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textShake is a fancy, configurable text animation plugin for jQuery that enables you to print any text with a random char combination effect.



JQuery textShake v0.2

JQuery plugin that provides some animations to show text


Watch the demo included in the repo


  • JQuery 1.7+


$(element).textShake(); // Default options

Available options.

$(element).textShake({   // Trims spaces and breaklines surrounding text   trim_on_start: true,   // ms between every letter is drawn   letter_delay: 60,   // Splits words longest than 8 char to avoid random char combinations   // that may overflow your container <div>   // to disable set to false   split_words: 8,   // Starts automatically   autoplay: true,   // Measures text container initially and fixes its height   fix_heght: false,   onComplete: function( obj ) {     // Will be called on complete     console.log(obj);   } });

Launch effect programatically

// Start efect with autoplay set to false $(element).textShake({   autoplay: false });

Launch the effect callin .play() on the element:


This can be used to replay the effect again


  • 0.2 Small improvementents. trim_on_start param
  • 0.1 Initial

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