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Dialog is a simple yet robust modal & dialog box plugin built with jQuery and CSS3 that is fully customizable, responsive-aware, and easily stylable.

Modal Dialog


jQuery Dialog!

What could possibly go wrong with another one of these?

Oh, the dialogs!




Reference jquery.dialog.js somewhere. You'll also need to add the dialog.css stylesheet as well, unless you want them to look bad.

If you're feeling frisky, you can also rock the dialog.less file and configure Less compilation.

Browser Support

  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • IE9+
  • Maybe IE8 if you change rgba() values to use opacity


Default options:

$.dialog({ 	// body of the dialog, either a string, a jQuery instance, or 	// a function that returns the body in a callback 	body: '',  	// title text 	title: '',  	//HTML or jQuery/DOM for footer 	footer: '',  	// position the dialog at a specific place, e.g. { top: 40, left: 100 } 	position: null,  	// dynamically keep the dialog in the center of the screen 	dynamic: true,  	// use an overlay to prevent interaction with the background     modal: false,      // dimensions of the dialog     width: null,     height: null,      // with "modal: true", specifies whether clicking on the background     // will close the dialog     closeOnMaskClick: true,      // close the dialog when the user presses ESC     closeOnEscape: true,      // show the li'l "X" in the top right corner     closeX: true,      // with "modal: true", allow scrolling of the background     allowScrolling: false,      // top and left gutter for long/wide dialogs     gutter: 20,      // event callbacks (always remember to invoke the callback argument!)     onHiding: function(catalyst, callback) { callback(); },     onShowing: function(callback) { callback(); },      // enable CSS transitions for the modal mask     transitionMask: true,      // show some buttons (see examples below)     buttons: {} });

Here's how you might actually use it:

$('button').click(function() { 	var dialog = $.dialog({ 		body: 'If I said you had a nice body would you hold it against me?', 		title: 'Corny pickup lines', 		buttons: { close: 'Close' } 	});  	dialog.show(); //you can also pass { show: true } to the options  	window.setTimeout(function() { 		dialog.hide(); 	}, 1000);  	// you can also get a hold of ALL dialogs: 	$('.dialog-container').dialog('hide'); });


The dialog emits two events: hide and show. They are emitted when the dialog has been hidden, and when the dialog has been shown. I'll let you figure out which event does which.


git clone git@github.com:tmont/jquery-dialog.git cd jquery-dialog npm install npm start

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