered list into a select based dropdown list with or without checkboxes......
Drop-Down Select

A minimal, cross-browser jQuery plugin which helps you create an easy-to-style countdown timer without writing any JavaScript......
countdown timer

Just another jQuery/HTML5 tooltip plugin used to create custom, CSS3 animated and hover-triggered tooltips on the webpage......

Just another custom select box plugin which replaces the native select element with a flat, animated dropdown list with custom styles......
Custom-Select Select Drop-Down-list

A mobile-friendly, fully responsive list solution that automatically transforms the long list into an accordion-style sliding dropdown on small screens......
Drop-Down-list Responsive-List

A minimal, simple-to-use, jQuery based, cross-fading slideshow that dynamically loads backgrounds from an array of images......

Yet another jQuery/CSS based push menu that enables a hamburger button to reveal an off-screen sidebar navigation while pushing the main content to the other side......
off-canvas-menu side-menu push-menu

Paging is a fast and easy-to-use jQuery pagination plugin which dynamically generates pagination links and next/prev buttons to paginate a large HTML list......

A fancy audio player app with playlist and custom controls support, built using jQuery, Font Awesome, and jQuery knob plugin......
audio-player audio

DragNDrop is a jQuery plugin which allows you to reorder an HTML ordered (or unordered) list using drag and drop. Without the need of jQuery UI......

A lightweight and simple-to-use jQuery multiple selection (dual list box) plugin which enables the user to move options between two select boxes a button-based interface......
Multiple-Select Dual-List-Box

The renderMenu.js jQuery plugin helps you dynamically generate multi-level menu lists from nested JSON data......

FieldsLinker is a jQuery plugin for drawing canvas based straight lines (with or without squares at the end) between 2 items within dynamic lists......

The Reorderable.js jQuery plugin lets you dynamically create a sortable list where the list items can be reorderable and removable by clicking up, down, and remove buttons......
Sort order

The Codehim Clock jQuery plugin lets you create a responsive, customizable, realistic Analog Clock with 3 size variables and optional second/date/day display......

jsRapKnob is an extremely lightweight jQuery plugin that makes uses of JavaScript and CSS3 transforms to create turnable knobs for volume, speed, fuel, RPM, etc......

The jsRapBar jQuery plugin lets you create a minimal yet customizable horizontal progress bar that has the ability to update the progress dynamically......

A jQuery based accordion-style data list/data grid that allows the user to filter list/grid items using anchor links......
Filter Accordion-List

A lightweight jQuery plugin for podcasts that beautify & simplify the default Audio Player with custom CSS styles......

pullDelete.js is a jQuery plugin to create a swipeable list view where the users are allowed to delete the list item by swiping the list view to the left......
swipe list-view

JOLD Paginator is a lightweight, blazing-fast, easy-to-style, client-side pagination plugin that dynamically renders pagination links for the long content list......

iframeActivationListener is a jQuery plugin that enables you to trigger an Activate event when a given iframe element gets focused......

The select-mania jQuery plugin transforms the normal select element into a searchable, clearable, themeable, AJAX-enabled dropdown list with ease......
Select Drop-Down-list

A jQuery based custom Youtube video player that enables you to create your own playlist from any Youtube videos you specify......
Video-Player video Youtube

Transfer is a powerful, dynamic, groupable & searchable Dual Listbox plugin where the users are able to move groups and items between 2 side-by-side list boxes.....
Multiple-Select Dual-List-Box

Harmonia is a tiny yet useful jQuery plugin which transforms the regular HTML list into a dropdown select on the mobile device......
responsive-menu Drop-Down-Menu

customSelect is a jQuery plugin which converts a hidden input into a dropdown select element with custom styles & templates......
Select Drop-Down-list

AutoSuggestList is a jQuery & jQuery UI based autocomplete plugin that adds an auto-suggestion box to the normal input field while typing......
Autocomplete autosuggest jQuery-UI typeahead

DOB Picker is a minimalist jQuery date picker plugin to enhance the select elements that simplify the selection of date of birth......

