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A notification manager for jQuery for creating toast-like, non-blocking notification popups with countdown timer bars.

Notification toast-message growl-notification



notificationManager Class by Efraim Meulenberg


Requires jQuery

The notification manager allows you to pop notifications into view using only a few lines of js. You can specify the container that holds the notifications when creating the class, as well as the screen position:

var nManager = new notificationManager({container: $( '#container'), position: "topleft" }); 

Or define them later using:

nManager.setContainer( $('#container') ); nManager.setPosition( "bottomleft" );           //String options: topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright 

The container can be a jQuery object, or a string used in a jQuery constructor.

Next, to display a notification, use any of the following:

nManager.addNotification( {     message: "Notification message here",       //string: notification text (Html supported)     animate: true,                              //boolean: animate the fade in and fade out      autoremove: true,                           //boolean: remove this notification after 6 seconds (adds progress bar animation)     backgroundColor: "#B5D3ED",                 //string: background color of the notification     progressColor: "#98BFE0"                    //string: color of the progress timer/bar }); 


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