#Pomodoro Clock
##Purpose of Project The goal of this project is to build a fully-functional pomodoro clock which would keep track of a user's break and work sessions. Users will be able to start,pause, and restart the the clock with a noice emitted between each session.
##Tools used in this project
- JQuery: utilized to interact with the DOM to create listen for events and execute callbacks which allow for the user to interact with the timer
- Node.js: utilizing node.js to work various npm packages which help streamline my workflow
- Gulp: utilize Gulp to concat, minify, parse, add prefixes, and compile sass and javascripts files
- Sassy sass: a scaffolding tool to better organize the projects sass structure -sass: as implied above
- A javascript enabled animation which moves a div across the circle as the timer countsdown.
- Plus and minus buttons which allows the user to set the break and work session duration
- Audio tags which chime when each session ends