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Bootbar is a lightweight and easy to use jQuery plugin styled with Bootstrap 3 that creates various types of stacked notification bars with simple slide away animations.

Bootstrap Notification Notification-bar



Build Status

Notifcation bar plugin for Bootstrap + jQuery / Zepto


<!-- We need jquery 1.8+ --> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>  <!-- Bootstrap CSS --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.1.1/css/bootstrap.css">  <!-- Bootstrap JavaScript --> <script src="http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.1.1/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>  <!-- Finally the bootbar CSS and JS --> <script src="bootbar.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="bootbar.css">


// Raise a simple info bar: $.bootbar.info("This is a simple info bar. Click the &times; to close.");  // See also: // $.bootbar.show // generic call // $.bootbar.warning // $.bootbar.danger // $.bootbar.success

Advanced Usage:

// Here are the defaults and the options available for configuration:  var options = {         autoDismiss: false,      // Don't automatically dismiss the bar.         autoLinkClass: true,     // onDraw callback         barType: "info",         // info box         dismissTimeout: 3000,    // 3 Seconds         dismissEffect: "slide",  // Slide away: (slide, fade)         dismissSpeed: "fast",    // Dismiss speed: (slow, fast)         onDraw: null,            // onDraw callback         onDismiss: null          // onDismiss callback };  // Feel free to change any of them to suit your needs. $.bootbar.show("This is a simple info bar. Click the &times; to close.", options);  // onDraw is a function that fires as soon as the bar is drawn: $.bootbar.info("", { onDraw: function() {     alert("This alert fires as soon as the bar is drawn."); }});  // onDismiss is a function that fires as soon as the bar is drawn: $.bootbar.info("", { onDismiss: function() {     alert("This alert fires as soon as the bar is closed."); }});  // dismissEffect supports a fade effect as well: $.bootbar.info("", { dismissEffect: "fade" });  // You can make your bars dismiss themselves on a timer: $.bootbar.info("", { autoDismiss: true }); 

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