A dead simple, ultra-light (1kb), and cross-browser jQuery image lazy load plugin that dynamically loads and replaces the placeholder with original image when the img tag is scrolled into view......

simplyScroll is a minimal yet highly customizable jQuery scroller plugin used for infinitely scrolling through a list of any web content in a fixed height container......

dropSelect is a jQuery select replacement plugin that helps you create a fully customizable and styleable dropdown select box using CSS/CSS3 and a little JavaScript......
Select Drop-Down-list Drop-Down

An extremely simple jQuery plugin to create a high-performance, mobile-compatible parallax scroll effect by alerting the vertical position of your background image on scroll......

The jQuery Search Filter enables the live search functionality on an HTML list that allows the user to dynamically filter long lists through a search field......
Filter live-search

listt is a jQuery based, keyboard-enabled list scroller which can be used to fade through a group of images with a vertical list based indicator......
ios scroller

The jQuery maudio plugin to beautify the default ugly HTML5 audio player with custom styles & control icons based on CSS Image Sprites......

MessageJS is a super tiny and easy-to-use jQuery plugin to display dynamic, stackable, growl-style notification alerts on the webpage......

Ajax Bootstrap Select is a jQuery extension for the popular Bootstrap select plugin that enables the AJAX autocomplete (live search) functionality on the dropdown select......
ajax Bootstrap Select Autocomplete Drop-Down-list

Picktim is a very basic yet fully configurable jQuery time picker plugin where the users are able to select 12-hour or 24-hour times from a popup displayed next to the time input......

This is a lightweight, accessible, customizable, keyboard-enhanced, progressive enhancement autocomplete input plugin built using jQuery, Datalist, and ARIA attributes......

Inputpicker is a simple jQuery plugin that converts the normal text field into a filterable, multi-column dropdown select box for convenient option selection......
Drop-Down-list Drop-Down

A jQuery implementation of the Parallax Scrolling Effect that simply alters the background position of your background image on window scroll......
parallax scrolling

simsCheckbox is a jQuery plugin for Bootstrap that transforms the normal html unordered list into a selectable list view with checkboxes and custom check/uncheck markers......
Bootstrap Checkbox bootstrap-4 list-view

This is a minimalist, responsive, jQuery based image lightbox plugin used to overlay your images on top of the current page......

Yet another select box replacement jQuery plugin that transforms the regular select into an HTML list based multi-select dropdown list with icons support......
Select Drop-Down-list

A minimalist social sharing jQuery plugin to create plain social share links that open a new window to share your content on social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+ and Email......

The jQuery ParaLasic plugin applies a subtle smooth parallax scroll effect to backgrounds using CSS background-position property and a little bit of JavaScript......
parallax scrolling

flextable is a tiny responsive table plugin which automatically converts a wide html table into a more readable HTML unordered list on mobile devices......

Bootstrap Dual Listbox is a responsive and touch enabled jQuery dual select boxes plugin for Bootstrap that allows you to move items between 2 list boxes......
Bootstrap bootstrap-4 Dual-List-Box

Picklist is a simple, dynamic dual list box plugin to create two side-by-side list boxes that allow items in one list to be moved to the other......
Multiple-Select Dual-List-Box

A dead simple jQuery plugin which helps you render a minimalist analog clock on the webapp using CSS3 2D transform properties (translate and rotate). Fully customizable via CSS......

SimpleSelect is a jQuery plugin which turns the standard select box into a minimal clean dropdown list with fuzzy search (live filter) support. The plugin supports both static and dynamic datasets......
Select live-search Drop-Down-list Drop-Down

A jQuery Plugin helps you create multiple lists (ol and ul) from a single list ordering the items vertically or horizontally......

jquery.ui.autocomplete.scroll.js is a jQuery extension for the jQuery UI autocomplete widget that makes the suggestion list scrollable and allows to specify the maximum number of entries to show......
jQuery-UI Autocomplete

The Calendar.js jQuery plugin makes it easier to embed a simple calendar widget into the webpage......

