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Just another text animation plugin which reveals text with a configurable 3D flip effect using jQuery and CSS3 transforms and transitions.

text-animation Flip Text-Effect


enter image description here


A flip text revealing effect with jQuery and tiny CSS.

How to use


TextyleFLIP.js requires jQuery and textyleF.js ( or textyleF.min.js).


<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="textyleF.min.js"></script> 

call ( most simply )


CSS (with vendor prefix, if necessary)

target element

opacity: 0;   perspective: xxx; //3d effective dose 

span (as child element)

flip effect

transform : rotateY(xxxdeg);  //you can also use 'rotateX' together.   (transform-origin : xxx;) //If you want.   

fade effect

opacity: 0; 

example 1

target { 	opacity: 0; 		perspective : 200px; } target span { 	/* flip effect */ 	transform : rotateY(-90deg); 	/* fade effect */ 	opacity: 0; } 

example 2

target { 	opacity: 0; 		perspective : 200px; } target span { 	/* flip effect */ 	transform : rotateY(-90deg) rotateX(45deg); 		transform-origin : -50% 75%; 	/* fade effect */ 	opacity: 0; } 


You can choose some following options or add callback function.
Values below is default.

$('target').textyleF({ 	duration : 1000, 	delay : 150, 	easing : 'ease', 	callback : null }); 

You can use CSS easing property or cubic-bezier as 'easing' property.


$('target').textyleF({   duration : 2000,   delay : 200,   easing : 'cubic-bezier(0.785, 0.135, 0.15, 0.86)',   callback : function(){     $(this).css({       color : '#fff',       transition : '1s',     });     $('.desc').css('opacity',1);   } }); 



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