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text-countdown.js is a simple lightweight jQuery countdown plugin that outputs the remaining time in a human readable format.

Relative-Date countdown



Simple jQuery Relative Time Countdown Plugin



Get Started

Input date timezone is UTC. Output is localized.

<div class="countdown-timer"   data-month="7"   data-day="4"   data-year="2013"   data-hour="17"   data-prefix="The sale starts in"   data-suffix=". Hooray!"   data-delimiter="and" ></div>  <script>   $('.countdown-timer').textCountdown(); </script>

Output looks something like:

The sale starts in about 6 days and 3 hours. Hooray! 

Yes, you can style the output to your heart's content.

<div class="text-countdown-container">   <span class="text-countdown-prefix">The sale starts in</span>   <span class="text-countdown-about">about</span>   <span class="text-countdown-days">     <span class="text-countdown-num">6</span>     <span class="text-countdown-label">days</span>   </span>   <span class="text-countdown-delimiter">and</span>   <span class="text-countdown-remainder">     <span class="text-countdown-lessthan">less than</span>     <span class="text-countdown-num">3</span>     <span class="text-countdown-label">hours</span>   </span>   <span class="text-countdown-suffix">. Hooray!</span> </div>

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