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UndoCountdown is a jQuery plugin which helps you create a basic countdown timer inside your action button.

countdown action-button


jQuery UndoCountdown

UndoCountdown is a tiny jQuery plugin that allows you to attach a countdown to a button (or other HTML element) click. If the countdown finishes without being undone, a provided function will run. This is great for sensitive tasks that users may accidentally trigger, like sending or deleting a message.


Include the plugin after the jQuery library:

<script src="/path/to/jquery.js"></script> <script src="/path/to/jquery.undoCountdown.js"></script>


Create your button (or other HTML element):

<button type="button" id="undo">Click me!</button>

Give the button some undo love:


This is enough to start a five (5) second countdown on button click. Of course since we haven't supplied the plugin with some code to execute, nothing will happen when the countdown reaches zero (0).

Let's have the button fire off an alert after a four (4) second coutdown:

$("#undo").undoCountdown({   seconds: 4,   onComplete: function() {     alert("Countdown completed.");   } });


Name Type Description Values Default
seconds Number The number of seconds to countdown Number 5
term String The term to display during the countdown String 'Undo'
showCountdown Boolean Whether or not to show the countdown timer true,false true
onComplete Function The function to execute after the countdown has finished Function function() { return true; }


Working samples can be seen here.

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