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118 JQuery Flip Plugins

Are you looking for JQuery Flip Plugins If yes then you are on right place because here we have collected most popular 118 JQuery Flip Plugins for you. you can choose any of following JQuery Flip Plugins which suits best to your web based projects, These all are highly rated JQuery Flip Plugins.

Flipping is a library and collection of adapters for implementing FLIP transitions.Demo1 Demo2 Demo3 .....
Animation Core Java Script

3D FlipBook is WordPress plugin that allows to browse images, PDFs or HTMLs as a flipping book. It can be used for demonstration magazines, books, cards, brochures, booklets and much more in natural way. It helps to attract user a.....
Plugins Premium

Flip is a lightweight jQuery plugin to create 3d flip animation. .....

Flip Box is a simple and easy customizable flip animation. It’s made with Bootstrap responsive design and some awesome animations. It’s solution for creating beautiful Flip Boxs or Flip Cards without customize any javascript c.....
Animation Plugins Premium

Create beautiful and interactive flipbooks, magazines or books. Magalone automatically converts your existing PDF document into an interactive and state of the art flipbook. No dependencies on other libraries like jQuery or Bootst.....
Core Java Script Premium

A jQuery plugin that allows you to dynamically change the background colors of a container or div with a couple lines of code. .....

DFlip is a high quality, realistic flipbook plugin for WordPress with smooth effects to stun your viewers. It has PDF support inbuilt and you can have easy PDF integration without any extra extension. It’s very responsive and de.....
CSS HTML5 Plugins Premium Wordpress

A jquery plugin that allows you to dynamically change the background Image of a container or div. .....
Plugins Slider

Flipside is a button that seamlessly transitions from action to confirmation. .....
Animation CSS Popup Window

Book can read PDF files without converting to jpg files. Used is an awesome library PDF.js. PDF.js works in the following browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Opera, IE10+. Limited support for Safari, Android and IE9. .....
Plugins Premium

Simple card flip animation using jQuery and CSS3 animations. .....
Animation CSS

FlipPhone is a jQuery plugin for ‘flipping’ letters to numbers via CSS3 animations. .....
Animation CSS Plugins Text Effect

Whether you’re showing your designs to a client or just want an online business card, this 3D flipper is a creative and fun way to show off your work. You can include designs of any size, so it doesn’t even need to be a busine.....
Core Java Script Plugins

A lightweight jQuery plugin to create 3d flip animation. .....

The beautiful jQuery plugin for photographers and designers. With OneBook3D you can easily create an eye-catching presentation of your books, magazines or portfolio. Flexible, adaptive and customizable design. Auto resizing images.....
Plugins Zoom

Wodry.js is a simple jQuery plugin for a text flipping/rotating written in CoffeeScript. It was inspired by the Adjector.js. Wodry.js does the same things but it has new features that allow you to set animation from animations col.....
Animation Plugins Text Effect

In this tutorial I’ll help you add one such snippet to your own website. Adjector.js is a flexible, minimal and elegant content flipper/rotator which takes only a few minutes to integrate.Adjector.js is a great jQuery plugin whi.....
Animation CSS Plugins Text Effect

This is an online solution for Design Flip Books with custom Backgrounds, Motives and Texts. .....
Plugins Premium

flipgrid.js is a simple, content-focused photo gallery inspired by Microsoft’s Metro interface and CSS 3D transitions. .....
CSS Gallery Plugins

Create a dynamic multi level flip out cards with jQuery.Modern browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari on both desktop and smartphones have been tested. I have not tested this on IE. .....