HZpagination.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin which provides a convenient and client-side pagination experience on your long html lists......

autocompleteDropdown is a jQuery plugin that transforms the normal select element into a searchable dropdown list just like the autocomplete input interface......
Autocomplete Drop-Down-list

DropKick is a fast jQuery plugin that turns a standard html select box into a clean and skinnable drop down list that supports native keyboard navigation and dynamic selects. How to use it: 1. Include the latest jQuery java script.....
Drop-Down-list Drop-Down-Menu Drop-Down

StarRating is a really small jQuery rating system plugin which converts a standard HTML unordered list into a star rating control using Font Awesome for rating symbols......
Rating star-rating

jAudio is a small jQuery plugin which converts audio links into a minimal HTML5 audio player with play and pause controls......

hype.js is a small and easy-to-use jQuery plugin used for generating a dynamic, cross-fading slideshow from a sequence of images you specify in the JavaScript......

The Bootstrap-DDL jQuery plugin replaces the default Bootstrap dropdown list with extra functionalities such as custom styling, multiline options and dynamic data loading......
Bootstrap Select Drop-Down-list

json-list is a lightweight, jQuery based JSON To List generator that dynamically renders a nested HTML ordered/unordered list from hierarchical JSON data......

This is a minimal, clean Audio player plugin with playlist support, built using jQuery library, Bootstrap 4 framework, Material Icons and jQuery UI slider widget......
Bootstrap bootstrap-4 audio-player

LobiList is a simple, powerful, ajax-enabled jQuery todo list management plugin that uses jQuery UI for drag and drop support and Bootstrap for list styles & action icons......
Bootstrap jQuery-UI todo-list

multiSelect.js is a basic jQuery dual list box plugin where the users are able to select/deselect options between panels using Left/Right arrows or move items by using double-click......
Multiple-Select Dual-List-Box

jqlistbox is a powerful jQuery plugin used to render a dynamic list box from a JavaScript array containing any kind of items......

asHoverScroll is a jQuery plugin which allows a long list of items to be moved horizontally or vertically within a specified container based on the mouse movement......

This is a jQuery plugin that enhances the default Bootstrap 4 dropdown components with live search, multiple selection, custom styling, select/deselect all support......
Bootstrap Select bootstrap-4 Drop-Down-list

Parts Selector is a simple, animated dual list box plugin for jQuery that allows to move list items between 2 list boxes side by side......
Multiple-Select Dual-List-Box

input-to-dropdown is a jQuery plugin for Bootstrap that converts a group of checkboxes or radios into a dropdown list for better user experiences......
Bootstrap Checkbox radio-button

selectstyle is a lightweight jQuery plugin that transforms the regular select box into a searchable dropdown list with custom styles......
Select Drop-Down-list

jpreview is a really small jQuery plugin which allows you to preview images before uploading. Supports single or multiple file input......
file-input Image-Preview

lazy.js is a very small jQuery lazy load plugin which can be used to save load time and data usage by avoiding downloading images that are out of the viewport......

This is a super small responsive sidebar navigation (aka off-canvas menu) built with HTML, CSS/CSS3, jQuery and Font Awesome......
Off-Canvas-menu Sidebar

asChoice is an easy jQuery plugin that turns the standard select list into other selectable elements like grouped buttons, labels and inline elements......
Select Multiple-Select

image-popup.js is a dead simple & CSS less jQuery image lightbox plugin which could be used to overlays your images on the top of the webpage......

A small jQuery plugin used to create a dynamic datalist for the input field that contains a set of options representing the available values while typing......
Autocomplete datalist

bootstrap-prettyfile.js is an extremely lightweight jQuery plugin which adds a pretty file select button to the default Bootstrap file input field......
Bootstrap file-input

This is a minimal hamburger navigation for your responsive, cross-platform webpage/webapp that slides down a dropdown menu on toggle using jQuery animate method......
mobile-menu Drop-Down-Menu

A minimal, CSS-less jQuery plugin for CRUD lists/tables/forms which allows you to add(clone)/remove items/rows/fields in your dynamic lists, tables or forms......