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114 JQuery Timer Plugins

Are you looking for JQuery Timer Plugins If yes then you are on right place because here we have collected most popular 114 JQuery Timer Plugins for you. you can choose any of following JQuery Timer Plugins which suits best to your web based projects, These all are highly rated JQuery Timer Plugins.

jTimer is a jquery plugin for time that control the time with a structure like strftime with a high perfomance. .....

Fast timer plugin for countdown and count forward. With this plugin you can easily put a timer on your site, it works both ways. You can use two version, one version is the version for modern browsers with the standards of the ES2.....
Core Java Script

Simple timer plugin for jQuery. It provides basic and simple functionalities to create, start, stop, reset and read timer values. Some features:save\restore: timer instance can be saved and re-createdstandby-proof: timer keeps tra.....

jQuery plugin of countdown on html-page.Callback after the end of the countdown timer with the possibility of changing the structure of the timerPeriodic counting with the specified periodThe effect of fading in the countdownThe c.....

Simple Timer is a jQuery plugin that creates a countdown timer. .....

Pietimer injects a canvas element into the page which has an ever reducing pie shaped timer. Once the timer is complete a callback function is performed. .....
HTML5 Plugins

We made a small JavaScript application that conforms to Google’s Material Design Guidelines. It consists of three parts – an alarm clock, a stopwatch and a timer. The application is responsive and has a bunch of subtle anima.....
CSS Plugins

Start/Stop/Resume/Remove a timer inside any HTML element.By this jQuery plugin you can start a timer and execute a function after a certain duration. .....

jQuery Progress timer is a jquery extension that extends the functionality of the Bootstrap progress bar. .....
Bootstrap Plugins

countdownTimer is a reverse count down jQuery plugin for displaying countdown as per your need. It also displays current time. .....

So why use this library when there are many others with the same name? Well, this library was created because the other solutions weren’t abstract enough to provide a deep level of customization without rewriting the code. (Besi.....
Core Java Script

Smart Timer And Counter is a jQuery plugin that can be used to add timers and clocks to the web page. Plugin is highly configurable and expandable through custom skins (visual component), modes (clock/timer logic) and languages (t.....
Plugins Premium Responsive

Basically setTimeout with more options in jQuery. .....

When building a coming soon or event page, you find yourself in search for a good way to display the remaining time. A countdown gives the feel of urgency, and combined with an email field will yield more signups for your newslett.....

Pietimer injects a canvas element into the page which has an ever reducing pie shaped timer. .....
Animation Plugins Web

Demonstration of the jQuery plug-in written by Keith Wood. This timer counts down until New Year's day of the following year. .....

Changes background color and 1/2 and 1/4 of total time. Takes value from hidden field and counts down. .....

Written in Coffeescript. Efficient countdown timer. .....

Countdown Timer in the IMA HTML5 SDK. .....

I made this to time scrum daily meetings. It's a countdown timer of 60 seconds, activated by keypress. .....

Simple countdown timer using javascript. Testing for use in an HTML5 app. .....

My dailyui entry #14, countdown timer. This one is a simple pomodoro timer (25 minutes on, 5 minutes off) using Vue.js .....

Simple countdown timer stored for convenience sake from (https://mindgrader.com/tutorials/1-how-to-create-a-simple-javascript-countdown-timer). .....

Countdown to specific days in the year .....

Based on and all credits go to Oleg Frolov https://dribbble.com/shots/2343572-Countdown-timer .....

A simple countdown to a defined point relative to the current time in the user's browser. .....

A how-to for a countdown clock. .....

Countdown Timer With JavaScript use setInterval(), clearInterval(), math.floor(), innerHTML .....

Countdown Timer to my next Birthday .....

Circular Countdown using only HTML, CSS, Javascript (no jQuery). Great for any sort of Coming Soon pages. .....

Widget countdown timer menjelang idul fitri .....

Pie timer with CSS Jquery using linear-gradient. .....