FlipBook is based on the library turn.js 3rd release. Library “turn.js 3rd release” is not included.reverse flip book for the eastern countries (right to left) any width for Flipbook, you can add to your site – working on la.....
Plugins Premium Responsive

flipbook is based on the library turn.js 3rd release. Library “turn.js 3rd release” is not included.Features:works on the iPad,iPhone etc. ( no Flash Player needed )support for tags in WYSIWYG editor.reverse flip book for the .....
Plugins Premium Responsive Wordpress

jQuery Flip-Quote creates a pull-quote from a text quote found in the document that flips once it’s scrolled into view. It also has a click feature that scrolls into and highlights the quote origin on the document.The plugin.....
Plugins Text Effect

The most realistic paper animationreal 3d – lights, shadows, page bendingeasy to use and customizeresponsive design – book resizes so it fits screen width or screen height depending on the layout, thumbnails are placed horizon.....
Plugins Premium Responsive Wordpress

So why use this library when there are many others with the same name? Well, this library was created because the other solutions weren’t abstract enough to provide a deep level of customization without rewriting the code. (Besi.....
Core Java Script

Create a ticking text intro animation for your typography with jQuery.With this plugin, you can use a markup to set the delay between each intro animation. .....
Plugins Text Effect

Today, I would like to show you another jQuery plugin of mine called Flipping Gallery that will let you add a simple but beautiful 3D flip gallery right on your website with a simple markup and one simple function call.Flipping Ga.....
Gallery Plugins

Flipping Gallery let you create a simple but beautiful 3D flipping gallery using minimal HTML markups and one JS call.Modern browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari on both desktop and smartphones have been tested. .....
Gallery Plugins

FlipHTML5 is a free Flip Book Maker which can convert PDF to HTML5 & jQuery flipbook, also support converting MS Office, OpenOffice and Images to HTML5 and jQuery based page flip ebook.Add YouTube video, local video player, au.....
HTML5 Plugins

Flipping HTML elements to show a loading indicator easily.It’s compatible with:ChromeFirefoxSafari .....
Animation Core Java Script

An experiment/hack using getUserMedia to watch for swipes left and right with a hand. This could be applied to many different uses. Flipping through pictures in an image carousel, moving to the next item in a list, flipping pages .....

flipLightBox is a free Responsive Lightbox jQuery Plugin that is extremely easy to implement and doesn’t require any additional stylesheets, scripts or libraries. Its main feature is an optional flip effect as each lightbox .....
Plugins Popup Window Responsive

Flippant.js is a mini javascript and CSS3 library that lets you flip things over. It has zero dependencies, is easily customized, and exports a single function: flip. .....
Animation Core Java Script CSS Popup Window

flipGallery is a free and lightweight jQuery powered photo gallery with sleek flipping transitions between thumbnails and lightbox enlargements. Other features include dynamic image streaming, auto pagination, auto cropping and tr.....
Animation Gallery Plugins

jQuery Flipster is a CSS3 3D transform-based jQuery plugin that replicates the familiar ‘cover flow’ effect. It’s responsive, so it will automatically center itself and scale down to fit the area provided. It lik.....
CSS Plugins

HexaFlip is a JavaScript UI plugin that let’s you use 3D cubes as interface elements. Dive into the process of creating the plugin and learn some best practices regarding flexible UI plugins.I originally developed a simpler .....
Animation Core Java Script CSS

Responsive design – book resizes so it fits screen width or screen height depending on the layout, thumbnails are placed horizontally or vertically depending on the layout.Features:optimized for mobile – look and feel of a nat.....
CSS Plugins Premium Responsive

Today we want to share a simple and fun circular slideshow with you. It’s an experimental concept and the idea is to flip a circle in a specific angle depending on which spot of the circle we click. There are three different pos.....
Plugins Slider

FlipBook will take a sequential time series of images and animate them. Each image is shown for a short period of time and then replaced by the next image in the series. The animation begins as soon as the first image is loaded; i.....
Animation Image Effects jQuery UI Plugins

FlipPage is a jQuery plugin that creates the illusion of turning the pages of a book. Originally developed for a presentation on touch pad, it can also find its place in an application such as e-book. This plugin was developed to.....
CSS HTML5 Plugins

A tutorial on how to create a fullscreen pageflip layout using BookBlock. The idea is to flip the content like book pages and access the pages via a sidebar menu that will slide out from the left. .....
Plugins Web

jQuery Responsive flipbookresponsive designdouble pagesno Flash Player needed (works on the Ipad etc.)show all pagesexcellent tools to zoomajax form .....
Ajax Plugins Premium Responsive

