A JQuery plugin which provides typing / deleting effect of words.
Click here to check the published page.
##How to use
It provide two functions:
$('.ele').qwerty({ typerString: "Hello", delay:100 , cursor:'|', cursorBlink:100 },callback) //'qwerty' is a function which type a string in provided element. $('.ele').qwertyDel({ delay:100 , cursor:'|', cursorBlink:100 },callback) //'qwertyDel' is a function which delete all the text in provided element.
typerString | delay | cursor | cursorBlink |
not default | default:100 | default:` | ` |
String | Number | String | Number |
The String you want to type. | The millisecond between each type. | The cursor character. | The interval between cursor's blink.(The cursor will blink if cursorBlink is defined) |
The 'callback' argument is not necessary, which will be excuted after the animation.
##Execute tips
If your Jquery object has more than one element, the typing animation will be executed by lines, and the cursor will stay at last element's end after the animation.
After the animation, the cursor will be set a timer of blink, which can be removed by clicking.
You can see how it goes in the example folder : )
If you find bugs or have some suggestion, contact me by lumpychen@outlook.com
Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Lumpy Chen