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Just another terminal-like typing animation plugin for jQuery that makes it possible to prints and rotates through an array of strings character by character.

Typing text-animation text-rotator



Hi This is my first JQuery Plugin inspired by mattboldt's typed.js
Create a typing text effect in your page



$("#typing").typing({ 	strings: ['a UI Developer !', 'a Front End Developer !!', 'a UX Designer !!!', 'Jeya Prakash :)'], 	eraseDelay: 10, 	typeDelay: 70, 	stringStartDelay: 1000, 	color: 'red', 	typingColor: 'black', 	typingOpacity: '0.1', 	loopCount: 3, 	cursorBlink: false, 	cursorChar: '<small>_</small>', 	fade: true, 	onTyping: function () { 		console.log('onTyping'); 	}, 	onFinishedTyping: function () { 		console.log('onFinishedTyping'); 	}, 	onErasing: function () { 		console.log('onErasing'); 	}, 	onFinishedErasing: function () { 		console.log('onFinishedErasing'); 	}, 	onAllTypingCompleted:function(){ 		console.log('onAllTypingCompleted'); 	}, 	onFinishedFadeErasing: function () { 		console.log('onFinishedFadeErasing'); 	} });

Default Options:

	// These are the defaults. 	strings: ['Default string 1', 'Default string 2', 'Default string 3', 'Default string 4'], 	eraseDelay: 25, 	typeDelay: 150, 	stringStartDelay: 2000, 	color: '#0094ff', 	typingColor: '#0094ff', 	typingOpacity: '0.3', 	loopCount: 1, 	cursorChar: '<span style="border:0.5px solid" />', 	cursorBlink: true, 	fade: false, 	onTyping:function () { }, 	onFinishedTyping: function () { }, 	onErasing: function () { }, 	onFinishedErasing: function () { }, 	onAllTypingCompleted: function () { }, 	onFinishedFadeErasing: function () { }

For Cursor Blink effect, Add this keyframe to ur css file:

@-webkit-keyframes blink {     0% {         opacity:1;     }      50% {          opacity:0;     }      100% {         opacity:1;     } }

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