Recently the ‘flip book’ effect has become really popular on a lot of websites, so I got to thinking about how you could go about pulling off that effect using some jQuery and CSS3. I find that most of the implementations of t.....
CSS Plugins Slider

BookBlock is a jQuery plugin that can be used for creating booklet-like components that allow a “page flip” navigation. Any content can be used, such as images or text. The plugin transforms the structure only when needed (i.e.....
Gallery Plugins Slider

flipsnap.js is snap scroll for touch device.It supports :iOS Safari (iOS4+)Android Browser (Android 2.1+) (*1)Android Firefox Mobile 9.0+Android Opera Mobile 11.50+ .....
jQuery Mobile Slider

In this tutorial, we are going to apply card flip effect to a set of thumbnail gallery. We just want to demonstrate one of the simple way to use it. One thing though, CSS 3D transform is not a mature standard yet and only modern b.....
CSS Gallery

In this tutorial we will create a circle with a handle which will open once the little handle is clicked, creating a realistic 3D flipping effect with the help of CSS 3D transforms and shadows/gradients.Today I would like to show .....
Animation CSS Gallery

There are many ways on displaying our portfolio, one of them is using grid style with slider effect for pagination. In this tutorial I’m going to share about how to displaying our portfolio grid with flipping slider effect for p.....
Animation CSS Slider

Totally javascript Book Flip for page turn effects. Bookflip engine has been totally rebuilt for better modern browser performance(IE8 & 9).Place any html code within the books pages – div id=”pages” (#no lon.....
Core Java Script

This is a wonderful implementation of page flipper entirely based on HTML 5 <canvas> tag. It means that it can work in any browser that supports HTML 5 standard draft – just out of the box! .....
HTML5 Plugins

FlippingBook WordPress Gallery Plugin is a full integrated image gallery plugin for WordPress with page flipping effect. Allows you to create flash books with page flip effect directly from the administrator panel via a specifical.....
Gallery Wordpress

flipCounter is a jQuery plugin that turns a boring ‘ole number into a big, beautiful analogue display. Count down the days until the apocalypse, make your own debt clock or throw back to the 90s and resurrect the hit-counter.....
Animation Plugins

Today we want to share an experimental 3D layout with you. It’s inspired by the famous Flipboard app where a seamlessly “normal” page flips like a page in a book when swiped. We’ve tried to re-create that effect using CS.....
Responsive Web

Flippy is a cross-browser flip effect plugin for jQuery which allows you to flip whatever html element you want.The Flippy plugin works fine for every modern web browser except Internet Explorer 8 and before (of course
). In t.....
Gallery Plugins

In this tutorial we are going to use PHP and the turn.js plugin, an implementation of the page flip effect with pure CSS3 and jQuery, to build a pretty magazine. We will fetch the most popular images from Instagram every hour, and.....

The imBookFlip jQuery plugin can load a book in an iframe or directly on the page. The book’s pages can be set to turn when manually clicked only, begin auto flip (turn automatically) as soon as the html page loads, or begin.....

Turn js is a plugin for jQuery that adds a beautiful transition similar to real pages in a book or magazine for HTML5. Being inspired by the effect of iBooks and Maps for iOS, I created two classes: one for manipulating the overal.....
HTML5 Plugins Web

Rotate3Di is a jQuery Effect Plugin that makes it possible to do an isometric 3D flip or 3D rotation of any HTML content. It also enables custom 3D rotation animations. .....
CSS Plugins

Booklet is a jQuery tool for displaying content on the web in a flipbook layout.It was built using the jQuery library. .....
Plugins Popup Window

An implementation available to display a vertical line of text.In CSS2, it is not possible to display vertical text.  The only offering an alternative browser is Internet Explorer, with css filter attributes and writing-mode. .....
Plugins Text Effect

QuickFlip works by using an animation shortcut that is barely noticeable when flipped quickly (hence the name). This shortcut improves performance while allowing the flip effect to work smoothly with any piece of markup regardless.....
Animation Gallery Plugins

