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Yet another jQuery text animation plugin which prints text line-by-line with a typing animation similar to the typewriter and terminal.

Typing text-animation





TypeWriter.JS has an object named typeWriter. It has the following properties :

-> elmt  	# The id of the TypeWriter section, it can be anything you want (eg. : #typeWriter)  -> selector 	# Represents the DOM element  -> linesToDisplay 	# The array that represents all the lines you want to display. 	# Each element of the array represents a line.  -> firstDelay 	# Number of ms of the first delay, right before the very first line begins to be displayed  -> typingDelay 	# Number of ms for the delay of the display for each letters  -> afterLineDelay 	# Number of ms for the delay after each lines is displayed  -> endTimeOut 	# Number of ms for the delay after the user has pressed the Enter key  -> endText 	# The text that has to be displayed for TypeWriter.endTimeOut ms when the user has pressed the Enter key 

It also has the following methods :

-> typeIt() 	# The main function. 	# This is a recursive function that is called until the current element of the array has text to display. 	# If the current element has finished to be displayed, a event is triggered, which allows the program to 	# display the next line.  -> appendTypeWriterItem() 	# This method appends an empty span item into the TypeWriter.selector element. 	# If no args are given, it appends a span with no data attribute (usefull for displaying the very last  	# line). 	# Else, if an argument is given, it appends a span with a data-text attribut containing the text to display  -> start() 	# This is the method that starts the script. 	# This is where the custom event TypeWriter:linedisplayed triggered by the TypeWriter.typeIt() method is catched. 		-- Notice that when all the lines has been displayed, it triggers another custom event inside the  		on(TypeWriter:linedisplayed) function -- 	# Also catches the TypeWriter:finished custom event and waits for the user to press the Enter key. 

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