Uses purse CSS animations for a 60 second countdown .....

simplyCountdown.js is a dead simple JavaScript library used to create a highly configurable and styleable countdown timer for your coming soon / under construction page......
countdown timer

PsgTimer is an easy, modern, cross-browser countdown timer plugin for creating a digital clock that counts down from a date to another date you provide......
countdown timer

A minimal, cross-browser jQuery plugin which helps you create an easy-to-style countdown timer without writing any JavaScript......
countdown timer

A minimal jQuery countdown clock plugin which allows you to count down to a target date time with the support of custom UTC Timezone offset......
countdown timer

Countdown is a simple jQuery countdown timer plugin for counting down minutes and seconds from any time to zero......
countdown timer

Countdown.js is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin which allows you to create an easily styleable countdown timer which supports various valid date/time/duration strings......
countdown timer

Countimer is a tiny, easy-to-use jQuery plugin to create a highly customizable Count Up Timer (Stopwatch) that could be useful for everyone who needs a simple counter......
counter count-up timer stopwatch

A notification manager for jQuery for creating toast-like, non-blocking notification popups with countdown timer bars......
Notification toast-message growl-notification

TimerTabPanel is a lightweight jQuery extension for jQuery UI that automatically switches between jQuery UI tabs at a given speed......
jQuery-UI tabs

The epcounter(endless promotion counter) jQuery plugin lets you create a product discount countdown to show the visitors how much time is left for the discounted price......
countdown timer counter

mbCoimingsoon is a responsive jQuery counter plugin that allows to count down in seconds, minutes, hours and days to any date, with a simple flip animation and callback support......
countdown counter timer

A fancy jQuery timepicker plugin which lets you create an interactive, Android inspired, Analog Clock-style time picker for your input field......

timeRangeWheelSlider is a jQuery plugin to create a circular, SVG-based, touch-enabled, knob-style, 24-hour time range selector (duration picker) using d3.js library......
Time-Picker Duration-Picker

A beautiful, animated, and customizable date countdown timer built with C3counter.js jQuery plugin......
countdown timer

The pomodoro-clock.js jQuery plugin lets you create a responsive Pomodoro Timer using the Pomodoro time management technique (25 minutes work and 5 minutes break intervals)......
timer Pomodoro-clock

LED.js is a jQuery plugin used to create vector SVG based, LED display style countdown, timer and clock components on your web application......
countdown timer LED-display

A jQuery plugin for creating an easy-to-style digital clock to count down from a specific date on your coming soon/under construction pages and event landing pages......
countdown timer

simpleTimer is super tiny jQuery plugin used to generate a simple countdown timer widget that is easy to style using your own CSS and has callback functions support......
countdown timer

Yet another jQuery plugin for creating a pretty cool, scoreboard style flipping clock to countdown to or from a given date & time......
countdown timer flip-clock

jQuery countdown is a simple plugin for creating a customizable countdown timer which supports standard/compact formats or custom layout......
countdown timer

yuukCountdown.js is a simple, straightforward jQuery plugin used to create a timer clock that counts down in days, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds to a given date time......
countdown timer

The SVG Timer jQuery plugin allows you to draw a SVG based hexagon countdown timer that uses CSS transition-timing-function for the smooth transition effects......
SVG countdown timer counter count-up

A pretty cool jQuery timer picker plugin which enables the user to select a time range from a circular SVG based clock interface......

polartimer.js is a jQuery countdown timer plugin which draws an animated, configurable, SVG based circle to represent the remaining time......
countdown timer

vtimer is a very small (~2kb) and cross browser jQuery plugin used to generate customizable, event-based countdown timers on the webpage......
countdown timer

countdown.js is a jQuery countdown plugin which counts down from a specific date and injects countdown elements (ie, days, hours, minutes) into selected elements......

uiTimeBomb is a really simple jQuery plugin that provides a flexible way to create countdown timers with custom output formats on the webpage......
countdown timer

Just another jQuery dependent countdown timer with callback support that has the ability to auto pause when the current page loses focus......
countdown timer

Counter.js is a small jQuery counter plugin that allows to count to or down from a given number at a custom speed, with easing effects support (jQuery easing plugin required.)......
countdown timer counter count-up easing

downtime-timer is a very small jQuery plugin used to create a countdown timer with timezone support for coming soon / under construction pages......
countdown timer

Yet another jQuery countdown plugin that displays how many years, days, hours, minutes, and seconds left from a given date/time......
countdown timer

countdown360 is a simple nice jQuery countdown timer plugin which allows you to count down to a number of seconds as a circular progress bar......
countdown timer counter

A simple, jQuery based timer web application with alarm sound effects that follow the familiar Pomodoro time management technique......
timer Pomodoro-clock

A simple yet multi-functional online Pomodoro (Tomato) technique timer with sound effects built using jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap framework......
timer Pomodoro-clock

mtimepicker is a jQuery plugin for converting a normal text field into a time picker for easier time selection......

yourStopwatch is a based stopwatch / timer web app which uses Cookie JavaScript library to store current status and selected theme in local cookies......
timer stopwatch

countid is a multifunctional jQuery plugin used to create count up and countdown timers for your webpage or web application......
countdown timer counter count-up

easyTimer is a dead simple yet useful jQuery plugin that allows to show / hide web content based on the date & time you specify......