In the previous tutorial we created a tutorial that was controlled by clicking the next link which took the top most image in a stack and placed it at the bottom of the stack, today we are going to automate the flipping through of.....
Animation CSS Gallery Slider

In this tutorial we will create a fullscreen gallery with jQuery. The idea is to have a thumbnail of the currently shown fullscreen image on the side that flips when navigating through the images. The big image will slide up or do.....
Animation CSS Gallery Slider Zoom

Flip is a jQuery plugin that will flip easily your elements in four directions. .....
Animation Gallery Plugins Slider Web

Since the promised new API is being letting itself waiting, this is a solution to style the flipper. https://github.com/objectivehtml/FlipClock/ .....

Clock, Timer, Countdown Works down to IE7 (despite missing colon-separators) -- Attention -- Code is in a bad shape and desperately crying for a refactoring - which will happen soonish. .....

flipclock is a flip clock jQuery plugin with CSS3 animations. Also, you can use it as a Zepto plugin. .....

Just another text animation plugin which reveals text with a configurable 3D flip effect using jQuery and CSS3 transforms and transitions......
text-animation Flip Text-Effect

digitScroller.js is a small jQuery plugin that makes uses of CSS transitions and transforms to perform a retro roll/flip animation between numbers......
text-animation flip-clock

The jquery.rotator.js plugin applies a configurable flip/rotate animation to a block element that can be used to reveal the front/back content when a given event is triggered......

The jQuery imgFlip plugin enables you to flip & mirror images horizontally and/or vertically using CSS3 transforms (for modern browsers) and CSS filters (for legacy browsers)......
Flip mirror

Flipbox is a jQuery plugin for creating horizontal or vertical sliders/carousels with a fast, performant 3D cube flip animation. Highly customizable and heavily based on CSS3 3D transforms......
3D Flip Carousel

Impulse Slider is a simple jQuery plugin that takes advantage of jQuery and CSS3 transforms / transitions to create a slider with 3D image flip effects......
Image-Slider Carousel 3D

The Elemental Dimensionizer jQuery plugin applies a CSS Transform based interactive rotate/flip effect to any HTML object that reacts to mousemove and touchmove events......
Rotate Flip

A fancy 3D site navigation concept that reveals a sidebar off-canvas menu by flipping the main content just like a 3D cube. Built using HTML, CSS/CSS3 and JavaScript(jQuery)......
side-menu off-canvas-menu

justFlipIt is a lightweight jQuery plugin that allows you to implement CSS3 based flip animations on any DOM elements......

This is a little jQuery script that makes use of CSS3 3D transforms to create a flipping cube navigation menu for your next creative web page......

Yet another jQuery plugin for creating a pretty cool, scoreboard style flipping clock to countdown to or from a given date & time......
countdown timer flip-clock

Just another jQuery & jQuery UI based flipper plugin which allows you to rotate an Html element using CSS3 3D transforms......
Rotate Flip 3D

A jQuery and CSS3 based modal popup which allows to reveal the hidden content with a 3D book flipping animation......
Modal Flip 3D

Yet another jQuery tooltip plugin which uses CSS3 animations to create 3D flipping tooltips on any DOM elements when mouse hovers......

Annalka is a lightweight and CSS less jQuery plugin used for flipping between multiple text messages with a random character transformation effect during changes......
Flip text-animation

Flip Popup is a tiny, simple jQuery plugin used to pop up a modal window with a cool CSS3 flip animation......
Modal Flip popup

Makes use of CSS3 transforms / transitions and a bit jQuery to create a cool 3D flipping circle which is great for online invitation cards......
Flip 3D

A cool, themeable, retina-ready, jQuery based accordion menu that opens with an awesome 3D flipping effect using several CSS3 properties......

Countdown is a cool and simple jQuery plugin for creating a mechanical scoreboard style countdown timer to display the remaining time in seconds, minutes, hours and days to any date......
Flip countdown timer flip-clock

Cover3D is a super tiny (~2kb unminified) jQuery plugin used to create 3D cover flip animations using CSS3 rotate and translate transforms......
Flip 3D

A lightweight jQuery extension that uses CSS3 transforms to create a beautiful retro-looking flip clock displaying the current local time......

