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jQuery Submodal.js is a jQuery plugin extending Bootstrap Modal component that allows the visitors to open another modal window in a current opened modal window.

Modal Bootstrap



Add submodals to Bootstrap 3.x modals


You can install Submodal via bower

$ bower install submodal

Then include the JS and CSS in your page.

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="bs.sm.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="bs.sm.js"></script>


$ npm install $ npm run-script bower $ npm run-script build  # For watching $ npm run-script build-watch


Submodals are added to the .modal-body element of a modal. It's HTML structure is identical to regular modals excluding the following two differences

  • Sub Modals do not have a .modal-header element
  • Sub Modals must have a class of .submodal (in addition to .modal)
<div class="modal">     <div class="modal-dialog">          <div class="modal-content">             <div class="modal-header">[...]</div>             <div class="modal-body">                  <!-- Your Sub Modal, requires sub-modal class -->                 <div class="modal submodal">[...submodal content...]</div>                  <p>[parent modal content]</p>             </div>             <div class="modal-footer">[...]</div>         </div>     </div> </div>

## Data Attributes

This resembles Twitter Bootstrap's data API:


<a href="#my-submodal" class="btn" data-toggle="submodal">Open Submodal</a>


<a href="#my-submodal" class="btn" data-dismiss="submodal">Close Submodal</a>

// Show $('#my-submodal').submodal('show');  // Hide $('#my-submodal').submodal('hide');  // Toggle $('#my-submodal').submodal('toggle');

## Events
// Before submodal is shown $('#my-submodal').on('beforeShow', fn);  // After submodal is shown $('#my-submodal').on('show', fn);  // Before submodal is hidden $('#my-submodal').on('beforeHide', fn);  // After submodal is hidden $('#my-submodal').on('hide', fn);


There are some things to note when upgrading to the v2.0 version

  • Only supports Bootstrap 3.x
  • The subModal namespace has been renamed to submodal

Known Issues

Currently, there is a nasty overflow issue that may take a while to fix. Please reference the issues list.


MIT, dawg.

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