Circle Timer is a very lightweight jQuery plugin that lets you create a SVG-based circular pie-style countdown timer......
countdown timer

Workout Timer is a jQuery plugin used to create countup timers, countdown timers, interval timers, repeating timers with sound effects for your web applications......
countdown timer count-up

A simple jQuery timer app using the Pomodoro Techniqueâ„¢ which allows the visitor to start a 25 minute pomodoro, and the timer will go off once 25 minutes has elapsed......
timer Pomodoro-clock

UndoCountdown is a jQuery plugin which helps you create a basic countdown timer inside your action button......
countdown action-button

countTo is a small (~3kb unminified) jQuery timer plugin that dynamically counts up or down to a target number specified in the data-to and data-from attributes......
countdown timer counter count-up

Pietimer is a minimal, lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a circular, Html5 Canvas based pie timer with onComplete callback support......
countdown timer

Countdown is a cool and simple jQuery plugin for creating a mechanical scoreboard style countdown timer to display the remaining time in seconds, minutes, hours and days to any date......
Flip countdown timer flip-clock

Missofis is a jQuery plugin which allows you to create countdown timers, count-up timers and time counters with custom callbacks and output patterns on your web page......
countdown timer counter count-up

Final Countdown is a cool jQuery timer plugin used to countdown in seconds, minutes, hours and days to any date time, with a ring-style countdown indicator......
countdown timer counter

Countdown Clock is a small plain jQuery countdown timer plugin which counts down in years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds to a given date......
countdown timer

DownCount is a small countdown clock plugin for jQuery that counts down to a specified date time with support for timezone offset setting......
countdown timer

Timer.js is a jQuery based timer that can be used to replace the native JavaScript Timer functions such as setTimeout(), setInterval() and more......
countdown timer counter

Counter is a jQuery counter plugin which allows you to create a countdown & count-up timer with CSS3 powered number flipping effects......
countdown timer counter count-up flip-clock

Yet another jQuery countdown timer plugin that creates a CSS3 based circular ticking timer with custom duration and time units......
countdown timer

Backward Timer is a tiny jQuery plugin for creating a fully controllable countdown timer that runs backwards till it goes 00:00:00 where it will trigger a callback function......
countdown timer

flipTimer is a jQuery plugin which enables you to count down towards or count up from a certain time like a vintage flip clock......
countdown timer count-up flip-clock

Classy Countdown is a jQuery plugin that makes use of Html5 canvas to render a slick, circular, themeable countdown timer on your web page......
countdown timer

World Clock is a jQuery plugin to create an Apple iOS like clock web app that includes support for world clock, timer and stopwatch......
timer stopwatch

KitKatClock is a jQuery, Html5 and CSS3 powered time picker which allows you to pick a time from an Android 4.4 Kit Kat clock interface based on Html5 canvas element......
Time-Picker Canvas

Just another jQuery countdown plugin which allows you to countdown in seconds, minutes, hours, days and years to a target date/time......

A simple, easy-to-use yet highly customizable jQuery countdown plugin which helps you count down to any special date/event......

runner is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to create a customizable timer for counting time down or up, similar to a stopwatch......
countdown timer count-up

flipcountdown is a lightweight and fast jQuery flip clock plugin used to create an animated & vintage-style clock, countdown, or timer on your website......
Flip countdown timer flip-clock

FlipClock is a jQuery plugin for creating a clock & countdown timer that displays information in a digital format on a split flap display......
Flip countdown timer flip-clock

A beautiful and Lightweight Countdown Plugin built with jquery.countdown.js weighs just 1.7 KB......
countdown timer

Pomodoro is a jQuery timer plugin designed for personal time management app based on Pomodoro Technique and jQuery Mobile......
timer Pomodoro-clock jQuery-Mobile

Yet another jQuery timer plugin used to display a digital countdown counter/timer to a given time. It also has the ability to execute a function when the counter is finished......
countdown timer