Counter is a jQuery counter plugin which allows you to create a countdown & count-up timer with CSS3 powered number flipping effects......
countdown timer counter count-up flip-clock

flipTimer is a jQuery plugin which enables you to count down towards or count up from a certain time like a vintage flip clock......
countdown timer count-up flip-clock

bFlipText is a jQuery plugin which utilizes CSS3 magic to create retro looking flip effect on given text like the split flap display......
Flip text-animation

splitFlap is a jQuery plugin that flips text messages with sequential characters based on CSS3 transform and perspective properties. Similar to the airport flight board animation effect......
Flip text-animation

A jQuery plugin used to animate in a set of DOM elements sequentially with fade or flip effects powered by CSS3 transitions and transforms......
Flip fade fade-in

menuFlip is a fast and simple jQuery plugin that allows you to create flipping navigation menus. The flipped links have a class of ‘flipped_item’ by default so can style as you like......

A full page one page scrolling web page layout with right side dots/arrows navigation and smooth 3D flipping effects......
Flip One-Page-Scrolling page-slider 3D

Rocket Page Flip is a stylish jQuery slider plugin which allows you to navigate between Html elements with 3D flip effects......
Flip page-slider 3D

A cool jQuery & CSS3 based slideshow plugin which allows to cycle through a list of images with subtle 3D rotating/flipping effects......
Carousel Rotate Flip 3D

Flipper is a super tiny jQuery plugin to create image flip effect by rotating the front and back elements using CSS3 transitions and transforms......

A cool jQuery snippet to create text flip animation effect using CSS3 transitions and transforms, similar to the loading animation you see in some Google products/apps......
loading-spinner Rotate Flip

An animated 3D flipping cube content slider with navigation, built on top of jQuery and CSS3 transitions & transforms......
Flip Content-slider 3D

darktooltip is a jQuery and CSS3 based tooltip plugin for creating highly configurable, themeable and animated tooltips on any html elements......
Flip fade

CSS3 Animate It is a jQuery plugin that makes use of CSS3 animations to animate Html elements in when they come into view......
Rotate Flip fade Bounce pulse

flipcountdown is a lightweight and fast jQuery flip clock plugin used to create an animated & vintage-style clock, countdown, or timer on your website......
Flip countdown timer flip-clock

A small and cool jQuery plugin for creating a responsive & fullscreen presentation that allows you to slide through a set of Html contents like an 3D rotating cube......
Rotate Flip 3D Responsive

FlipClock is a jQuery plugin for creating a clock & countdown timer that displays information in a digital format on a split flap display......
Flip countdown timer flip-clock

Flip Carousel is a responsive jQuery carousel plugin that has the ability to flip carousel content like a card using CSS3 transitions, transforms, and perspectives......
Carousel Flip transforms transitions

Yet another jQuery plugin that makes it easy to flip an Html element like a card using CSS3 transition, transform, front and back properties......
Flip transforms transitions

Shuffle Text is a fancy jQuery plugin to add shuffle effect to text content, by flipping each letter of your text with sequential characters......
text-animation Flip Text-Shuffle

Text Rotator is a super tiny jQuery plugin used to sequentially or randomly rotate an array of text with 3D flip effects based on CSS3 transition, transform and perspective properties......
Flip text-rotator transforms transitions

Flipper is a jQuery plugin that makes use of CSS3 transform and perspective properties to flip an Html element and reveal the content on the back......

Timecube is a fancy jQuery timeline plugin that allows you to navigation through JSON based events by mouse or touch swipe in an animated 3D cube interface based on CSS3 perspective, transition and transform properties......
Flip Timeline 3D swipe transforms transitions

BoxRoll Slider is a slideshow plugin for jQuery that uses CSS3 transitions, transforms and perspectives to create a responsive image slideshow with 3D box flipping/rotating animations......
Flip 3D Responsive CSS3 transforms transitions

flippy is a jQuery plugin used to add a super simple rotating text to your webpage with an interesting text flip effect......
Flip text-rotator