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Typing.js is a simple, lightweight jQuery/JavaScript typing animation plugin that allows to type an array of text strings in a selected element with custom caret character.

Typing text-animation



Simple and lightweight typing animations. Check the stress-test demo


The plugin is available in bower:

bower install typing.js


Typing.new('p', {sentences: ['Lorem ipSOM do', 'Lorem ipsum dolor SIT amet', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'] [...<other options>]});

or with jQuery:

... $('p').typing({ sentences: ['Lorem ipSOM do', 'Lorem ipsum dolor SIT amet', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'] [...<other options>]}); ...


Option Default Description
sentences ['Hello typing.js'] List of strings to render in the selected elements.
caretChar _ String that will be used as the caret character.
caretClass typingjs__caret Class to be used for the caret character. Can be styled using CSS.
ignoreContent false If set to true, the current content in the selected elements will be cleared without typing animation.
ignorePrefix false Typing animation stops on the common prefix between current sentence and next sentence. If set to true, the animation will ignore the prefix and delete all characters before starting next sentence.
typeDelay 50 The delay in milliseconds between each typed character.
sentenceDelay 750 The delay in milliseconds between each sentence.
humanize true Adds noise to typeDelay, so the typing looks less robotic.
onType undefined Callback that is called each time a new character is entered.
onBackspace undefined Callback that is called each time a new character is deleted.
onFinish undefined Callback that is called when the plugin finished its job.
onSentenceFinish undefined Callback that is called each time a sentence is finished.

Any alternatives?

The goal of this library is to be as lightweight and simple as posible, for another similar projects check typed.js

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