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Flythat is a robust jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create highly customizable modal boxes and popup windows through Html5 data-* attributes or explicit Javascript.

Modal popup


flythat - modal ~ flyover ~ popup ~ jQuery plugin

This is a helpful jQuery plugin to help create modals, flyovers or simple-popups.

The main job of fly that is help with the basic logic of centering, floating, fill backdrop/modal overlay, control the disposition, through explicit javascript or HTML5 data-* attributes.

No stylish CSS included or required, you can do your own modal design.

Basic Usage

First, but not required, you can attach the basic stylesheet file to your page:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="flythat/dist/jquery.flythat.css" /> <!-- Core basic -->

You can attach your own style to improve your popup/modal layout.

Now you can load the FlyThat javascript plugin file (jQuery required):

<script src="flythat/dist/jquery.flythat.min.js"></script>

Every modal container with css class "flythat" will automatically instance a FlyThat plugin object.

Follow the basic syntax:

<div class="flythat" id="simple-modal">     <a href="#close" class="close flythat-close">&times;</a>     <div class="modal-content">         <p>Lorem ipsum content.</p>     </div> </div>

As you can see, the class "close" in HTML element (anchor or button, for instance) trigger the close event and hide actual opened modal.

If you need a modal that automatic open with page load you can use the "autoOpen" attribute:

<div class="flythat" id="simple-modal" data-autoOpen="true">     <a href="#close" class="close flythat-close">&times;</a>     <div class="modal-content">         <p>Lorem ipsum content.</p>     </div> </div>

By the way if you want to open your modal by a clicking of button you can attach the attribute "data-flythat='#your-modal-id'":

<a href="#" data-flythat="#simple-modal">Click here</a>

Complete data-* attributes options

<div class="flythat"     data-position="center"     data-autoOpen="false"     data-autoClose="false"     data-width="false"     data-height="false"     data-fadeIn='normal'     data-fadeOut='normal'     data-closeClass='close'     data-closeEsc="true"     data-hideOnMobile="false"     data-backdrop='close'     data-backdropClass="false"     data-backdropColor='#333333'     data-backdropColorRGBA='rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)'     >     <!-- modal content goes here --> </div>

Javascript usage

If you don't want to use the automatic class "flythat" in your modal container, you are free to manually instance the flythat plugin:

<script> $("#simple-modal").flythat({     position: "center", // left, right, left-bottom, right-bottom, center, [x, y] or a function     autoOpen: false, // set true for auto open with page load     autoClose: false, // set milliseconds (number) to auto close modal after X milisencods     width: false, // force a width for automatic position calc     height: false, // force a height for automatic position calc     fadeIn: 'normal', // normal, fast, slow, milliseconds (number) or false     fadeOut: 'normal', // normal, fast, slow, milliseconds (number) or false     closeClass: 'close', // if you need change the close trigger class     closeEsc: true, // allow automatic modal hiding by ESC key     hideOnMobile: false, // set true if you don't want to use flythat in mobile devices     backdrop: 'close', // false, true or 'close' - to close on backdrop/overlay click     backdropClass: false, // custom aditional class for backgrop/overlay     backdropColor: '#333333', // base color for old browsers     backdropColorRGBA: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)' // rgba colors for modern browsers with alpha channel }); </script>

How to show or hide

If you need to manually show or hide your modal:

<script> $("#simple-modal").flythat({     ....... });  $("#my-button").on('click', function(event) {     event.preventDefault();      $("#simple-modal").flythat("show"); // show, hide or toggle }); </script>

Javascript Events

For monitoring the events of modal:

<script> $("#simple-modal").flythat({     ....... });  $("#simple-modal").on('show.flythat', function(event, el, instance) {     // do something when modal opens }); $("#simple-modal").on('hide.flythat', function(event, el, instance) {     // do something when modal closes }); </script>


There are a lot of examples in demos folder.

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